Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by whyhellothere



Was not expecting this. *Two thumbs up*

Who's the guy in the duet though?
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Production on that Goblin album is some of the worse sh-- i've ever listened to... besides Transylvania and Tron Cat all the production is wack. Lyrical content is meh as well
That reviewer basically said in 15mins what I typed in two sentences.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Production on that Goblin album is some of the worse sh-- i've ever listened to... besides Transylvania and Tron Cat all the production is wack. Lyrical content is meh as well
That reviewer basically said in 15mins what I typed in two sentences.
See now I know why I have this crazy divided feeling about these cats, MeloHype can spit but Tyler gets all the attention with his little act
See now I know why I have this crazy divided feeling about these cats, MeloHype can spit but Tyler gets all the attention with his little act
So is Goblin a real album or is it like some mixtape type !%* to build buzz? Its some of the worst sounding !%* i've ever witnessed.
So is Goblin a real album or is it like some mixtape type !%* to build buzz? Its some of the worst sounding !%* i've ever witnessed.
I'm not one to believe in the whole "NT started everything" theory but "Disregard Females. Acquire currency" definitely started here right? Tyler drops that in a verse on Burger.
I'm not one to believe in the whole "NT started everything" theory but "Disregard Females. Acquire currency" definitely started here right? Tyler drops that in a verse on Burger.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I'm not one to believe in the whole "NT started everything" theory but "Disregard Females. Acquire currency" definitely started here right? Tyler drops that in a verse on Burger.

im pretty sure that was 4chan
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I'm not one to believe in the whole "NT started everything" theory but "Disregard Females. Acquire currency" definitely started here right? Tyler drops that in a verse on Burger.

im pretty sure that was 4chan
Originally Posted by WiCKeD KiCKz

where can I download Hodgy Beats - The Dena Tape? are these cats' tapes available for download?

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