Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

My bros!!! I. AM. SO. JUICED!!!

My son who is 13months just took his few steps!!!

i can't believe it man, it was just a couple steps here and there a couple days ago, now he's practically full-on walking without falling down....

time to put things up higher around the house....LOL

And putting some barriers up, because he's about to be EVERY. WHERE. IN. THE. HOUSE.
what do you guys use for chaning your kid when hes outgrown the changing table? my 14 month old hangs his little feet over.
And putting some barriers up, because he's about to be EVERY. WHERE. IN. THE. HOUSE.

you ain't lyin- lol. just put up the the gate for the kitchen, and the fence for the living room, and the locks for the bottom cabinets. Oh, and outlet covers. lots and lots of outlet covers.....

what do you guys use for chaning your kid when hes outgrown the changing table? my 14 month old hangs his little feet over.

by then i would just change them on the floor. used to use the couch but then it wouldn't be even... etc....
yes, oh i forgot to mention that i have either a clean blanket or towel. not just the bare

that would defeat the purpose of the bath...

My 5 year old son got his Yellow Armband in Muay Thai a few months back.

As much as it was important to me to have him do it, I don’t pressure him really. We do 3-4 classes a week. If he wants a break, he gets it. No padwork or pushups etc at home.

Don’t want him to burnout and so far so good.

Now he just shadowboxes at home on his own or beats up his little punching bag from time to time.

Also happily watches UFC or boxing if I have it on TV.

So y’all got about 5 years to catch me out here before you got TWO problems on y’all hands! :lol:
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dope. my sons 15 months.

cant wait for dese tings!

It's awesome. I mentioned this in the MMA thread (which I know you're in) but for his test they asked him to do his own combo and he did a jab/right (rear hand) uppercut/switch stance, step over spinning back elbow.

Even the instructors were like "what the ****" :lol:
Went to my wife's checkup yesterday. Baby Fozz is healthy and doctor thinks he's already going to be bigger than my daughter when she was born.

But he's still sitting sideways and our hope is that he makes his way head down by the next appt. in November.

I found it funny how the moment the doctor but the ultrasound tool on my wife's stomach, baby boy's face should up immediately lmao
Hey bruh how long did it take your daughter to master this bike just brought mines one and she’s struggling.

Halloween tonight and just like a lot of y’all I can’t stand people who don’t control their kids. I pray I don’t have to check somebody today.

She got the hang of the strider pretty quick. She got it for her 2nd bday and literally hopped on it when she opened it. She surprised all of us. She’s not zooming around yet but she moves quicker now. I’m hoping we can skip training wheels on the bike and go straight to peddling. There’s a park by our house that does strider racing. Gonna take her to see how they do it, maybe she’ll understand how much faster she can ride.
Fathers of biracial kids, I need advice. I'm trying to teach my kid Spanish. I speak the language, but my wife doesn't. Matter of fact no one else around us speaks Spanish (I don't have much family in Seattle).

What would be the best way to teach my son Spanish?

My 5 year old son got his Yellow Armband in Muay Thai a few months back.

As much as it was important to me to have him do it, I don’t pressure him really. We do 3-4 classes a week. If he wants a break, he gets it. No padwork or pushups etc at home.

Don’t want him to burnout and so far so good.

Now he just shadowboxes at home on his own or beats up his little punching bag from time to time.

Also happily watches UFC or boxing if I have it on TV.

So y’all got about 5 years to catch me out here before you got TWO problems on y’all hands! :lol:
My son took Tae Kwon Do years ago & got to brown belt & said he wanted to stop doing it. I had to resist the urge to push him to continue so he could at least get his black belt. When I told his master, the owner of the school, he was heartbroken. He said he was going to groom him to be on his show team... He used to be able to snap & whip his kicks with such force. BTW, if you like Muay Thai, you gotta see a flick called A Prayer Before Dawn based on a true story of an English dude that was put in a Thai prison for drugs... Great flick...

Fathers of biracial kids, I need advice. I'm trying to teach my kid Spanish. I speak the language, but my wife doesn't. Matter of fact no one else around us speaks Spanish (I don't have much family in Seattle).

What would be the best way to teach my son Spanish?
I would speak to him in Spanish at home. Nothing but that...
My Wife, 22 month old son and I just got back from Hawaii. How come none of you guys told me definition of a "vacation" changes with a kid!! Now "vacation" = taking care of your kid away from home :rofl:
took my son to japan when he was about 15 months old. we were super happy that he slept the last couple of hours on the flight and on the cab ride to the hotel. we recognized the flaw in that once we got to the hotel, unpacked, showered, ate some food, and then my wife and i were dead tired but my son was wide awake. dude figured out that the light switch was also on the clock radio next to the bed. as soon as we started to fall asleep, he would turn the light on and start cracking up. look at the time on the clock. i wanted to strangle him.
My son took Tae Kwon Do years ago & got to brown belt & said he wanted to stop doing it. I had to resist the urge to push him to continue so he could at least get his black belt. When I told his master, the owner of the school, he was heartbroken. He said he was going to groom him to be on his show team... He used to be able to snap & whip his kicks with such force. BTW, if you like Muay Thai, you gotta see a flick called A Prayer Before Dawn based on a true story of an English dude that was put in a Thai prison for drugs... Great flick...

