OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

The **** is RJ doing there? You leave him wide open after he just hit a 3.

Offense has gone to ****. They’re in panic mode.

Should have gone to bed at half time, gonna be a long 4Q of desperation.
Randle with the missed wide open layup :lol:

And the possession before RJ jumping cause he’s open and randle take the fadeaway mid range ignoring him :lol:
I'm happy we competed so well tonight, but these close games just remind me exactly why a trade needs to be made. So many bonehead plays
They looked gassed to end that game. RJ just doesn't have enough help with this rotation.
i'm interested to see how many picks NO is sending, bc Hart and just 1 FRP is a hell of a deal imo.
we need a pg and CJ wouldnt be the answer... hes basically does the same thing as quickley but is much better... no im not saying both are the same just saying both has similar skill set
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