Official Pizza Appreciation!

Really missing Prince Street's square slices in NY right now


this may be the singlemost appealing slice of pizza I have ever seen.

I kinda do. Pizza and wings, put the wings on top of my pizza so they get some sauce
Eat wings off slice, then pizza

I love learning new things from the Internet.

from now on, whenever I gain a new piece of applicable knowledge online, I will share the previous nugget of wisdom as well.
this may be the singlemost appealing slice of pizza I have ever seen.

I love learning new things from the Internet.

from now on, whenever I gain a new piece of applicable knowledge online, I will share the previous nugget of wisdom as well.
A little drizzle of hotsauce on popcorn is also one of the best things. Need to make sure to lightly do it so it don't get soggy
Man pizza used to be life for me. Ate it multiple times a week for years. Recently I’ve been getting bad acid reflux and now I can’t eat tomato sauce anymore :frown: .. sucks :emoji_cry:

I like my pizza well done. Plain cheese is my go to. Oregano, garlic powder, and crushed red peppers :pimp:. Sometimes I’ll get pepperoni if they look good, but sometimes pepperonis can be weird to me. My favorite pepperonis are actually on the frozen digornos and those stoufers French bread ones :pimp: :pimp:

I don’t have it often but Sicilian pizza is fire. Square, Detroit style or whatever you call it
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Copped some pizza. Delivery old dude came late af and pizza was semi cold. Called and complained... got two boxes of pizza for free delivered to my door.
got a new gem in Michigan. NY style, think its better than supinos honestly
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