Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Man I want this!


I don't even think if I sold my D90, Fisheye and 35mm that I could even afford the body. Damn! Damn!
Mr Fongstarr- Do you shoot on an DX sensor or an FX sensor? If you shoot DX i would suggest the Tokina 11-16mm, but if you shoot FX i would totally suggestyou getting the Nikon 14-24mm. Its on the pricey side, but it's seriously one of the sharpest lens i have ever used from 14-24mm focal lengths.

Here are some shots i took with the 14-24mm.



^^^^I shoot DX. I think I remember you posting pics on the 14-24mm. That think is super expensive but regardless, I think I am going to stick with getting theTokina since they say it is as sharp...if not sharper then the Nikon. Dope pics though.....and interesting infatuation with Audrey and Marylin.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Man I want this!


I don't even think if I sold my D90, Fisheye and 35mm that I could even afford the body. Damn! Damn!
I never noticed how "fat" that thing looks. It has some amazing features, but I would rather upgrade to FF...5d mkII
Originally Posted by TwoSickJays

Mr Fongstarr- Do you shoot on an DX sensor or an FX sensor? If you shoot DX i would suggest the Tokina 11-16mm, but if you shoot FX i would totally suggest you getting the Nikon 14-24mm. Its on the pricey side, but it's seriously one of the sharpest lens i have ever used from 14-24mm focal lengths.

Here are some shots i took with the 14-24mm.
u shoot fx? if so,

that 14-24mm is crazy... sharper than most primes, especially on the wider end. but damn, it's mad expensive.
One of my closest friends at his USMC grad two months back.Awaiting deployment now. I hate that my other friend got in the way SMH but I think the bokeh keepshim from being too distracting.
Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Yo, can somebody school me on tripods?
$100 is way too low of a budget for a tripod to support a camera like a D90. You spent $1200 on a camera and kit lens so budgeting that low for a tripod is really not a good idea. Almost all tripods that go for less that $100 are very flimsy and can easily be knocked with a gently nudge. You really don't want to drop a $1200 set of gear on the ground just because you cheapened out on a tripod. I recommend saving up a little and getting a Bogen-Manfrotto 190XPROB and a 486RC2 ball head for about $200:

Howeever if you really don't have the budget and don't see yourself using the tripod all that often you can give the Slik 500DX Pro for $100:

The same rule applies for most electronics and accessories. You usually get what you pay for. Check out Amazon and Adorama if you want free shipping. Hope this helps.

I almost learned the hard way. I copped a tripod from Best buy for like 70 bucks for my D90

after i hooked it up the 90 just overwhelmed the tripod and lend over lucky I caught it or it would have been all bad.

Im saving up for something more "heavy duty"
I was gonna go for the D300s, but for an extra $100 you can grab the 7D and the 28-135. The body is $100 less than that of the D300s. I only have three Nikonlenses so I would only need a 50mm and the kit lens and I'd be okay with that, although I'll miss the wide end from my Nikon kit lens. I also have akit lens for my Canon EOS Rebel G film camera that I could use. That body looks so fat, though.

Anyone used a Nikon to Canon lens adapter?
Originally Posted by stepinitup

Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Yo, can somebody school me on tripods?
$100 is way too low of a budget for a tripod to support a camera like a D90. You spent $1200 on a camera and kit lens so budgeting that low for a tripod is really not a good idea. Almost all tripods that go for less that $100 are very flimsy and can easily be knocked with a gently nudge. You really don't want to drop a $1200 set of gear on the ground just because you cheapened out on a tripod. I recommend saving up a little and getting a Bogen-Manfrotto 190XPROB and a 486RC2 ball head for about $200:

Howeever if you really don't have the budget and don't see yourself using the tripod all that often you can give the Slik 500DX Pro for $100:

The same rule applies for most electronics and accessories. You usually get what you pay for. Check out Amazon and Adorama if you want free shipping. Hope this helps.

