Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Ha!...thanx you

You mean



:ha t

:smoki n
You can get an XS for like 200$ nowadays, best word of advice I can give you is NEVER shop for anything camera related at bestbuy, pcrichards, costco, etc.Always go to BH or use amazon or simply join photography forums which have marketplaces where people have some great deals. We have a camera marketplace in theA&P section on ISS too. For 800$ I think you can get away with a 40d and a kit lense. Good luck....ohh yeah no video recording, you can get that from thecanon T1i, but if I was you I'd pass on that for the buy a DSLR for stills, not for it's video. Good luck.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

You can get an XS for like 200$ nowadays, best word of advice I can give you is NEVER shop for anything camera related at bestbuy, pcrichards, costco, etc. Always go to BH or use amazon or simply join photography forums which have marketplaces where people have some great deals. We have a camera marketplace in the A&P section on ISS too. For 800$ I think you can get away with a 40d and a kit lense. Good luck....ohh yeah no video recording, you can get that from the canon T1i, but if I was you I'd pass on that for the buy a DSLR for stills, not for it's video. Good luck.

It's odd cause I would be there right with you with the video thing but I think that is the new wave of the century as far as DLSRs go. You can't denythat this technology is here to you might as well embrace it all.

With that said, I still think the T1i is the best entry level camera that is out. If you are still strapped for cash on the rest of the funds, jut get a BestBuy card and pay it off monthly with no APR.
why bestbuy?????...when there is BH and even amazonnnn....I'd buy off craigslist before going to BEstbuy.
As far as re video hype is concern, yes fongstarr you are right to a certain extent, however the HD video abilities of a DSLR shouldn't dictate whichcamera you end up buying, I own a 5dmkii and ima be honest with you, unless you own a rig or are extremely good at autofocusing you won't enjoy the videopotential to the fullest and if your interest is improving your photography, then I don't even see what's the point of the video, I'm not reallysure but I think the T1i and the 40d are about the same price in which case I would suggest, say away from the hype and get the 40d, at the end of the daythough, it's all personal preference and opinion.
I only meant Best Buy cause of the credit card plans they have. Does B&H and Amazon have that? I am not sure if he only has $800 to spend or whatever but Iguess I am implying that he should just pony up a little more doe and get the T1i or 40D.

Yeah...I know of the focusing issues but it almost gives it more character to go in and out of focus. I think I am just one of those guys that is for thevideo. I am not talking about how you can make feature films but I know of a lot of photographers that are getting into more and more of the filming aspect andjust putting up short films on the web. It's just another medium to explore and for the most's kind of fun.

One of the photographers (hypebeast/culture aside) that I can say I am a fan of and really like his style is 13th Witness. Here is some examples...all shot ona MK2:

Escape From Tomorrow (A Day In the Life With Nigel Sylvester) from 13thWitness[emoji]8482[/emoji] on Vimeo.

Also D-Nice has a couple of great videos on using the same camera:

True Hip-Hop Stories: Masta Ace from -Nice on Vimeo.
that's why I said is personal preference, I'm not a fan of the video feature on my camera. But others might, I just think although he said he took someclasses, it sounds as if this will be his first dslr at this point I really don't recommend it, although it could be fun I feel as if it's gonna makehis learning curve alot steeper and harder to climb....can't see the videos from my phone bro, but I take your word for it, when the person knows hiscamera already, then any of these hd video dslr's can achieve some insane videos.
Man you guys are giving me a ton of info I'm on B&H right now. I think I'm gonna hold off. The quality of those videos are great...i don'tunderstand why you guys wouldn't want video capability??? Anymore info or things i need to look for would be greatly appreciated. I have taken a couple ofclasses but i use a basic cannon eos film camera and i want to make that leap, but i wanna make a good first decision. Those videos are awesome what kindacamera shot those?
it's not that video is not a great feature, I just personally wouldn't pass on a 40d or even a 50d for a T1i just because it has this hd based on your budget I don't sen know why you would even bother looking at the 5dmkii....LOL
Well.....T1i's are about $600 going price right now. You can get a used 40d on craigslist for about $600-700 (probably cheaper but I didn't really lookhard) but it would most likely be used and something about buying a used camera always gets me kind of weird and I see 40d's go new for about $800-900.

I still say get the T1i (body) and put the rest of the money on a different lens aside from the kit one. That would be a great beginner camera and you'llbe somewhat up to date with technology with all the video rage. But if you think this is going to be a long going hobby and your focus is on just photography,then yes.......get the 40D. It shoots better under low lit conditions.
when buying used DSLR's, you should probably be cautious about shutter actuations. I've heard that most basic DSLR's have a life span of about30,000 - 40,000 shutter presses, and some can go up to 100,000.

At least that's what I've read on a few camera forums. Correct me if I'm wrong.
overload, but i have so many new images from Art Basel this last week...










here are some from a mini shoot with a friend...





C&C, anyone?...
i like the composition and contrast of the first two and the grundginess and fashion feel of the last 3, the ones in between are very snapshot-!+%, but stillquite good. good nonetheless bana.

some self portraits.



and some shots i took at the zoo a while back

Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Alright, serious question here for both Nikon and Canon shooters. It's long-winded, but bear with me.

My original plan was to upgrade from the D40x to the Canon 7D. However, after reading a TON of reviews, people are complaining that the IQ hasn't improved, and apparently Sigma lenses aren't 100% compatible with it. I only care about the latter part because after the 24-70 f/2.8, I'm looking into the Sigma 10mm f/2.8 fisheye.

I didn't originally plan on going FF because the breakthroughs in recent sensors has brought high ISO performance a long way as far as low-light photography is concerned. I've been doing some price comparisons, and for an extra $500 or so I could get the 5DmkII with just a standard kit lens for now and the nifty fifty.

