***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trumpers looking at Garth like

Are you suggesting that there's no such thing as internalized racism?

You didn't just criticize Black Americans - which is racist enough - you criticized Black people globally, for "whining" and purportedly failing to "organize" to your personal satisfaction, without bothering to specify what, exactly, this entails.

Explain to us why this differs from Trump's blatantly racist statements about Black-led countries.

Ask yourself what all anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have in common, then tell us again how the suggestion that all Jewish people's success stems from "global organization" - without evidence - constitutes "praise."

With that logic?!

I'm referring to the need to acknowledge and dismantle structural barriers. If anything, your "bootstrap" mentality represents accommodationism and a demand to work within an unjust system.

You realize, too, that you're now simultaneously arguing that Algeria took the correct path, and yet failed to "organize" properly by your as yet unspecified standards. You can't have it both ways.

My point is that it's blatantly unjust to demand that every Black person be Barack Obama when White people can get away with being Donald Trump. It's all fine and well to encourage each individual to be the best they can be, but if we don't address systemic injustice then all you're really doing in the long run is placing the burden on Black people to compensate for and perpetuate a system that rewards White mediocrity.

I suspect you're "satisfied" with exiting the debate because you've reached the outermost limits of your ability to continue to participate without presenting something other than a loose assembly of lazy stereotypes.

In other words, you threw all the stones in your pockets and now you're content to run away.

You're just sitting there from your comfortable perch in Canada hurling insults at everyone else, and you have the nerve to imply that those currently seeking equal rights are acting entitled?
You say you're criticizing "your people," but are you including yourself?

As a general rule of thumb: if you tell someone else to lift themselves up by their bootstraps, you'd better not be riding on your parents' shoulders.
Ahh now I remember this dude from the race thread, said blacks are lazy globally, doesn't even live in America. How this dude still around to spew bull?
Them Trump people must be ******* dying. I would pay real money to see their suffer broadcast live.
Out with that stupidity. Out with the kids act. Out with the non sense and the daily scandal. So ready to never see again Fox News trending.
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