Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

I know its one game, but didnt like how Lonzo looked tonight.

4 years/85 mill for FVV.
4 years/85 mill for Malcolm Brogdon.

I'd do like 3 years/45 mill at most for Lonzo.
lonzo is more of a ball handler than the pg we need
he's got youth on his side, and has gotten better every year but how much is his upside really?
i'm really liking the idea of a player like brunson or fox instead
Most of us been saying for months the Knicks would be next level if they had a top tier SG to break them out of offensive funks or close out games. Let's not act like Doris Burke is giving breakthrough analysis :lol:

after this game I think the Knicks need to try and find a cost effective PG in the draft, keep the roleplayers, and make sure they have enough cap space for Beal or Lavine.
I know we've discussed it in this thread before but if Noel is down to stay long term on a solid deal like $7-10mil a season I'm ok with Mitch dipping if he's looking for $15+mil. Noel is only 27 and as much as I love Mitch he's too injury prone to demand big money. Especially when he has basically 0 offensive game
I know we've discussed it in this thread before but if Noel is down to stay long term on a solid deal like $7-10mil a season I'm ok with Mitch dipping if he's looking for $15+mil. Noel is only 27 and as much as I love Mitch he's too injury prone to demand big money. Especially when he has basically 0 offensive game
I don’t think he’ll want that and having both him and Noel would be great. Like they are both specialist and the Knicks run a system they can thrive in. Like Tyson Chandler was.
Hey all, haven't been on this site in about 5 years now (since high school). Watched our beloved Knicks pull out an awesome win today to make it 6 straight and thought it was right that I head back to the site that gave me a lot of virtual friendship and fun. Some familiar faces for sure in here - maybe you'll recognize the screenname (probably not). I was probably saying a lot of dumb *** **** back in high school lol

Anyways, I'm excited to get back involved in this thread. KNICKSTAPE BYKKKEKEEEEEEE
This team is special
This team is close to being great. I’ve reconsidered needing a superstar anything, but they need major help at the starting 1 & 3. Reggie is awesome, & has been playing great recently, but an upgrade at that position would mean less help needed at the 1. Ball x RJ x Randle should be enough playmaking put together.

GM 🧢

Ball/RJ/TJ (Warren)/Randle/Mitch should be a much more capable offense than the Knicks starters now.

I can’t think of any other top tier 3s that could hit the market soon.

Rose/IQ/Bullock/Taj/Noel should stay to complete the rotation. Trade any & every recent lotto pick for whoever you think you need to complete the team too. The 3 left should be getting 20+ minutes to develop. Feel bad for Obi, but it’s good he gets to experience a winning Knicks season as a rook.
son could not stop cheesing after getting a taste of the MSG vibes

Imagine the contrast coming from an arena in city where no one cares about your team vs coming here where this team is number one no matter what

:evil: :evil: :evil:

Plus he’s been playing with Brandon Ingram for two years - imagine the nightmares.

He can’t wait for the chance to leave.
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