***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This post makes no sense famb.

Think it through, the Dems strip Manchin of all leadership positions, then what?

He can make Mitch McConnell the Senate Leader any day he wants. Liz Cheney had no real power over the party agenda.

This is why I was so disappointed about the Dems not getting a blowout months ago, nearly everything I was worried about is coming true. Joe Manchin was the piece of **** I always thought he was going to be.

yup.. but dems are f’d come 2024

i mean we’ll see exactly how far republicans will go depending on how ‘22 goes.. even if they just win the house, going be a shh show

but as far as 2024, dems will win the popular vote again by millions of votes and win the requisite number of states to win the electoral college, but guess what those republican controlled states going do

but zero clue how anyone with a brain is watching what the republicans are doing at the state level AND thinking they give a damn about bipartisanship or fair
Famb this is not gonna work.

Manchin also said they he opposed to changing the filibuster in any way too. You wants ten Republicans to vote for the John Lewis Act.

Joe Manchin has no reason to care about Biden's opinion of him, or the Democratic base. He will probably happily leave the party to clapback.
The shaming has nothing to do with getting Machin to change his position. At this point, it is necessary for the Dem leadership to echo their base in the public sphere to keep the Dem voter engagement up and hope to increase their control of the Senate (record turnout will be the only way to do that IMO).

The message that "the GOP, Joe, Sinema are the problem and their power needs to be nullified with more Dem senators" has to be conveyed skillfully enough that they don't get Machin or Sinema to switch and give McConnell control of Congress before the midterms though.

It's a hail mary because Democrats won't be able to campaign on Joe's major promises in 2022 unless he decides to go with executive orders soon.
I want Manchin, Sinema and whoever is hiding behind them in cowardice put up some legislation of their own that gets you 10 GOP Senators

Most of the media will continue to circle jerk around bipartisanship as a handshake deal between peers when they don't even accurately represent their constituents on these things

Mind numbing.

There is no direct threat to these ppl and they simply don't care

Reminds me when cragmatic cragmatic asked if we're better off not paying this any mind. Today feels like that kind of day.

This **** is gross
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The shaming has nothing to do with getting Machin to change his position. At this point, it is necessary for the Dem leadership to echo their base in the public sphere to keep the Dem voter engagement up and hope to increase their control of the Senate (record turnout will be the only way to do that IMO).

The message that "the GOP, Joe, Sinema are the problem and their power needs to be nullified with more Dem senators" has to be conveyed skillfully enough that they don't get Machin or Sinema to switch and give McConnell control of Congress before the midterms though.

It's a hail mary because Democrats won't be able to campaign on Joe's major promises in 2022 unless he decides to go with executive orders soon.
I was addressing you third paragraph where you said....

Bro you damn well know nobody but political historians will remember Manchin 50 years from now.

What I do wonder is how effective it would be for Biden should use the bully pulpit to remind America of the last 13 years and trash Manchin for siding with the GOP when they have never sided with Democrats. Manchin has to be publicly called out for sticking to bipartisanship when there has never been reciprocity from the GOP on important measures championed by Democrats.

One thing that hasn't been said is that he says he is "open" to reinstating the pre-clearance measures stripped from the voting rights act on 2013 that have been included in the John Lewis act. If that's possible without having to rely on the GOP (simple majority), the leadership has to make it clear that he is on a tight schedule. Then, after Biden signs it, he can rake Manchin over some prime WV coal. Use him like the GOP is using him.

I am saying it will not work because voting rights are no budgetary, so they can't pass through reconciliation. Getting something out of Manchin them throwing him under the bus can't happen through a simple majority.

I am not trying to be defeatist but I think you are overestimating what the Dems can accomplish through messaging. Because at the end of the day no one knows how the Dems can pull out a blowout victory in a regular midterm the year after they won the White House. With gerrymandering a new voter suppression laws working against them.

Come next year I will probably spend a lot of money helping to get people to the polls, and hit the pavement, but for today with what Sinema and Manchin are doing with screwing over the Democratic Party, black people, and democracy, trying to formulate hail marys the Dems can do seems like more of a coping mechanism than anything else.