Almost watched that flick on my flight last week but decided to sleep instead. Been meaning to see it.

As for your son, one thing the coach that works the most with my son said is that they'll usually step away for a bit.

So the idea is you plant the seed early. And they'll drift away for a bit and do something else. But they should eventually go back.

Maybe introduce him to another martial art? BJJ or just western Boxing. That was what they suggested if my son drifts away from MT.

But even the owner of the school's son doesn't really come to class anymore because he does soccer instead. So apparently it's somewhat natural.
Almost watched that flick on my flight last week but decided to sleep instead. Been meaning to see it.

As for your son, one thing the coach that works the most with my son said is that they'll usually step away for a bit.

So the idea is you plant the seed early. And they'll drift away for a bit and do something else. But they should eventually go back.

Maybe introduce him to another martial art? BJJ or just western Boxing. That was what they suggested if my son drifts away from MT.

But even the owner of the school's son doesn't really come to class anymore because he does soccer instead. So apparently it's somewhat natural.
:lol: It's been years since he quit TKD... He played rec league soccer back then & was good so we then got into club/travel soccer & was really good but he quit that after 5 years to. If I was one of those crazy sports parents, I think he would've gotten at least a scholarship to a small school but I didn't push.

Funny story.... My son was going to his first high school party at this girl's house so my wife had a talk with him about going to a party with mostly white folks there & she asked him what he would do if some kid called him a monkey or the N word & he dead eyed looked at her & said, "Imma square up & pop that kid in the mouf & anyone else that wants to talk that yang".

Mind you he's not a physically imposing kid like they make 'em nowadays but he's always been tough as nails. :lol::smokin When he was in 4th grade, I came to pick him up from after school care which was run by the YMCA at the school cafeteria & the gym. As I'm walking to the entrance, the principle called out my name & I was like oh crap, what did the kid do?!?!?!

She explained there's a girl with downs that was getting picked on by these 3 boys & 2 girls & my son came over & told them to stop it. The one kid said something slick & my son punched him in the mouth & told them all to leave the girl alone.

Principle said the punch should've led to a suspension but one of the parents & day care providers had witnessed a part of it & said my son was sticking up for the girl & he only punched bcs he got shoved first... I was so proud of that kid that day for speaking up for someone who really couldn't defend themselves. We went right to a nearby Target & went shopping for some new toys... Ended up getting a smal lego set he wanted, some action figures, & pokemon cards...

He's such an awesome kid. My wife & I love & adore this kid...

I had an absentee father that I didn't see after I was 10-11. I didn't see him again until I was in my 20s & then nothing after that. My mother was very verbally & physically abusive. Being a parent now, I don't ever ever want to be apart from my son & not be in his life. I would never want any harm come to him much less be verbally or physically abusive to him. I don't have any hate towards my parents & I've made peace with my childhood years ago but I can't fathom the place my parents were coming from....

Sorry for the tangent I went out...
:lol: It's been years since he quit TKD... He played rec league soccer back then & was good so we then got into club/travel soccer & was really good but he quit that after 5 years to. If I was one of those crazy sports parents, I think he would've gotten at least a scholarship to a small school but I didn't push.

Funny story.... My son was going to his first high school party at this girl's house so my wife had a talk with him about going to a party with mostly white folks there & she asked him what he would do if some kid called him a monkey or the N word & he dead eyed looked at her & said, "Imma square up & pop that kid in the mouf & anyone else that wants to talk that yang".

Mind you he's not a physically imposing kid like they make 'em nowadays but he's always been tough as nails. :lol::smokin When he was in 4th grade, I came to pick him up from after school care which was run by the YMCA at the school cafeteria & the gym. As I'm walking to the entrance, the principle called out my name & I was like oh crap, what did the kid do?!?!?!

She explained there's a girl with downs that was getting picked on by these 3 boys & 2 girls & my son came over & told them to stop it. The one kid said something slick & my son punched him in the mouth & told them all to leave the girl alone.

Principle said the punch should've led to a suspension but one of the parents & day care providers had witnessed a part of it & said my son was sticking up for the girl & he only punched bcs he got shoved first... I was so proud of that kid that day for speaking up for someone who really couldn't defend themselves. We went right to a nearby Target & went shopping for some new toys... Ended up getting a smal lego set he wanted, some action figures, & pokemon cards...

