OFFICIAL NYk '22 offseason thread, RJ extended

this is iso Melo offense all over again, same spots and everything

this is worse. Randle cant back down dudes half his size. at least Melo was gold in the mid range. Randle big as **** and scared to drive.

Thibs might need to go after this season, but i doubt that'll happen tbh.
Can Thibbs stop having Randle run point forward. Let the rookies play, maybe they can give this team a little boost. Typical Knicks fan, was hyped during the off season and now disappointed...
Any chance the Celtics would give up Jaylen Brown for anyone on our team lol.
I think we all know Thibs by now. He’s gunning for wins at any means necessary. Doesnt trust the rookies and won’t give up on his bff Julius Randle. He doesn’t even play Kemba and Evan in the 4th. I know they gotta be pissed. Even Obi is starting to show his frustrations when he’s subbed out.
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I think we only know Thibs by now. He’s gunning for wins at any means necessary. Doesnt trust the rookies and won’t give up on his bff Julius Randle. He doesn’t even play Kemba and Evan in the 4th. I know they gotta be pissed. Even Obi is starting to show his frustrations when he’s subbed out.
I thought he was mixing it up yesterday but it was for the dreaded 50 secs. Like what kind of **** is that man?

The starting 5 are constantly falling behind, so in essence if we give the rookies playing time is not like it's hurting the team.

We will never know what we have if we keep doing this.

Most **** on Knox or Frank but facts are they did that **** to them as well. Bootay, Morris, Portis, etc got all the burn.
I love Mitch also, but we might need to start Taj. More spacing that way if we’re gonna do nothing but ISOs and high screens.
the worst part about it is that unless we fall deep below .500, there wont be any changes. sadly, finishing at or slightly above .500 would be an accomplishment for this team, since we've been consistently bad for years. obviously, most of us in this thread have higher expectations. i want to at least make it out of the first round.
rose is a closer
julius isn't a closer
rj and fournier ain't it
thibs is not doing his job too well at this moment. he's actually been bad this season imo
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It really ultimately comes Down to Thibs.The offensive talent is there, he’s not getting the best out of this group of players.
Lebron most likely will miss tomorrow’s game with a suspension looming. Sucks I wanted to see both squads healthy live
Lebron going to get a slap on the wrist. Some “he needs to attend 3 anger management sessions over the next month.
I swear if we lose to the Lakers being led by that bum Russell Westbrook tomorrow……..

I’m going to kill myself
ticket prices went up to in the aftermarket at the garden...the suns tickets had a good price but now for some reason its more expensive...maybe its because of that winning streak lol
The sooner they realize Julius is a super 3rd option on a championship team, the better value they can get in return.
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dam imagine payin a scalper a **** load of money for these tix to see Bron and :lol:

lotta salty stars in the crowd tonight
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