OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

only thing i expect mitch to improve next year is his stat line given he’s paired with a consistent pg

he’ll get more looks in the paint and catch lobs more often but it’s not like once he gets on a new team that he’s gonna start pulling up from anywhere

he’s gonna be the same player with more opportunity (if he can stay healthy)

he’s not gonna jump higher, he's not gonna be faster, and he’s still going to be a pillow on defense when he’s matched up with someone bigger than him

should’ve just took our extension smh
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Could not care any less how little someone like floodarea floodarea values the already #1 offensive rebounding big man in the league.

It’s ok for NYers & fans to not believe in his growth potential. Most aren’t very well informed. And usually the loudest ones too.

I’m not about to say this 24 yr old has shown everything because that’s highly unlikely.

This is going to be his 1st healthy summer since his draft if I’m not mistaken; now is the time to get in the lab.

The fact of the matter is that today these Knicks have a lotto talent they got for an absolute steal & are in danger of losing him for nothing.

He’s holding out to see if another team will overpay him which at this point is the only right move.
the problem with Mitch is if we overpay him and he's exactly the same, then its "haha Knicks". if he accepts a decent deal and he's the same, then let Sims back him up until if and when he can become the starter. i still think Mo Bamba has a higher ceiling than Mitch.
jericho can already do all the athletic things mitch could two years ago but better

since he’s naturally a bigger build than mitch he knows how to use his speed and athleticism so you don’t have to worry about that skill deteriorating anytime soon either

if he gets the PT he needs to work through the rookie mistakes then i’m sure he’ll be a monster in a few years

also helps that he’s easily coachable and more or less gets it unlike the issue we’ve all identified with mitch over these last four years
Dubious Handles + Dal ‘23 for Bledsoe + Por ‘22 #7 pick Mathurin.

Praying on that draft night steal.
What are we expecting from the Blazers?

A straight 7 for Randle? Are they expecting something more for that 7?

I’d want Simons and a pick swap. Would include IQ or Deuce to get that done. Simons is eligible for a pay day and Portland isn’t sitting around depending on young guys during this last fake run.

Realistically this team has tunnel vision on Brunson so even if that offer is on the table, naturally they’re gonna wait it off and strike out in free agency.
You’re not getting Simons. Expect Bledsoe & their draft pick.

Or something like that.

Try fleecing the Kings for HB & their 4th pick first.

Or wait until AS break if nothing exciting comes along.

At that point, anything will work the way Obi’s playing by then.
The Kings might actually bite on Randle and 11 for Barnes and 4.

Gotta sell Randle as a solid 3rd option at worst and an All NBA player at best. These desperate teams will go for it.
jericho can already do all the athletic things mitch could two years ago but better

since he’s naturally a bigger build than mitch he knows how to use his speed and athleticism so you don’t have to worry about that skill deteriorating anytime soon either

if he gets the PT he needs to work through the rookie mistakes then i’m sure he’ll be a monster in a few years

also helps that he’s easily coachable and more or less gets it unlike the issue we’ve all identified with mitch over these last four years

They’re the same age yet one was the semi prodigy who went from HS to the league while the other graduated with honors.

I don’t even need to **** on one to prop up the other. Jericho is a fantastic kid who’s going to need the same time to adjust.

And by the end of these yrs he’s still a fantastic backup if you wanna be really real. Unless he’s got some Bam-like work ethic he’s not elevating your starting lineup the way it should. Not more than Blockinson at least.

58th despite that 99th percentile athaleticism. Even after all those years of training and development.

By the time he’s ready you’ll surely have moved on to the next young man anyway.

Again, just don’t lose him [Mitch] for nothing if it comes to it.
Those Kings do crazy things but Sabonis is absolutely well suited to be their point center.

He and StarFoxx are the 1st & 2nd options.

Take the ball out of Dubious Handles clutches. Tell him to go score, rebound & be a better teammate.
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