Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

A silver lining in this loss to me is that I rather RJ learn this hard lesson now rather than In the playoffs. he can’t take it in that situation when he is that cold and our main guy is right beside him while he’s had the hot hand AGAINST his drafted team...situational awareness is RJs homework
How would this work?



Obviously, trying to keep the team intact as much as possible if we can hit on a PG.
The good: RJ isn't afraid to be the center of attention in a big moment

The bad: RJ's game as it is now is not big moment approved

Do we have any real out of timeout plays? Everything is an ISO, you either overload on Randle or let RJ turn it over on his own doing.
REALLY tough to win an OT game on the road. Especially against the defending champs. We're at the very least competitive and that's encouraging.

TBH, we should've won last night. But we're not there YET. Another piece and another year together with the core, and we can make some noise. We need a superstar in the worst way. Kawhi or Beal would be excellent fits.
not to take anything away from this season but i don’t see us making it out of the first round regardless of who we play if Thibs is willing to die on that Payton hill

at this point payton's being used as a filler to give rose more leeway for the later stages of the game. it's not enough though when a player like payton is one step forward and three steps back. even frank subbed in was more productive on both ends, but our already shortened rotation isn't enough at this most important time
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