***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Amazing that the libs in here are quiet about Biden bombing the **** out of Syria. He’s continuing Obama’s work of killing babies
I thought you were asking me my feelings about his words, so my answer was in regards to my feelings. I was not taking into consideration the feelings of regressive white people in WV, mainly because I thought I was not being asked to.

At the end of the day bringing back the speaking filibuster does nothing really, Manchin suggestion doesn't solve the core issue. You are definitely not gonna get the most important bills done, you are probably not gonna the lower-level stuff done either. In fact, you could just give the GOP a new weapon to slow down the Senate even more.

Even if you defang the filibuster, that will not prevent from the GOP launching all-out a propaganda campaign against it, voting rights and Joe Manchin. The Senate floor can be occupied for weeks while the GOP floods news stations and media outlets with their talking points about the Dems rigging the political system. At the end of the day, I don't think rural broadband and a minimum wage is gonna provide any real cover if it goes first (even it does actually pass, which I doubt it would).

The filibuster is not gonna fall out of some "let's disarm white people" politics. It is gonna come from 50 Dems Senators choosing that they what to actually help people above all else.

That is why I am so terrified and furious about the ACA and the Dems stupidly just leaving it up to the Supreme Court. There is a real chance that millions lose their health insurance in a few months, millions more lose important protections; if that happens the Dems will offer a replacement, the GOP refuses or only will agree to the stupid Skinny Repeal bill they tried to pass in 2017, WV governor is on the Dems sides, and Joe Manchin will probably still be outchea most concerned with looking centrist as opposed to doing the right things.

I don't know if I trust this fool to drop his BS even in a life and death situation like that.

You say Obama is the GOAT, welp Obama was also ready to pay the political consequences for trying to pass the ACA, for trying to do the right thing. Until Joe Manchin thinks like that and puts the needs of the country about his own political prospects, then the filibuster reform the country actually needs will probably not happen.

At some point, even for Joe Manchin, politics needs to be about helping people more than the next election. Saying you are for bringing back actual talking for the filibuster falls way short of that. Even if he wants to keep the filibuster, he needs to start being in favor of some stronger reforms.

So I will remain angry and unimpressed by Manchin until that day arrives

I've been reading that book Kill Switch on the history of the fillibuster, and it's crazy how small tweaks, and random quirks of history resulted in what we see today.

I was very down on the chances of fillibuster reform post election. But it seems pretty clear to me that Biden can make this happen if he wants to.

I think if Biden wants it I think we will arrive at a place where an incredibly coordinated and motivated minority can delay things by a week or two

But the 60 vote threshold will be functionally killed.

I think the bigger question is Sinema, than Manchin. I think I know what Manchin wants.

I don't know wtf is going on in her head.
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I've been reading that book Kill Switch on the history of the fillibuster, and it's crazy how small tweaks, and random quirks of history resulted in what we see today.

I was very down on the chances of fillibuster reform post election. But it seems pretty clear to me that Biden can make this happen if he wants to.

I think if Biden wants it I think we will arrive at a place where an incrediblly quordinated and motivated minority can delay things by a week or two

But the 60 vote threshold will be functionally killed.

I think the bigger question is Sinema, than Manchin. I think I know what Manchin wants.

I don't know wtf is going on in her head.
Well I hope you are right, srs

Cause if it doesn't happen this country might be ****** beyond repair
The royal family literally moved someone to the Caribbean because he was a nazi sympathizer

but they weren’t willing to provide security to one of the princes when he and his family are getting death threats because the British tabloids couldnt hide their racism
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Weird how Republicans are all about kids being in school and being educated all of a sudden. Wait, no, they just want them in school. Forget the education part.
Funny how they keep claiming school is off when it has never stopped. Just like how they claim everything is shut down but everything is actually open
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Reminds me of John Goodmans character in Kong:Skull Island
"Mark my words there will never be a more messed up time in Washington"

i aint into politics like that but
has it really always been THIS divided? its gonna take several alien invasions to unite errybody........ for a couple mins at least.

Repubs will probably blame Dems for not supporting the Space Force :smh:
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