I almost learned the hard way. I copped a tripod from Best buy for like 70 bucks for my D90

after i hooked it up the 90 just overwhelmed the tripod and lend over lucky I caught it or it would have been all bad.

Im saving up for something more "heavy duty"

that's all I needed to hear
Originally Posted by airjordanjack

Nice shots santi. What shutter speed do you use for the panning shots?
Thanks man!

Most of the time I use 1/80th - 1/125th. Sometimes I get lucky with 1/40th - 1/50th though.
hey santi what kinda post photo editing do you do to your shots? i really like the contrast and color you achieve just makes for a real gritty real image.
Have I posted this one before?
... Pink's Hot Dogs.


One of my faves that I've taken...


Originally Posted by budahbro

hey santi what kinda post photo editing do you do to your shots? i really like the contrast and color you achieve just makes for a real gritty real image.
I do sharpening (USM) and mess with levels in PS. I also use it to add the tag. That's about it. I try not to spend too much time on PS withtrack photos since most of the time I come back with about 400 shots. I did spend a lot of time fine tuning my cameras preset settings (Saturation, contrast,sharpening, colour tone) That way the image would be just like I wanted it from the start.
I know it's been mentioned here before, but I just cannot seem to get it.

How do you guys input an action in Photoshop to tag your photos with a logo or whatever?
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

I know it's been mentioned here before, but I just cannot seem to get it.

How do you guys input an action in Photoshop to tag your photos with a logo or whatever?
I believe you go to view/windows - click 'actions' - click the button at the bottom of the window that lets you make a new one - name itand choose a f button - record it and do what ever you have to do - then press stop and that's it

one thing about using actions is if you used alot of different sizes for your pics you have to move the logo around...but it's still faster than importingnew layers
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

I know it's been mentioned here before, but I just cannot seem to get it.

How do you guys input an action in Photoshop to tag your photos with a logo or whatever?
Create A Photoshop Action To Watermark Your Images - Photoshop Tutorial
March 06, 2009

Jennifer Farley is an Irish designer and design instructor based in Dublin. Her blog on Laughing Lion Design features Photoshop tips, tricks and tutorials. Here's a new Photoshop tutorial from her.

Photoshop Tutorial: How To Create An Action To Watermark Your Images
Adding a watermark to your images can help (but not completely alleviate) theft of your photographs or images.
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to add a simple watermark in Photoshop, align it to the bottom right
corner and at the same time create an action that you can reuse for all of your images.

Open up your image that you want to add the watermark to. Now before going any further I want to create a new
action that will record the following steps. Open the Actions palette by choosing Windows > Action or press Alt + F9 (win) or Opt + F9.


At the bottom of the Actions palette, click on the New Action icon. This will open up the New Actions dialog box.
Enter a name for your new action - the obvious one here is Watermark - simple and descriptive. If you want to
add your own shortcut key, you can also add that in here. Click Record.
Now Photoshop is recording every step you make.

Select the text tool and click anywhere on the image. Add whatever text you want, usually something like [emoji]169[/emoji] and
your name or your website address. Set the size of the font and the colour. I'm using white, size 32pts.


I like to put my watermarks in the bottom, right corner. To do this, select both the text layer AND your background
image layer in the Layers palette. Now at the top of the screen in the Options bars, click on the Align Bottom Edges
icon and then click on the Align Right Edges icon.
You'll see that the text you've added drops to the bottom right corner of your image.


Usually a watermark is a semi-transparent image or piece of text so to change the opacity of the watermark,
select just the text layer in the Layers palette. Then click and drag the Opacity slider to about 70%
(or a lower number if you prefer how that looks).



That's the watermark added and put in place. Now we can stop recording our actions.
At the bottom of the Actions palette, click on the stop button. You'll be able to see all the
steps you made listed under the "Watermark" action that you've just created.


The next time you want to add a watermark, all you need to do is open your image and the
click on the "Watermark" action in the Actions palette and click the Play icon at the bottom.
A good timesaver.

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