Official October 2013 WDYWT Thread Vol. Trick or Treat

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Even though we lost today.... UNDS along with the TEEZEE watch
jogger pants were Mercers by Kith. props for asking here in the thread, instead of PMing me, cuz you're scared to be seen asking me for info on clothes i'm wearing, cuz it's popular to hate on proto... :lol:

i'm about to stop replying to PM's like that... i get a barrage of them on a regular basis, asking about various things i wear... get some balls and ask in here, or don't ask at all... :lol:

it's funny, some of you hate on me, but it's YOU who are obviously controlled by what you think NT will like or not... meanwhile i don't give a single F... i wear what i like, new trends, old trends, styles i've been on for years, whatever i actually like, and i ignore what i don't like (you won't catch me dead in garbage @$% Pyrex, i don't care how popular it gets), i will never succumb to what won't get me hated on, i don't care, life is way too short to base your style and opinions on what others will think of you... i coulda followed y'all and dressed just like you a long time ago to get your approvals... but NT can hate all they want. this place is full of a bunch of washed up "sneaker heads" and goons who sound like old people hating on any and every new trend. even if they may like certain new trends, their head is so far up their @$% and they're so set in their ways, they hate on it anyways, only to come around to it much later, when they think it's safe and they won't get hated on anymore (and then have the audacity or are just plain dumb enough to call others "sheep")... i mean seriously, how many of y'all went OD hard hating on skinny jean a couple years ago, but are now finally slimming up your jeans... learn to have enough style and humility to recognize when something looks good or not, and switch up if you genuinely like it, don't wait for everyone else to do it first, and hate on those who have an opinion and aren't scared to know what they like and try something new. if you really don't like something, don't follow it, but just know sometimes resisting a trend you actually kinda like is the same thing as beasting on any and every new trend. both are basing your own opinion on what others think of you.

stop letting other people's opinions control your own. rock a new trend if you like it, don't be scared to get hated on by the hype beast police (half them cats posting in that thread are the same thing as hype beasts, they base what they wear on what will make them feel cool, not what they actually like or not, just that they think doing the opposite of "hype beasts" makes them cool)... and have enough of an identity to ignore the trends you don't like.

i wore cuffed jogger pants in here with some asics last year and cats hated on me, said it was "ayo" and i was "trying to start a new trend", etc, when really all it was is i recognized a look i thought looked dope with sneakers, knowing full well NT would hate on me, and did it anyways, cuz i liked it, and no other reason... now a year later, other people are wearing the same... am i special? no... i just have a decent eye for what looks good and some foresight, and definitely ain't scared to get hated on... more people should follow suit, and be an inspiration, instead of a mega late clone, too scared to try something new they like cuz they don't want to get hated on...

sorry for the rant... been awhile since i wrote an "essay", lol, but it's sunday funday, and i'm tipsy, so i'm saying what's on my mind... :lol:

anyways, yeezys with a "pink pony" breast cancer awareness edition polo:


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jogger pants were Mercers by Kith. props for asking here in the thread, instead of PMing me, cuz you're scared to be seen asking me for info on clothes i'm wearing, cuz it's popular to hate on proto... :lol:

i'm about to stop replying to PM's like that... i get a barrage of them on a regular basis, asking about various things i wear... get some balls and ask in here, or don't ask at all... :lol:

it's funny, some of you hate on me, but it's YOU who are obviously controlled by what you think NT will like or not... meanwhile i don't give a single F... i wear what i like, new trends, old trends, styles i've been on for years, whatever i actually like, and i ignore what i don't like (you won't catch me dead in garbage @$% Pyrex, i don't care how popular it gets), i will never succumb to what won't get me hated on, i don't care, life is way too short to base your style and opinions on what others will think of you... i coulda followed y'all and dressed just like you a long time ago to get your approvals... but NT can hate all they want. this place is full of a bunch of washed up "sneaker heads" and goons who sound like old people hating on any and every new trend. even if they may like certain new trends, their head is so far up their @$% and they're so set in their ways, they hate on it anyways, only to come around to it much later, when they think it's safe and they won't get hated on anymore (and then have the audacity or are just plain dumb enough to call others "sheep")... i mean seriously, how many of y'all went OD hard hating on skinny jean a couple years ago, but are now finally slimming up your jeans... learn to have enough style and humility to recognize when something looks good or not, and switch up if you genuinely like it, don't wait for everyone else to do it first, and hate on those who have an opinion and aren't scared to know what they like and try something new. if you really don't like something, don't follow it, but just know sometimes resisting a trend you actually kinda like is the same thing as beasting on any and every new trend. both are basing your own opinion on what others think of you.

stop letting other people's opinions control your own. rock a new trend if you like it, don't be scared to get hated on by the hype beast police (half them cats posting in that thread are the same thing as hype beasts, they base what they wear on what will make them feel cool, not what they actually like or not, just that they think doing the opposite of "hype beasts" makes them cool)... and have enough of an identity to ignore the trends you don't like.

i wore cuffed jogger pants in here with some asics last year and cats hated on me, said it was "ayo" and i was "trying to start a new trend", etc, when really all it was is i recognized a look i thought looked dope with sneakers, knowing full well NT would hate on me, and did it anyways, cuz i liked it, and no other reason... now a year later, other people are wearing the same... am i special? no... i just have a decent eye for what looks good and some foresight, and definitely ain't scared to get hated on... more people should follow suit, and be an inspiration, instead of a mega late clone, too scared to try something new they like cuz they don't want to get hated on...

sorry for the rant... been awhile since i wrote an "essay", lol, but it's sunday funday, and i'm tipsy, so i'm saying what's on my mind sure do love to hear yourself talk huh? :smh:
Those Play Clothes Sauconys are straight flames

How do they fit? Been searching for the blue pair
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