The country is way more ****** than most realize. Including myself. And I thought we were pretty ****** before.
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Bunch of *****es man

The thing is that even in the House there are disagreements over the For the People Act, but people are willing to compromise to strike a deal.

If I had to guess the other hold out are probably some of the people that voted against the $15 minimum wage, Feinstein, and Warner.

Angus King said he is against some stuff in the bill, and against dropping the filibuster but it is so important can if some changes can be made he would vote to drop the filibuster as a last resort to pass it.

Tester said he is said dropping the filibuster but if the GOP just uses it to block the entire agenda he would be open to dropping it because he wants to get **** done.

I believe there should be more urgency but at least some of the skeptics have their eyes open to what is at stake.

Pressure can make the other holdouts fold because they are mostly cowards scared of the backlash from their own bases.

This is why I was hoping for 55-57 Dems Senators. Because at that point base pressure becomes a viable strategy. Manchin is taking pleasure in ******* over everyone.

The restrictions backed by Republicans in Georgia, Florida, Iowa, Texas and Arizona often take aim at mail voting, a method embraced by voters from both parties but particularly popular with older voters. The new rules, concerned Republicans note, may be billed as adding security or trust in elections but ultimately could add hurdles for key parts of the GOP coalition.

“The suppression tactics included in this bill would hurt the Republican Party as much or more than its opposition,” Texas state Rep. Lyle Larson, a Republican, said in an opinion column this week. “One can only wonder — are the bill authors trying to make it harder for Republican voters to vote?”

The Republican Party of New Mexico blamed GOP congressional candidate Mark Moores’ loss in a Tuesday special election on “low voter turnout” sparked by “angry” Republican voters who “questioned election integrity,” in an email sent on Thursday.
If that were true, the party would only have themselves to blame.

One can only hope they keep this up until 2022...

One can only hope they keep this up until 2022...

even if this holds and dems somehow can keep both the house and senate..

still waiting to see the f-ery republicans will pull in 2024

like what legit happens with these new laws and power put in certain places
It's kind of unbelievable to me how much these politicians could act as literal heroes if they just weren't so self absorbed. All the Republicans have to do is be on board with a couple things, and they'd rule the country with minimal effort. Yet, they exert a TON of effort into non-issues. It's so dumb. They want power, and power is so easy to attain with minimal effort, and they literally go out of their way to make retaining power more difficult for them.

It's kind of unbelievable to me how much these politicians could act as literal heroes if they just weren't so self absorbed. All the Republicans have to do is be on board with a couple things, and they'd rule the country with minimal effort. Yet, they exert a TON of effort into non-issues. It's so dumb. They want power, and power is so easy to attain with minimal effort, and they literally go out of their way to make retaining power more difficult for them.

Well when everyones out for themselves and not the "team" they tend to want to pull the metaphorical ladder up behind themselves once theyve made it to the penthouse/loft.
It's kind of unbelievable to me how much these politicians could act as literal heroes if they just weren't so self absorbed. All the Republicans have to do is be on board with a couple things, and they'd rule the country with minimal effort. Yet, they exert a TON of effort into non-issues. It's so dumb. They want power, and power is so easy to attain with minimal effort, and they literally go out of their way to make retaining power more difficult for them.
I like to joke that they made so many backroom deals with authoritarian governments that they eventually wondered "why not us, here?"

They don't just want any kind of power. They want the ability to die in office without having to campaign. They want to be able to jail dissidents for any reason. They want to rule without having to justify themselves. This is why they love using "the US is a republic, not a democracy" slogan as a roundabout way of saying they don't believe in ruling with the consent of the public.

The Democratic party leadership must come to terms with the reality that political violence is not out of the bag of tools of the GOP, and they need to start approaching those left-leaning gun groups to make Republicans understand that they have teeth too. They will be called hypocrites, especially when it comes to the party position on gun control, but the longer they keep dismissing all the implications of the Republican strategy to run on the Big Lie, the weaker their position will be when Republicans do attempt to steal the next elections.
can someone (Biden) press charges against trump for lying so obviously? Slander?
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