Official PC thread.

Hey guys i just ordered this.
Planning to hackintosh and also play some games.. Diablo 3, COD, LoL
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($219.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($124.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Kingston HyperX Blu 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1333 Memory ($36.00 @ Amazon)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 660 2GB Video Card ($229.95 @ B&H)
Case: Antec Nine Hundred ATX Mid Tower Case ($58.00 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Antec High Current Gamer 620W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($56.19 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive: Lite-On iHAS424-98 DVD/CD Writer ($24.49 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $769.61
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2012-11-19 02:28 EST-0500)
What do you guys think?

Not bad for the price. I assume you already have a hard drive? If you don't already own one, I suggest an SSD + at least 1.5 TB HDD.

The only think I would change is the case, the antec 900 doesnt have cable management. I'm a corsair fanboy so to price match I'll go with this
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Im only going to have stock CPU cooler with 1 optical drive and 1 hard drive. it shouldnt be a problem right? its not like im crossfiring and putting 3 HD's and SSD's
i'm still hesitating to pull the trigger on a build. i'll probably decide on black friday once i see all the deals out. plus i haven't had the time to compare prices between sites, i'm trying to buy most of it (at least the more costly ones) from tigerdirect so there's no tax since i'm in CA. i'll probably buy the small things like ram from newegg.

if anything i'll try a build like freshKRN's since those are the same components i'm looking at as far as processor and mobo wise. and as far as gpu, does it matter the brand? for example if i were to choose a gtx 660, does the brand matter? i know warranties and such matter but does the overall performance of a card differ by brand? also do the ones with two fans on it affect performance or is it just for cooling?

so here's my total at tigerdirect without a mobo since they don't carry asrock. i'm not too set on this list, just something i picked out.

Cooler Master RR-B10-212P-GP Hyper 212 Plus CPU Cooler

MSI GeForce GTX 660 Twin Frozr N660 TF 2GD5 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5
$15.00 Mail-in Rebate

Cooler Master SGC-1000-KWN1 Storm Enforcer ATX Mid Tower Case

Kingston HyperX 8GB DDR3, (2 x 4GB), PC3-12800, 1600MHz
Price: $29.99

Intel Core i5-3570K
TOTAL $589.95

I have a corsair cx500 psu already, and i figured i'll re-use my optical drive from my old rig as well as trying to re-use my HDD if it wasn't corrupted from when my old rig failed. i'll also try to pick up a SSD this week and use it to boot up windows 8.
I like to buy my GPU from Microcenter because they have that 2 years replacement or whateveritscalled plan.. and when something new comes out I can return this one and they'll give me what I paid for it towards a new card.. you can't lose.. only thing is when you return it for a new card you have to buy the 2 year thing again which is like 50 buck which isn't bad at all imo
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My PC was recently hit with a virus that locks me out of my operating system, Manufacturing load screen will pop up then after that it'll take me to a black screen. Took it to Geek squad and they said they've seen/heard of the problem but haven't figured out a solution. The tech guy told me to buy windows 8 and upload a new os. That worked for only a week. Now my computers down with the same previous and idk what else to do. Should I take it to a different repair place or if you guys have any other suggestions i would gladly appreciate it.
My PC was recently hit with a virus that locks me out of my operating system, Manufacturing load screen will pop up then after that it'll take me to a black screen. Took it to Geek squad and they said they've seen/heard of the problem but haven't figured out a solution. The tech guy told me to buy windows 8 and upload a new os. That worked for only a week. Now my computers down with the same previous and idk what else to do. Should I take it to a different repair place or if you guys have any other suggestions i would gladly appreciate it.
Re-Install the OS clean and after that get yourself a good anti-virus software.. Should do the trick.

I recommend F-Secure.
Re-Install the OS clean and after that get yourself a good anti-virus software.. Should do the trick.
I recommend F-Secure.

Thank you man. And one more question! How do I re-install the OS clean and what is an OS clean? Sorry for asking alot of questions but I'm not familiar with stuff like this. 8o
Thank you man. And one more question! How do I re-install the OS clean and what is an OS clean? Sorry for asking alot of questions but I'm not familiar with stuff like this. 8o
By clean, I mean to format the hard drive.

So it will be "clean" of everything, so I hope you have your family photos and pr0n secure somewhere.

To do this, just put the Windows XP/Vista/7/8 disk in and when it asks where to install, click on that portion of the HDD and choose "Format etc..". After that, just install the Operating System (OS) to an empty Hard Disk Drive (HDD).

My stuff came and just got done building right now. Finished product
Max Payne 3 $15 on Steam: Good.

Max Payne 3 35 GB Download: Bad.
dont mess with ocz ssd. read nothing but terrible things about them. yes they are fast and cheap but very unreliable. One of my oczs died not too long ago.
get the intel 330 that is on sale instead
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