Official PATRIOTS vs. RAVENS Vol. Monday Night Highlight

unsportsmanlike flags come out late usually cause they're way after the play. and rolle just took moss down. moss may have ran into rolle, but rolle hadhis arm around moss and pulled him down. the gaffney td looked like it could have gone either way. and you cannot say the pats would have gotten the calls ifthey were of defense, thats bs. we have had our share of bs calls go against us.
^i wasnt talking about the unsportsmanlike... it seemed like all the PI calls were coming out mad late
"Add the Raven fans to the list of haters the Patriots have traumatized and beaten into Submission"

Beaten into submission? Dude, the Pats won, but the Ravens clearly punched these dudes in the face.

(Sorry for the late response, I just scanned the thread.)

I hope Pitt and the Giants both beat New England. Will they still have home field if the Colts and Pats end up with the same record? I don't believe so.
yeah i wouldnt say we beat them into submission at fact, that game will be treated as loss by NE coaching
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

has Ray Lewis done any interviews for this game yet?
Nope, Unless, some Baltimore Beat reporters got him in the lockeroom, he did not take the post game podium

i woulda stayed far away from Ray Ray in the locker room
at theend after they celebrated the stop then realzied the time out was called son took a knee and just stared...i know he was restraining himself from smacking somepeople after the game fell apart
and a big
to people with the "cheating" and what not...that wasa good%!@* game...
Pats, thanks for keeping those 72 Dolphins seething.

Ravens, thanks for covering for me last night
What about calling a time out?

a) Was it the Defensive Coordinator who called it?


b) Is the DC allowed to call one?
the refs should have ignored rex ryan and gone on with the play, no whistle. there is no 15-yard penalty or anything like that, not as bad as what gibbs did.
i dont think you can blame the refs more than rex tho. i mean think about it. its right before the snap, and someone from the raven sideline comes running overand shouting Time Out!!!!!!!!! the ref has to blow the whistle, he doesnt have time to look and see who said it.
Then after the referee grants the timeout just in case, look and see who called it. If you see Rex Ryan standing there, then negate the timeout and restart theclock.
i'm not blaming the refs for blowing the whistle and stopping the play. that probably would have been my reaction as well. i wish billick had come and toldthem there was no timeout called, but of course he wouldnt have had the presence of mind to do that.

but the refs still should have checked to see who called the TO and whether it was legit, and if it wasn't then call it off and give us our TO back. wecould have used that TO down the stretch, if we could have stopped the clock one more time we would have had more than a prayer's chance of getting in theendzone.

but i'm not complaining about that really... just giving another example of how the Pats got every single break . but whatever. ravensplayed their hearts out and it was a good game. and as for the pats i dont know what to say, guess it takes a lot of help to go undefeated.
Refs messed up BIG TIME w. the Rex Ryan timeout....that cost them the game. That is inexcusable on the refs part in calling that TO. Horrible.

i dont think you can blame the refs more than rex tho. i mean think about it. its right before the snap, and someone from the raven sideline comes running over and shouting Time Out!!!!!!!!! the ref has to blow the whistle, he doesnt have time to look and see who said it.

....u think in the ref training or whatever they go through, they aren't taught that they actually need to LOOK at who is saying timeout in thesideline? They botched that plain and simple.
Well accepting the timeout or not accepting it is problematic, because don't you have to stop the play regardless? There is a fat old coach running ontothe field in his sweats, running directly at the ref, you can't just let the play go on. Also I presume there is a penalty for both running on the field asa staffmember and also trying to call a timeout when you are not a coach or a player. No?
so they ref is suppose to turn around and see who is calling the timeout? makes no sense at all to do that
Stop with the crying man for Christ sake. You guys wanna talk about non calls? How about the "non call" on Mason towards the end of the game? Dudebasically tackled Merriweather.

What about on the INT from Ed Reed? Wes Welker was basically tackled by McCallister, oh and by the way Ed Reed loses the fumble.

Kyle Boler through a INT into triple coverage in the 4th quarter.

B-More had just as much as every chance to close that game out prior to that 4th down play, there Offesnse is terrible, plain and simple.

Let it it go, its over.

The NFL wants NE to go undeafeated? NE sells tickets where ever they go, whether if they were 12-0 or 8-4.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Stop with the crying man for Christ sake. You guys wanna talk about non calls? How about the "non call" on Mason towards the end of the game? Dude basically tackled Merriweather.

What about on the INT from Ed Reed? Wes Welker was basically tackled by McCallister, oh and by the way Ed Reed loses the fumble.

Kyle Boler through a INT into triple coverage in the 4th quarter.

B-More had just as much as every chance to close that game out prior to that 4th down play, there Offesnse is terrible, plain and simple.

Let it it go, its over.

The NFL wants NE to go undeafeated? NE sells tickets where ever they go, whether if they were 12-0 or 8-4.

If you're talking about the last play, Derrick didn't do $#+$. I guaranteethat if the commentators didn't mention that "there could've" been a call on Mason, nobody would've said anything. Everybody was going upfor the ball, and it was a huge mess. They're not going to call interference on somebody when there are about seven guys going up for a ball on the lastplay of the game.

