Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Make sure you guys that buy pampers use the app. You get some bonus codes for gift certificates. Wish I would’ve gotten it sooner.
Wife and I have been using pampers diapers and water wipes. Aquaphor every other change and no issues. Never tried huggies diapers but loved pampers from the get go cause of the strip that tells you when the diaper is wet.


Walmarts brand works really well for me. My little girl is still fitting newborns and she'll be a month on wednesday.
So, my daughter did fairly well during our three-day potty training session. A couple of pee/poo mistakes. But definitely progress.

How did you get your kids to poop on the toilet comfortably? My daughter tells us when she has to pee, but poop is something that isn't registering with her, just yet.
So, my daughter did fairly well during our three-day potty training session. A couple of pee/poo mistakes. But definitely progress.

How did you get your kids to poop on the toilet comfortably? My daughter tells us when she has to pee, but poop is something that isn't registering with her, just yet.

We gave our daughter a lollipop each time she went poop and 3 M&M's sporadically when she went peep. She has been consistent with accidents happening few and far between funny thing is she was able to hold her pee/poops at night from the start. Her accidents where always when she was awake.
How did you get your kids to poop on the toilet comfortably?
it was really tough for us. he loved to take a dump in the diaper so i would hype him up to crap and then make him stand next to his jake the pirate potty that we put in the (walk-in) shower. eventually he did a few in the potty (with the shower curtain closed) but then he would hold it in for up to two days and i would give in and let him use the diaper to go. eventually i had to bribe my son big time. told him he could get whatever truck he wanted from target, even the big ones. i would reward him with a smaller truck each time after he first got this bigass crane until no more reward. till this day though, my son is almost 6 and he pretty much only takes a dump at home or at one of the grandparents' houses. he has no problems if we're in a hotel room but he hates public places. he tells me that there are too many germs in the other restrooms :smh:

one good thing though is my son peed in the potty then a few days later insisted on taking a pee standing up and since then, he has never had an accident. we kept a safety diaper on for months but it was always dry. lil' man can hold his pee pretty good.
my toddler does great w/ using the potty at daycare and did good for my mom

for me and my wife, it's a different story
I think its time to start potty training my little guy :frown:

He goes off somewhere and gets quiet (poops) then comes over to us smiling saying "poo-poo" and grabbing his pamper smh.
What's going on everyone?

First time Dad to be (****ing tears in my eyes as I type this, all happiness tears!)

So my wife and I don't have health insurance, and she's about a month into pregnancy. What are some good health plans for her, or do you have any tips? Any help is greatly appreciated..
Daughter just turned 3, got her the KidKraft huge dollhouse and a kitchen. She loves it, both took nearly 2 hours to assemble with terrible directions that have no words, just poorly drawn, small, black and white photos. Her room for now, but I am going to put more effort into it later, I was just scrambling to make both things fit under her window today during lunch so it'd be in place when I got her after work.

What's going on everyone?

First time Dad to be (****ing tears in my eyes as I type this, all happiness tears!)

So my wife and I don't have health insurance, and she's about a month into pregnancy. What are some good health plans for her, or do you have any tips? Any help is greatly appreciated..
Are you eligble for medicade? I found out she was and what a blessing. We pay for nothing. And now my baby has medicade also. My wife can stay on it for a full year.. (We thought only 2 months after)
We got lucky with my son, learned to walk before he was one, took a weekend home to potty train him, he got a big toy as reward and only had 1 mistake that weekend. He was a big paci boy til he was two. One day we told him if he threw his paci away we would get him an ironman, he walked right over to the trash and was done.

The only thing we are having trouble with is getting him to sleep in his own bed and hes 4. Hes good in his bed for about an hour or 2 then wakes up crying and comes to our bed. Ive got until the summer to ween him from this before he starts kindergarten.
So my daughter is scared to poop while sitting on the toilet.

Gentle reassurance and bribery. :lol: We’d allow my son tablet time/new toy if he used the potty. The first few times he was scared to go but after a few days he got comfortable enough to do it and would do so on and off until he got completely used to it. Just gotta remain patient.

We got lucky with my son, learned to walk before he was one, took a weekend home to potty train him, he got a big toy as reward and only had 1 mistake that weekend. He was a big paci boy til he was two. One day we told him if he threw his paci away we would get him an ironman, he walked right over to the trash and was done.

The only thing we are having trouble with is getting him to sleep in his own bed and hes 4. Hes good in his bed for about an hour or 2 then wakes up crying and comes to our bed. Ive got until the summer to ween him from this before he starts kindergarten.

My son got rid of his paci right before his first birthday. One day he realized he couldn’t make noise/talk with it in, so he handed it to me and hasn’t stopped talking since :lol:
The only thing we are having trouble with is getting him to sleep in his own bed and hes 4. Hes good in his bed for about an hour or 2 then wakes up crying and comes to our bed. Ive got until the summer to ween him from this before he starts kindergarten.
i still get my 5 year old doing almost 3 year old as well

both came over this morning while I was trying to keep my 9 month old asleep

if I'm already awake or they wake me up when they come to our bed I will let them lay for a couple of minutes and tell them they need to go back to their bed and they will

Daughter just turned 3, got her the KidKraft huge dollhouse and a kitchen. She loves it, both took nearly 2 hours to assemble with terrible directions that have no words, just poorly drawn, small, black and white photos. Her room for now, but I am going to put more effort into it later, I was just scrambling to make both things fit under her window today during lunch so it'd be in place when I got her after work.

nice, it seems like yesterday you were posting about your situation w/ your daughters mom when she was a baby I believe
What's going on everyone?

First time Dad to be (****ing tears in my eyes as I type this, all happiness tears!)

So my wife and I don't have health insurance, and she's about a month into pregnancy. What are some good health plans for her, or do you have any tips? Any help is greatly appreciated..

Medi-caid and medi-cal are options I believe. You could also check your state options. Lots of options available for moms. Also check with your county, could be free programs. I work with the county and there’s lots of programs and help for mothers. Just gotta ask.
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