Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

I know I’m gonna be called crazy, but I think Rokas is a winning type of backup guard. Keep & develop him. I don’t see the 3 of those “lead” guards coexisting so....

Double crazy, IQ & Obi are expendable & maybe not Knicks for very long 🤷‍♂️.

This season gonna be fun though! Obi x Kemba x Taj, Deuce, RJ, Juju, Rose, Nerlens 🔥, Burks 🔥, 🥓 🔥, Sims & co. gonna be good.
not even watching the game and i know #40 throwing up hot garbage

we outchea tho

Grimes defense is great. Dude was hounding Cade anytime he guarded him. With Thibs coaching him and improving his technique, I can easily see him being our best perimeter defender in a year or two.
We was screaming to play Obi at the 5 last year.

He showed tonight that's where he needs to be predominantly

Him and Randle need minutes together this season
That will work depending on the matchup. We’d have a super athletic lineup, but we’d need to make adjustments against bigger teams.
Obi plays rather soft for the 5, but compensates with elite athaleticism.

I like Obi’s game, but he’s not fit to come off the bench much longer. Org seems committed to Randle. He’s not going to waste much more of his rookie contract getting Thibbs bench minutes. Knicks shouldn’t waste that either.

Don’t really care for IQ’s style of lead guard play. Yea, there’s growth potential, but Knicks got everything you could want in a lead guard, with the same growth potential, who’s already better at getting a team organized & flowing. A lead guard who’s already able to defend 1-3, btw.

Logjams are a good thing. Maybe I’m wrong & IQ & Deuce coexist well. Just think Immanuel is best suited as a long term backup. At least in NY. Not sure if he’s willing to accept that. This season, IQ will be the backup starting 1 for Kemba’s nights off. Rose comes in off the bench still, now with Deuce. IQ probably does a decent job cuz Randle & RJ are presumably still there to share the duties.

Now that they found the point guard for the franchise, I’d rather strike a move early. **** you gonna do next season when is clear as day who you will be handing the keys to after Kemba?

Maybe we found couple of future Pelicans in Obi & IQ.
Waiting for the right McBride avy to come along I suppose.

The overall talent in this draft has got to be all time high. The 58th pick, who looked so lackadaisical on that last defensive play btw, also looks quite polished on the O for a raw talent, as is his label.
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