Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

Is what it is. Super disappointed but not like we had even a slight chance to make the ECF. 1st round series win was best case but it just sucks to only win 1 game. Team showed 0 offensive talent. They better have plans for the roster this off-season bc you're not accomplishing anything when you can't break 100 against a mediocre defense
Getting those guys won’t be free, we’d have to give up future draft assets. I’m not a fan of that. I can wait, we’ve been waiting forever. :lol:

Let’s be real, next season is going to be a wash also.

We have the assets though. Why not use them?

We've been drafting non starters for 20 years now. Look at the Melo trade. Sure it didnt work out (largely because of Amare injuries and he fizzled out), but we had the assets to make it happen.

Realistically unless an injury happens we won't be in the lottery going forward.

With draft assets + cap room we have you make the moves you need to make.
obviously disappointed we lost especially after the great season and against the hawks of all teams smh... but still some good things to look forward to we got a few draft picks and cap space... try to sign ball and powell and sign randle to the option...or swing for the fences and hope the clippers lose early and kawhi leaves after this summer and we pick him up... obviously a long shot... but once these young guys develop mitch, obi, quick and RJ we will be in good shape and the rest of the guys are really fillers... id like randle back but really not sure on throwing the max at him just yet... i want to see how he does next year
Disappointing playoff, but more hopeful about the future than I ever thought I would be at the start of the season.

Atlanta handled that exactly how they should have, and we threw a tantrum. Hope this is an experience to learn from.

The good thing about this series is it exposed our biggest holes. Lowest salary in the league, hopefully we can sufficiently fill those holes and continue to develop the young guys and scout and draft properly. Should an interesting off-season.

For once I trust that there’s a foundation we can build upon.
We have a lot of work to do

Making the playoffs next season is not a guarantee because of how healthy other teams will be
It was for this years pick (2021) and 2023’s pick. We already lost this years lottery pick and we’ll definitely lose it in 2023 when Luka gets even better.
Ok so then lets just hope the injury is serious that persists his entire career with a setback in the 22-23 season and the Mavs fall a part.
I really wished Obi got more minutes, he actually looked capable. we need to get an offensive minded assistant to come up with some better sets or this team is in for a rude awakening next season as well
I'ma keep it real, this series really was unenjoyable for me. We never played well. I'm ok with losing when you know you've left it all out there on the floor, but I dunno what this was. I'm mostly just pissed that I allowed Randle to convince me that he had really become a star. An All NBA type guy 🥴. I'm a bit concerned that he dominated with no fans and now that the fans are back...the pressure gets to him. I'm also frustrated with RJ having zero offensive skill. If it's not a left-hand layup or a wide open 3 with no one within 5ft of him, it's a guaranteed brick. Lastly, Thibs didn't give the rookies enough play for my liking. Quickley is a game changer and I feel like we glued him to the bench for useless minutes by Elfrid all season long.

That being said, the end result was a playoff birth for the first time since the Melo era, so we had a great year. I feel like we are a superstar away. I would do anything for a perimeter star who can SCORE. Trade who you need to 🤷🏾‍♂️ but get it done
Like you guys said we gotta make splash moves this off-season. Otherwise, we go back to square one over again :sick:
man i hope the mavs ball out and take out the clips if it means we can get kawhi if he leaves the clips... no reason to hope the mavs to lose since their pick means nothing since they are in the playoffs... only reason to root against them cuz the hate is real against KP lol
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