What does Kyle throwing an interception have to do with a non-call?
The Ravens' offense isn't as bad as people say. I'm sick of people sayingthat. Their O-line isn't good anymore, but last night, they showed that they can still play with heart. We have two good receivers in Mason and Clayton, wehave a top back in McGahee, one of the best TEs in the game in Heap, and a decent quarterback (when he wants to be).Aside from that interception which was just a mistake, Boller played a good game. Kyle Boller isn't that bad of a quarterback. Trust me, I used to HATE theguy before McNair came into town. But, after watching him fill in for McNair this season, I see that the kid can playwell.

Baltimore deserved to win that game, plain and simple. Hell, they DID win that game, plain and simple. Rex Ryan's timeout should NOT have been recognized.That is a complete crock of $#+$ and everyone knows it.
everybody tries to use rules for their convenience only.

if Billick called a T.O., but the ref looked first to confirm and called the T.O. AFTER the play started, the Ravens would have been complaining about how theyblew the whistle after the play so the T.O. shouldn't be confirmed

just man up and look to YOUR OWN mistakes. trash playcallin on the 3rd and long, lack of pressure when pressure was working for you all game. real talkdudes crying is not a good look. my dude samari might be mad bout dude callin him a boy, but they was actin like children all night long
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]if Billick called a T.O., but the ref looked first to confirm and called the T.O. AFTER the play started, the Ravens would have been complaining about how they blew the whistle after the play so the T.O. shouldn't be confirmed[/color]

But, Billick didn't call the timeout, so it doesn't even matter. Besides, honestly, how long does it actually take to look over and see who iscalling the timeout. You act as if it takes five seconds so that the refs would be stopping the game mid-play. At most, and I mean at MOST, the refwould've blew the whistle as soon as the ball was snapped.
the ravens players should be embarresed as well as their fans....blaming the loss on the refs...acting like 5th graders. The game was in no way onsided, it wasa flatout good football game, the Ravens played incrediable maybe better than the Patriots for the first 44 minutes of the game.

Get It Crakin since you are a Ravens (or Pats hater) i see what your saying but think about from an unbiased stance you would think completely different andnotice what your saying is complete nonsense

Anyone got the Moss quote from after the game cause i agree with what he said 100%
Originally Posted by Gettin It Crackin

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Stop with the crying man for Christ sake. You guys wanna talk about non calls? How about the "non call" on Mason towards the end of the game? Dude basically tackled Merriweather.

What about on the INT from Ed Reed? Wes Welker was basically tackled by McCallister, oh and by the way Ed Reed loses the fumble.

Kyle Boler through a INT into triple coverage in the 4th quarter.

B-More had just as much as every chance to close that game out prior to that 4th down play, there Offesnse is terrible, plain and simple.

Let it it go, its over.

The NFL wants NE to go undeafeated? NE sells tickets where ever they go, whether if they were 12-0 or 8-4.

If you're talking about the last play, Derrick didn't do $#+$. I guarantee that if the commentators didn't mention that "there could've" been a call on Mason, nobody would've said anything. Everybody was going up for the ball, and it was a huge mess. They're not going to call interference on somebody when there are about seven guys going up for a ball on the last play of the game.

What does Kyle throwing an interception have to do with a non-call?
The Ravens' offense isn't as bad as people say. I'm sick of people saying that. Their O-line isn't good anymore, but last night, they showed that they can still play with heart. We have two good receivers in Mason and Clayton, we have a top back in McGahee, one of the best TEs in the game in Heap, and a decent quarterback (when he wants to be). Aside from that interception which was just a mistake, Boller played a good game. Kyle Boller isn't that bad of a quarterback. Trust me, I used to HATE the guy before McNair came into town. But, after watching him fill in for McNair this season, I see that the kid can play well.

Baltimore deserved to win that game, plain and simple. Hell, they DID win that game, plain and simple. Rex Ryan's timeout should NOT have been recognized. That is a complete crock of $#+$ and everyone knows it.

The INT doesnt have anything to do with a non-call, but dont sit there and say B-MORE didnt have chances to put the game away. The amount of dropped passesNE had and the mistakes they had early in the game, they were still in the game by the end of the 4th. Dont blame it on the refs.

They both deserved to win the game, the better team won.
anybody see moss' postgame attire?! cot damn, he was looking flyyyyyyyyy in some shades and a pinstripe suit (no$+%$%)
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Their O-line isn't good anymore, but last night, they showed that they can still play with heart.

that's not true. our young guys (Yanda, Grubbs, Brown, Gaither, Chester) have been doing great recently when they are put in because of injuries. they will be a great o-line in the future. it was actually Ogden that was killing us in a lot of games, we would try to run behind him and he just wouldn't get the job done.

That's true, but what I really meant was we went from having one of the best O-lines in the league (during Jamal's golden years) to having amediocre (on the bad side) one in just a few years. Even with our young guys, we're still not as good as we were a few years ago. I used to stick up forJon Ogden like none other, but now I realize that he's REALLY slowing us down. He's still strong, but he's just too old/slow to keep up anymore. Although I do agree that our young guys have a lot of potential and will be good in future years, our line is really still nothing right now.
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