He's such an awesome kid. My wife & I love & adore this kid...

I had an absentee father that I didn't see after I was 10-11. I didn't see him again until I was in my 20s & then nothing after that. My mother was very verbally & physically abusive. Being a parent now, I don't ever ever want to be apart from my son & not be in his life. I would never want any harm come to him much less be verbally or physically abusive to him. I don't have any hate towards my parents & I've made peace with my childhood years ago but I can't fathom the place my parents were coming from....

Sorry for the tangent I went out...

thanks for sharing, enjoyed reading it. you should be proud for raising such a fine young man. hoping i can raise my son the way you raised yours man.
It's incredible what martial arts can do for kids and their confidence.

The after school in my son's school is shared with pre-k and K, and then grades 1 and up.

My son was already in Muay Thai when he was in pre-K and I remember my wife telling me that one of the other mothers told her than some of the K kids were "not being kind" (as my son later explained it) to one of the pre-K kids and my son stepped in and told them to leave the kid alone and they did. I genuinely believe all of that came from Muay Thai.

Kimchi Papi Kimchi Papi I also didn't see my father after somewhere around 9 years old or so. Some dudes just aren't cut out to be parents.

I always looked at it as addition by subtraction though. My father was a drug dealer. Violent dude (never physically towards my mother but definitely not a pleasant person and would go off anywhere else. They were divorced by the time I was 3). I still know where my temper and propensity to let my hands go come from.

And I figure had I been around him longer those tendencies would have only been magnified.

But to your point, I believe those experiences make us want to be great fathers so from something negative comes something even more positive.
thanks for sharing, enjoyed reading it. you should be proud for raising such a fine young man. hoping i can raise my son the way you raised yours man.
Raising a child is the hardest thing I've ever done especially having the "role models" I had. I made a lot of changes in my life when I became a father. I had "inherited" a bad temper that both my parents had. I had my mom's which was like hulk crazy. But having my son calmed me down so much. I couldn't bear to hurt him in any way so as he moved from being a baby to a toddler, he & my wife inspired me to make a lot of tough changes as far as how I reacted to stuff. I came to learn that some things were going to happen & how I reacted to them would determine how my family would live.... The changes in my life were further solidified when we adopted our pooch. She really personified "unconditional love" & I'm a better husband, father, & human being because of my pooch & of course my family.

He's 14 now & will be 15 in December. We've built a great relationship. I know he'll make mistakes here & there in his teens but he knows we're here for him & that he can always tell us the truth... That party I mentioned, when he asked us if he could go, he thought the party was at his best friend's house. My wife already knew it was going to be at this girl's house instead bcs she had been texting with his BF's mother. I was going to say something but my wife was like hold up, lets see if he mentions it... about 6-7 mins later he comes down the steps & said the party was going to be at this girl's house instead... Love that kid...

Impromptu Halloween costume. A neighbor let us borrow the Kangol. Proly the last time he goes trick or treating. Was amazed almost everyone got who he was trying to be. One lady asked if he was puff daddy & another dude asked if he was Kool Moe Dee... :smh::lol: I'm second generation Korean-American & my wife is black....
Chris Halloween 10.31.18.JPG
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Raising a child is the hardest thing I've ever done especially having the "role models" I had. I made a lot of changes in my life when I became a father. I had "inherited" a bad temper that both my parents had. I had my mom's which was like hulk crazy. But having my son calmed me down so much. I couldn't bear to hurt him in any way so as he moved from being a baby to a toddler, he & my wife inspired me to make a lot of tough changes as far as how I reacted to stuff. I came to learn that some things were going to happen & how I reacted to them would determine how my family would live.... The changes in my life were further solidified when we adopted our pooch. She really personified "unconditional love" & I'm a better husband, father, & human being because of my pooch & of course my family.

He's 14 now & will be 15 in December. We've built a great relationship. I know he'll make mistakes here & there in his teens but he knows we're here for him & that he can always tell us the truth... That party I mentioned, when he asked us if he could go, he thought the party was at his best friend's house. My wife already knew it was going to be at this girl's house instead bcs she had been texting with his BF's mother. I was going to say something but my wife was like hold up, lets see if he mentions it... about 6-7 mins later he comes down the steps & said the party was going to be at this girl's house instead... Love that kid...

Impromptu Halloween costume. A neighbor let us borrow the Kangol. Proly the last time he goes trick or treating. Was amazed almost everyone got who he was trying to be. One lady asked if he was puff daddy & another dude asked if he was Kool Moe Dee... :smh::lol: I'm second generation Korean-American & my wife is black....
Chris Halloween 10.31.18.JPG

I can relate to this, I used to be quick off the lip, especially at work with d head bosses. Ive learned how to control myself and bite my tongue, because I have so much at home to worry about.
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