Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Hello everyone long time poster first time father in waiting. Just found out my wife is pregnant last Month. We're at 8 weeks today. It's scary man. I've always been one of those dudes up and down about wanting kids. Since I found the love of my life it's all I wanted. We're hoping thinking it's a girl.
Listened to the heart beat last weekend for literally 5 secs not enough time to get emotional. The lady just did a quick thing.
What was that fealing like when y'all saw and heard your baby after the first trimester.?
For us it was a BIG deal. We had a miscarriage after 6 weeks on our first try, so every time we went to the doctor for a checkup, we were literally holding our breath. When we finally got past the first trimester, and got to hear that strong, fast heartbeat... It was literally the greatest thing I've ever heard, only to be surpassed later by the sound of my just-born daughter emerging from her mother's womb. Buckle up, you're in for a wonderful ride. Congrats, and best of luck to you and mom!
Hello everyone long time poster first time father in waiting. Just found out my wife is pregnant last Month. We're at 8 weeks today. It's scary man. I've always been one of those dudes up and down about wanting kids. Since I found the love of my life it's all I wanted. We're hoping thinking it's a girl.
Listened to the heart beat last weekend for literally 5 secs not enough time to get emotional. The lady just did a quick thing.
What was that fealing like when y'all saw and heard your baby after the first trimester.?

Congrats fam!
Thanks for your guys responses. Scariest experience of my life watching my son convulse in my arms, eyes rolling back and turning blue. I guess its somewhat common and it's not life threatening/does not cause permanent brain damage. Worst part is once you have one, you have a higher chance to get another one before the age of two. I hope/pray that you dads don't ever have to experience it.

Went through this, too. I was actually holding her when it happened, and I rushed to called 911. Started walking out the house with her in my arms on the street barefooted until they saw me.

One of the most calm and frightening situation I've ever experience. And, I've been shot at and it didn't shook me like this.

My daughter was in the ICU after that seizure for a week. By the grace, she came out stronger.

My prayers to you fam.
Went through this, too. I was actually holding her when it happened, and I rushed to called 911. Started walking out the house with her in my arms on the street barefooted until they saw me.

One of the most calm and frightening situation I've ever experience. And, I've been shot at and it didn't shook me like this.

My daughter was in the ICU after that seizure for a week. By the grace, she came out stronger.

My prayers to you fam.
Thanks bro!

Like I said before, I wish this on nobody. Im glad to hear that your daughter is doing well! My little man seems to be back to normal now.
Hello everyone long time poster first time father in waiting. Just found out my wife is pregnant last Month. We're at 8 weeks today. It's scary man. I've always been one of those dudes up and down about wanting kids. Since I found the love of my life it's all I wanted. We're hoping thinking it's a girl.
Listened to the heart beat last weekend for literally 5 secs not enough time to get emotional. The lady just did a quick thing.
What was that fealing like when y'all saw and heard your baby after the first trimester.?

Everything happened pretty fast for us during the ultrasound at 3 months. I felt overwhelmed when I heard the heartbeat but didn't have time to even get emotional. I just felt relieved that there was actually something there.
Thanks everyone, so far no horror stories with my wife. She's gotten a bit more snappy, but hasn't blown up on me or anything. She had nasuea really bad for awhile, but now that she isn't working right now (we finished our contracts now chillen for a bit til we move back to the states) she can wake up when she wants and not have to force her self to eat early morning.
Hello everyone long time poster first time father in waiting. Just found out my wife is pregnant last Month. We're at 8 weeks today. It's scary man. I've always been one of those dudes up and down about wanting kids. Since I found the love of my life it's all I wanted. We're hoping thinking it's a girl.
Listened to the heart beat last weekend for literally 5 secs not enough time to get emotional. The lady just did a quick thing.
What was that fealing like when y'all saw and heard your baby after the first trimester.?

Man it was great and it was a little miracle for us. My girl wasn’t supposed to get pregnant naturally. She has something called a unicorn uterus and one of her tubes is completely shut. The face that she even was is amazing. In my girls previous relationship they tried and nothing happened. When we told her parents her mom couldn’t believe it because of that. Hearing her heartbeat was amazing and one of the best sounds I’ve heard. I recorded it and made copies and put them in some stuffed animals and gave them to both grandparents.
Manners day, insisted on wearing his Js. (Ignore the puppy behind his back)
Think we talked about it a few months ago, but Disney knows what they doing with these movies :lol:. My son just turned 1 in November and all he wants to watch when we put the TV on is Moana on Netflix. He says "Muuuahhhh". Songs mad addicting I've been whistling this **** at work for the past week. He loves Maui and the chicken :lol:
Think we talked about it a few months ago, but Disney knows what they doing with these movies :lol:. My son just turned 1 in November and all he wants to watch when we put the TV on is Moana on Netflix. He says "Muuuahhhh". Songs mad addicting I've been whistling this **** at work for the past week. He loves Maui and the chicken :lol:
Yup man they got the formula down. I was so happy when my daughter was finally mixing in other movies.
Used up my dad stares at urban air this weekend

Also how can parents let their kids just go ham at a place like that.
Man we took my daughter to the mall and let her play in the kids area. I can’t believe how many parents sit down and look at their phone. This lady got pissed at her daughter who looked about 6 because she lost her little sister. Luckily I kept an eye on that kid because she was by herself so I knew where she was but I let the mom worry. It pissed me off now irresponsible she was. She was with her friend and they were on their phones planning their night out.
:lol: naw I do that too just in case some kid tries to get crazy with mine. She’s only 1 so im super protective of her but she’s a tough girl too. Seen her push a kid away who kept bumping her one time.
Grine Grine

Don't have any kids of my own, but just wanted to say you're one hell of a father man. Big ups to you brotha.

If i ever decide to have children, ill surely take a few pages from your book.

I remember you saying aint no man is ever gonna impress your daughter or show her anything she hasnt seen, my friend you set that bar in the clouds :lol:.
Grine Grine

Don't have any kids of my own, but just wanted to say you're one hell of a father man. Big ups to you brotha.

If i ever decide to have children, ill surely take a few pages from your book.

I remember you saying aint no man is ever gonna impress your daughter or show her anything she hasnt seen, my friend you set that bar in the clouds :lol:.

Preciate that fam! It’s not always about giving or doing things, It’s mostly about talking to them and showing them with actions (opening the door, being supportive, always active, being honest, etc).

She earn her keeps, those grade stay above the bar. She a terrific kid, gives me or no one any problems...
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