Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Levi has to wear glasses for 2 months...


He just likes to make faces like that tho.
Anyone have any suggestions on cartoons with a "decent" message (no blonde haired blue eyed princesses pls) for my girls? They are 5, 4 and 3. I don't make them watch any tv. I rather they play together, read, draw stuff like that. I just let them watch cartoons when we do their hair on Sunday. They are getting sick of Moana and some sesame street episodes are iffy for my taste. Just asking for suggestions. Thx

Been gone for a good minute. Here are a few others:

Elena Princess of Avalor
Mira Royal Detective

We stray away from blonde hair blue eyed princesses.
I’m curious, did y’all find that time feels different after having a kid? I feel like I notice time passing much more distinctly and it feels like it’s moving faster. At the same time, I’m trying to savor every moment.
Maaan sometimes I come in here and just rep two pages straight!!! Y’all some stand up guy’s mane!!! 💪💪

kingfoamnyc kingfoamnyc I’m sooo sorry to hear that bro... lost my pops in 17 and I still think about him everyday..I wish I could of recorded our last conversation together man had I known...

I know what you’re going thru bro and I’m not sure if you’re a father, but the biggest way I pay tribute to my pops is the way I raise my son!!

hold ya head man, your making him proud everyday living life the way he taught you.. every move you make is in his memory.. stay strong bro!! 💪
man....both the wife and I are running on fumes right now. Friday night my oldest boy had a fever and started coughing. We start to panic but he sleeps through the night but then wakes up with a higher fever(102). I am thinking he might have COVID from daycare. Got him tested and then his little brother gets a fever and starts coughing as well. :smh: They both refuse to eat and they wake up every hour through the night for the last 3 nights in a row. Got big bro's results yesterday and thankfully its not COVID but it's some type of bug. They are both on the mend and don't have fever anymore but still coughing.

Hoping tonight is better for them.
man....both the wife and I are running on fumes right now. Friday night my oldest boy had a fever and started coughing. We start to panic but he sleeps through the night but then wakes up with a higher fever(102). I am thinking he might have COVID from daycare. Got him tested and then his little brother gets a fever and starts coughing as well. :smh: They both refuse to eat and they wake up every hour through the night for the last 3 nights in a row. Got big bro's results yesterday and thankfully its not COVID but it's some type of bug. They are both on the mend and don't have fever anymore but still coughing.

Hoping tonight is better for them.
My entire household going through the same thing right now. I was good friday and saturday while mommy and the kids weren't. Now shes on the mend while I'm moaning like a little *****.

Kids cough sounds terrible. Son hasnt been eating. But they still have energy when they are awake. Just hoping this passes soon.
I’m curious, did y’all find that time feels different after having a kid? I feel like I notice time passing much more distinctly and it feels like it’s moving faster. At the same time, I’m trying to savor every moment.
Savor it fam. My youngest is 9 and I still touch caress his cheeks like he’s a toddler 😞
man....both the wife and I are running on fumes right now. Friday night my oldest boy had a fever and started coughing. We start to panic but he sleeps through the night but then wakes up with a higher fever(102). I am thinking he might have COVID from daycare. Got him tested and then his little brother gets a fever and starts coughing as well. :smh: They both refuse to eat and they wake up every hour through the night for the last 3 nights in a row. Got big bro's results yesterday and thankfully its not COVID but it's some type of bug. They are both on the mend and don't have fever anymore but still coughing.

Hoping tonight is better for them.

i thought my boy (3y/o) had COVID too. he was complaining about a headache around like 8pm a couple of weeks ago, didn't eat dinner and just went straight to sleep on the couch. had to wake him up to give him tylenol for the fever (101 degrees) and dude slept for like 14 hours. after that, he was fine the next day jumping off the couch n stuff. COVID test came back negative too - that was a helluva bug.....
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17 yr old son got his first issue with the laws last week. No DL. Got my **** towed. Almost took off on him but I remember how worse I was as a juvenile. And he Made all conference getting interest letters for FB from some nice schools.. He apologized and said he dropped a homie on the other side of town and got sidetracked… it’s a hot looney California summer.. gotta stay on my toes and keep him on the right track.. ****
being a Father is an amazing feeling. Lot of my friends without kids ask me how I feel about it and I always have a hard time putting it into words. Whatever I say wont do it justice but theyll feel it once they have one. Everyday I look at my Son and just constantly think what I can do to make his life the best possible life ever. It's an honor to be his Dad and he definitely made life more fulfilling.
being a Father is an amazing feeling. Lot of my friends without kids ask me how I feel about it and I always have a hard time putting it into words. Whatever I say wont do it justice but theyll feel it once they have one. Everyday I look at my Son and just constantly think what I can do to make his life the best possible life ever. It's an honor to be his Dad and he definitely made life more fulfilling.
I understand the feeling, when they are little and truly give you that unconditional love. the number of times I smile at the thought of them. I have children at both ends of the spectrum and 18 year old and two toddlers, it is truly an honor.
I understand the feeling, when they are little and truly give you that unconditional love. the number of times I smile at the thought of them. I have children at both ends of the spectrum and 18 year old and two toddlers, it is truly an honor.
Bless up.. They know when you smile. When we show affection they feel safe and close their eyes feeling warm.
its like they teach you @ the same time how to be human
for picture day, my baby girl chose her favorite dress. when she got to school, they made her put on a cap and gown (dunno why because she just made 2 years old). anyway, they said she was super pissed and refused to smile so they let her change back and it was all good. darth vader dress. i call her darth rissa 😂

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