SO...5DmkII for a little more money and a little more time, or 7D with L glass sometime in December or January?

Bana, airjordanjack, where you at? I know you're both Canon lovers.

Anyways, ksteezy-- what's the lighting look like for that one with the medical mask? And what kind of PP did you do? Also, that baby is hella cute.
In my opinion, everyone eventually will want to go FF. The difference in cropped cameras and FF is quite significant and will broaden how you feelabout your work. I would save your money for the MKII with the kit lens (but the 2.8, not the f/4) and a nifty 50 will work just fine. The 7D is a greatcamera and all, but the image quality is far superior with the 5DMKII. I used to shoot with a 40D, i loved that cammy cam.. but now that i've gone fullframe i could never consider going back. Also, there are "cheaper" full frame lenses that sigma puts out, comparable to Canons "L" line,Sigma has a EX line. For example, i have a FF super wide angle by sigma, a 12-24. If the 500 is not that big of a difference to you, i'd wait it out andsave up.. considering its such a large purchase. The 7D is awesome, but just not THAT awesome when putting it next to the beast, the MKII. If you're moreinterested in video work, then the 7D will do you well.

Again, this is all my opinion from experience. Hope that helps! If you have other 5D questions, let me know!
lol, i hate when you ISS people refer to everything as a "snapshot" ... a photo is a photo is a photo. =P
lmao...damn Bana put me on blast why dont @ "ISS people"
its not that, post it on POTN and you'll get the same response, doesnt mean its bad, its just a way of describing a photograph.
ohh and i wouldnt recommend a 5dmkII to someone who has never shot with a DSLR, although he took some classes and has used a film camera, a mkII wouldnt be thetop choice to a digital newcomer...C'mon!
i didnt read that hes never owned a dslr, oops.

then you could def get a lower-end cam and move up when you're ready. i have a friend who knows NOTHING about photog and she's seen my work... based onmy stuff she went and bought a 5DMKII, remember.. its a fully manual camera with only 1 auto option and it doesn't come with a flash. now she has a 3Ksetup and doesnt know where to start.. i told her to get a 7D but she didn't listen. she was on the "ill learn" tip... but now she'sregretting it. just because you have an awesome cam doesn't mean your pics will come out great! you gotta practice, trial and error.
edit- wait, in the beginning of his post he says hes upgrading from a Nikon... so uh, yea.. i'll stick to my original advice of copping the 5D.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

ohh and i wouldnt recommend a 5dmkII to someone who has never shot with a DSLR, although he took some classes and has used a film camera, a mkII wouldnt be the top choice to a digital newcomer...C'mon!
why not recommend the 1Ds Mark III or 1D Mark IV while we're at it?
Originally Posted by DJ bana

i didnt read that hes never owned a dslr, oops.

then you could def get a lower-end cam and move up when you're ready. i have a friend who knows NOTHING about photog and she's seen my work... based on my stuff she went and bought a 5DMKII, remember.. its a fully manual camera with only 1 auto option and it doesn't come with a flash. now she has a 3K setup and doesnt know where to start.. i told her to get a 7D but she didn't listen. she was on the "ill learn" tip... but now she's regretting it. just because you have an awesome cam doesn't mean your pics will come out great! you gotta practice, trial and error.
edit- wait, in the beginning of his post he says hes upgrading from a Nikon... so uh, yea.. i'll stick to my original advice of copping the 5D.

idk bana, the op sounds iexperienced still, and he did mention hes not a complete noob, but still. If you are ready to make the jump to a 5dmkii or a 1ds orany other PRO body, i dont think you'll be making a thread like this in a sneaker oriented forum, where there is only one thread dedicated tophotography....i think the OP is more concern with the video capability of his camera than what it can actually offer as a camera for stills....good luck onyour purchase OP.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by DJ bana

i didnt read that hes never owned a dslr, oops.

then you could def get a lower-end cam and move up when you're ready. i have a friend who knows NOTHING about photog and she's seen my work... based on my stuff she went and bought a 5DMKII, remember.. its a fully manual camera with only 1 auto option and it doesn't come with a flash. now she has a 3K setup and doesnt know where to start.. i told her to get a 7D but she didn't listen. she was on the "ill learn" tip... but now she's regretting it. just because you have an awesome cam doesn't mean your pics will come out great! you gotta practice, trial and error.
edit- wait, in the beginning of his post he says hes upgrading from a Nikon... so uh, yea.. i'll stick to my original advice of copping the 5D.

idk bana, the op sounds iexperienced still, and he did mention hes not a complete noob, but still. If you are ready to make the jump to a 5dmkii or a 1ds or any other PRO body, i dont think you'll be making a thread like this in a sneaker oriented forum, where there is only one thread dedicated to photography....i think the OP is more concern with the video capability of his camera than what it can actually offer as a camera for stills....good luck on your purchase OP.
i think the user you're referring to is not the same one i'm talking to.

well, you completely missed my response about purchasing a 5D.. i had quoted a user upgrading to a larger body that asked for my personal advice. he wantedhelp with a 7D vs. a 5DII.

then you knocked my response down, twice, not realizing i was directing my answer to a different user.

i questioned myself, only to realize i wasn't wrong.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

well, you completely missed my response about purchasing a 5D.. i had quoted a user upgrading to a larger body that asked for my personal advice. he wanted help with a 7D vs. a 5DII.

then you knocked my response down, twice, not realizing i was directing my answer to a different user.

i questioned myself, only to realize i wasn't wrong.

forgive me please, blame it on the black and red interface im still getting used to....
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