OFFICIAL October 2009 Website/Outlet/Store Report Thread...VOL Meth, Bring Back KID LEBRON

Originally Posted by auright

how did he get 12 packs? i thought they had a limit. people like that is why most of us don't get a pair.
that guy who had12 packs is a niketalk member.his id is liljase2000.
isnt he from virginia or something? he was able to put a phone order for 12 packs? dang! or am i mistaken with the NTer...i might be, if not then dang 12 packson a phone order is insane.
^^Put him on blast
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

isnt he from virginia or something? he was able to put a phone order for 12 packs? dang! or am i mistaken with the NTer...i might be, if not then dang 12 packs on a phone order is insane.

DANG! How he get 12 packs?? Hes in MD from what I remember reading his posts in the past years.
He musta copped on the 50% at like Footlocker, if he copped at an outlet than thats
and dude must have major pull.

EDIT, I forgot to give BigJ505 a big thanks for the info on the Freswater Griffs.
Secured my size 9.5 wanted 2 pairs but I already got 1 pair in the closet.
Just spoke with my manager today and he said next Tuesday at the Jersey Gardens Nike Outlet in Elizabeth NJ, we will receive the Orlando Retro 7 B-grades. Theywill cost $120.00. The number to the store is 908-629-9171. Hope this info helps.
^Couldn't even get that lol, no biggie since I really wanted the volts anyway

But whoever wants the Bo Jacksons I found them on this website for only $80, they have sizes 8-10.5, 13 here's the link
anybody know if the griffeys were B Grades? all the excitement and i forgot to ask lol
They were on the back hash wall, no sample tags didn't see anything that would assume them to be B-grades but I did notice on the tag on theinside of the shoe it had a red "x" on it. From the sz. 10 pair that I looked at they looked good, no noticeable stains, rips or excessive glue.

Again, I hope some people who really wanted this shoe got what they wanted and it wasn't just all damn resellers who got em.
Originally Posted by xilegacy

Griffey (970) 468-6040
2 x 8
6 x 9
9 x 9.5
1 x 10 sold I took them
1 x 15

Manager called me back they had more in the back.

THANK YOU ! got a size 9
Originally Posted by langfor5

anybody know if the griffeys were B Grades? all the excitement and i forgot to ask lol
They were on the back hash wall, no sample tags didn't see anything that would assume them to be B-grades but I did notice on the tag on the inside of the shoe it had a red "x" on it. From the sz. 10 pair that I looked at they looked good, no noticeable stains, rips or excessive glue.

Again, I hope some people who really wanted this shoe got what they wanted and it wasn't just all damn resellers who got em.

thanks for all the help dude... makes me no diff what grade they are... im just glad i finally had an outlet buy... 1st since the b grade cdp 11sFTW!!!!
they are 49.99. I think we have a decent size run if you wear an uncommon size you'll probably be s.o.l

The number is 904-810-5584

Tell 'em Nevin referred you

We also have:

Mean Green AM 90 54.97
BLK leather 360's 54.97

I think thats it for sportswear kicks

which AM90s are these? i googled "mean green air max 90" and got several different results...
Originally Posted by ATFROMTN

Originally Posted by auright

how did he get 12 packs? i thought they had a limit. people like that is why most of us don't get a pair.
that guy who had12 packs is a niketalk member.his id is liljase2000.
I highly doubt he got them from a outlet. Reason I say that is because I'm sure he has ftl/fa/champs connect and probably picked them up fromthe 50% employee appreciation(comes out to the same price after shipping and tax). They only let you you order 1 pack per person on them phone since the limitis 200 on phone orders. He would have to call 12 times with 12 different cc's and I'm sure if his name came up 12 times when they were processingorders they would have cancelled some of it because of the limit. Also that's pretty hard to do with everyone calling from nt from all over.
check the bar code on that dudes auctions see if it has been marked with a line, cuz outlets usally would do that so they couldnt return them to a regstore,but i could be wrong
Originally Posted by reakeon23

check the bar code on that dudes auctions see if it has been marked with a line, cuz outlets usally would do that so they couldnt return them to a reg store,but i could be wrong

He doesnt show pictures of where the shoe size is he's probbly hiding that and also the yellow sticker with outlet price too
AJ 1 High Strap (Black/Columbia) 39.97
AJ 1 Phat Low (white/blue polka dot) 39.97

both near FSR

Originally Posted by Baby Jumpman

^Couldn't even get that lol, no biggie since I really wanted the volts anyway

But whoever wants the Bo Jacksons I found them on this website for only $80, they have sizes 8-10.5, 13 here's the link
Got a pair of volts from a fellow NTer good lookin out you know who you are, Will I had second thoughts called them up and they were gone
no biggie though

edit: 1800 posts
so the other OG colorway of the griffey max 1 is also in the outlets besides the samples someone else picked up ?
^Not sure I searched Nikefind for them today and they said they didn't have any. I copped a pair off ebay but the seller was a NTer.
There should be another 9.5 left in the griffeys if anyone wants. It's a return so give them a call quick.
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