Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

Obi hasn't had a lottery season but has shown some maybe potential lol. Coach seems to like him so hopefully he'll develop..
pelle got that sloth speed
he'll get it tho

rj bullies morant like last game and it's all good
Pelle really got a contract of two blocks shots. LoL

Dude really slow ....

Thibs might just put Randle at center and Obi as PF.

Might see some Knox today too.
if Rose keep hitting the three with consistency…

They keep calling these fouls for the Grizzlies when they are stumbling and out of control.

Very annoying
Clyde saying Elf is great at what he does and is undeserving of the hate…..then says he averages 3 assists a game. How the **** is that great?

Grayson Allen gotta be the worst starting player I’ve ever seen. I don’t know how he gets the minutes he gets.

Obi gotta get more minutes with Taj in foul trouble.
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