OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

I’ve come to the conclusion that Thibs needs to go first. This team has talent and he refuses to play the right lineups or even experiment. Even though Randle’s attitude and demeanor needs to change, this isn’t on our players.

I also said good coaches are made in the playoffs, and we saw first hand how bad Thibs was in the Hawks series. Zero adjustments, zero plays. Hes lucky he had a prime Rose because idk where he’d be without him.

As suspected I’m in tune with the og here. The breaking point as far as the lineup goes will come in the next couple games. Someone from up top, likely Dolan himself, is seeing & hearing the noise. They're also watching the ineptitude.

Thibs is actively violating his defense first mantra & for that he deserves scrutiny & questioning. Not exactly sure what he's waiting on really now as he's saying all the right things in his pressers about needing the defense to change and get better. Also like og, I'm not saying dude should be fired just yet...

but if it happens, I understand.

He is severely stunting Obi Toppin's growth & guaranteeing his exit with 8 minutes a game in his 2nd season. He's the eldest of these baby Knicks but STILL one of the diaper gang. A little creativity with lineups would work wonders since he's not trying to sit Randle ever. Must can find ~24 mpg from Randle & the other bigs.

Not going to judge IQ too hard until McBride plays. He had his best game of the year when he could relax from those unnatural duties. His defense tho has been a tremendous letdown. Everybody is getting to the bucket on him & he's turning into a hack. Always been a chuck. Always will be. As basic as his game his, son can get hot out there & the Knicks drafted him so I root for his ultimate success.

He looks like super duper trash right now and coach absolutely adores that boy so that's that.
What you mean Thibs shouldnbe fired yet?

**** that dude ....

The fact that he refuses to play rookies, continues to play players out of position, doesn't accommodate young talent and rather play journeymen is enough to warrant the firing.

Although it's not even sample size, the only time Duece started, the team won ... Duece had 15 points, 9 assists and 4 steals ....

That performance along with all the G league stats, to a normal person would warrant more playing time but not to Thibs.

Also, he plays Randle and Taj but refuses to play Randle and Obi ....

So yeah, like I have said many times over I rather see Thibs fired than Randle traded. It's time for him to go ....
Just more so tired of the coaching carousel. He is better than the last couple even tho that’s not spelling much.

These last 20 games are going to be telling.
Maybe 4 of the prospects are better. This upcoming class is pretty weak outside of the very top players from everything I’ve read.
Im just wondering why we gave up a 1st for him and not demanding playing time. However, it's expected .. afterall we have a #8 pick just rotting.

But if there's nothing good besides the top 5, I suppose is no big deal, although a pick is probably better in bargaining talks.

Those top 4 are heading to Detroit, Orlando, Houston or OKC ... same usual teams ....
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