***Official Political Discussion Thread***


After hiding in the shadows this is what you show your head to post.

Where were your posts when at all the voter suppression bills the GOP passed? Hmm?

Your clown *** pops up in here to post this why? Because you feel a Democrat saying he won't help stop the party you voted for from suppressing black people's votes somehow vindicated your both side's *******.

Once a pathetic troll always a pathetic troll
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At a certain point the party needs to admit that Manchin is a cancer that is destroying them and get help.

Maybe in a couple generations when somehow multiracial democracy finds its way back, the history books that are written about this period they will all say that people tried to save democracy in 2021, but one low life white supremacists idiot stopped them, and that man's name was JOEYYYYYYYYY MANCHINNNNNNN!!!!!!
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id argue just Facebook on the whole.. but I guess that was ok until old people got it, but it’s more than just them
Facebook as a whole. I remember when they rolled it out to college kids and the ******* it caused. People got kicked off of campus, harassed, stalked, and made miserable. That was before they knew what they were doing
Social media does need to be censored but it also needs to be limited. 1 post a day or something. Won’t fix all problems it’s causing but it’ll at least mitigate it to a degree
Maybe in a couple generations when somehow multiracial democracy finds its way back, the history books that are written about this period they will all say that people tried to save democracy in 2021, but one low life white supremacists idiot stopped them, and that man's name was JOEYYYYYYYYY MANCHINNNNNNN!!!!!!
Bro you damn well know nobody but political historians will remember Manchin 50 years from now.

What I do wonder is how effective it would be for Biden should use the bully pulpit to remind America of the last 13 years and trash Manchin for siding with the GOP when they have never sided with Democrats. Manchin has to be publicly called out for sticking to bipartisanship when there has never been reciprocity from the GOP on important measures championed by Democrats.

One thing that hasn't been said is that he says he is "open" to reinstating the pre-clearance measures stripped from the voting rights act on 2013 that have been included in the John Lewis act. If that's possible without having to rely on the GOP (simple majority), the leadership has to make it clear that he is on a tight schedule. Then, after Biden signs it, he can rake Manchin over some prime WV coal. Use him like the GOP is using him.
Bro you damn well know nobody but political historians will remember Manchin 50 years from now.

What I do wonder is how effective it would be for Biden should use the bully pulpit to remind America of the last 13 years and trash Manchin for siding with the GOP when they have never sided with Democrats. Manchin has to be publicly called out for sticking to bipartisanship when there has never been reciprocity from the GOP on important measures championed by Democrats.

One thing that hasn't been said is that he says he is "open" to reinstating the pre-clearance measures stripped from the voting rights act on 2013 that have been included in the John Lewis act. If that's possible without having to rely on the GOP (simple majority), the leadership has to make it clear that he is on a tight schedule. Then, after Biden signs it, he can rake Manchin over some prime WV coal. Use him like the GOP is using him.
Famb this is not gonna work.

Manchin also said he is opposed to changing the filibuster in any way too. He wants ten Republicans to vote for the John Lewis Act.

Joe Manchin has no reason to care about Biden's opinion of him, or the Democratic base. He will probably happily leave the party to clapback.
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Dems ain't gonna jack **** about Machin, they soft. Look how quickly the GOP got Cheney out da paint for not sticking to the script.
This post makes no sense famb.

Think it through, the Dems strip Manchin of all leadership positions, then what?

He can make Mitch McConnell the Senate Leader any day he wants. Liz Cheney had no real power over the party agenda.

This is why I was so disappointed about the Dems not getting a blowout months ago, nearly everything I was worried about is coming true. Joe Manchin was the piece of **** I always thought he was going to be.
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