***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Texas is a pretty despicable place. This is on their government website btw:

"We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding States."

Fool wilding

Eric Adams probably doesn't actively live in NYC, and might have been committing voter fraud for quite a while

This dude is now in first place in the polls.

Yo NYC...

Eric Adams probably doesn't actively live in NYC, and might have been committing voter fraud for quite a while

This dude is now in first place in the polls.

Yo NYC...

Warren Wilhelm Jr. should just run for third term at this point. These candidates look awful.

Art Laffer’s and the host of this show’s premise is that companies will simply raise prices and/or automate your in response to higher minimum wage.

Companies tend to charge the highest cost the market will bear. Moreover, you can’t flip a switch and have AI and robotics that can act as a perfect substitute for human labor.

The fact is higher minimum wage would mean lower profits, that’s why industry lobbies against. And while I’m not an expert in automation and AI, the fact that employers lobbied for reducing UI benefits, tips their hand on this. The employer class needs human labor and they want cheap, desperate, on-demand labor to maximize profits. Employers need employees but the workers don’t need the bosses. The workers produce everything and the bosses are able to live in splendor, but off politicians and sponsor no-good economists like Art Laffer, because they steal the surplus value created by the workers.

Edit: beyond the economic theories related to wages and businesses, there’s also the more practical aspects of automation to consider in fast food.

-automating the taking of orders is fairly low cost but that’s a small part of the work load. If anything it’d help fast food workers who have to take orders through a headset while doing other tasks.

-the majority of fast food work would be impossibly expensive to automate. The dexterity to prep and assemble even the most basic fast food requires human hands. Plus there’s cleaning, restocking, taking large orders over the phone, fulfilling a customer request in a timely manner, and simply providing a set of eyes to make sure there’s no theft if the condiments and soda fountain are left in front of the counter.
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Eric Adams probably doesn't actively live in NYC, and might have been committing voter fraud for quite a while

This dude is now in first place in the polls.

Yo NYC...



The sad thing is, it’s not just Republicans that fall into this scope. I hung out with a friend last night who opened up the conspiracy rabbit hole last summer. And was trying to tell me that Fauci purposely tried to get people sick and that the woman who made the “plandemic” video was right. He isn’t a Republican or Trump supporter at all… but is completely anti Fauci/anti vax, and still believes the vaccine is a form of population control.

When I asked him to show me where in the Fauci e-mails he found these things that “confirmed” these beliefs, he hit me with the, “find it yourself.”

I had to change the topic quick, this dude is one of my best friends for years, but the conspiracy way of thinking is so out of control at times.

It's no different than the "Loose Change" jackasses, who would deflect literally every question by responding with "hey man, we don't know, just watch the video". THE CLAIMS YOU MADE IN THE VIDEO ARE WHY WE ARE ASKING THE QUESTIONS. Popular Mechanics owning those clowns is one of the most satisfying things in the history of the Internet.
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