Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

The Nets are lame based off their name alone. You're named after the Net of the hoop? Why not just be called the Brooklyn Backboards
Yoo I totally forgot about that spot :lol: some good times at the 42nd street location :lol:

That place was like shooting fish in a barrel if you wanted to bag a chick for the night :lol: You'd go to Calico for the Latina/Black girls and if there was no baddies that night you'd go next door and find a white girl at McFadden
Looks like we are looking to get Drummond and use Mitch as Trade bait.
Yes .. totally make sense.

Love it.

I heard we looking for JJ Redick too ... bring that dude in ... another shooter that plays no D ....

These Rumors are gold and if we actually act on them, **** me.

To bring Redick I rather have Knox spotting up and Drummond? Wtf? Unless it's for TaJ and even then ....
They probably think they can get Drummond cheaper than what they'd resign Mitch for. Still think it's his agent pushing him here due to our available cap space.
The only way I’d take Drummond is if they already have a deal lined up for an All Star PG or SG without giving up RJ or IQ.
They probably think they can get Drummond cheaper than what they'd resign Mitch for. Still think it's his agent pushing him here due to our available cap space.
What you think Mitchs contract going to be? A Christian Woods type of contract or less?
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