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^ So I guess you're more partial to NVIDIA cards then, slade?
Get the ASUS version of the 6770 if you're keen on getting this card. Performs better at a cheaper price, too.
new egg for some reason when i buy things from there its always RMA hahaha , my motherboard blew out , then i bought one from new egg, but for some reason PC didnt work so i thought it was power supply , bought that, then i thought it was CPU bought that too , then graphics , got that ,the new motherboard it lights up and all that but no boot sounds or post , and the new board didnt have the sound thing , so everything i bought i did the RMA , went to FRYS took my whole computer bought a new motherboard and set it up there , it was the motherboard i got from NEW egg that didnt work , and i worked at this place before that buys alot of things from NEW EGG and all i did was be on the phone doing RMA all day