***Official Political Discussion Thread***

dwalk31 dwalk31 we need answers.. since you refused to call him a racist and/or liar for years.. I don’t get how someone could be fooled in spite of all the public failures this man has had

this man had a legit football league with HOFs and screwed THAT up.. in America


"Friedersdorf: Racism is ridiculous. My favorite thing about Not My Idea is teaching kids that they can reject the absurdity of evaluating others by their skin tone. But don’t we perpetuate that same pernicious lie of race by teaching 6-year-olds that some of them literally embody a trait called “whiteness” that takes up space in their brains, brings danger to any location they visit, and is also the cause of police murders? You make their race sound like original sin. Though it is not your intention, I fear formulations like that will make white kids feel prejudged and bad and dangerous."

"Higginbotham: I hear your worry that I’m telling kids police only kill Black people, but if that’s your main takeaway from my book about whiteness, then you didn’t get it. Underneath all the resistance to my book is that nobody wants white kids to feel bad about being white. Do the same people who worry about making white kids feel bad about being white want Black kids to feel good about being Black? To love their skin and feel safe in their bodies? Tell me, which kids are growing up fearful and “prejudged and bad and dangerous” every day. The way that gets twisted is whiteness: that ability to look at a problem as insidious as systemic racism and conclude that white children need to be protected from knowing about that so they don’t feel bad is whiteness. It makes sense only in its diabolical reversal of truth that portrays white kids as the real victims of racism."

It’s school busing 2.0 but completely made up
This is a perfect way to describe what is going on with CRT

Pure moral panic by regressive white people

What is wild to me is that while this scam is happening, and red states are passing laws, you got clowns like Conor Friedersdorf trying to both sides the issue, and an ultra clown like Jon McWhorter being an ally for the right-wing scammers.

The end game to all this is to more openly teach white supremacists ideologies in schools
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Whole thread is a mess.. but shows the people that were right in line with dwalk31 dwalk31 to willingly support, empower and embolden stupidity

Things like this makes glad I didn't stay long enough for my daughter to go to school out there. Smh.
Joe Manchin is trying to mess everything we progressives, liberals have worked for!

We need to become radical leftists and censure Joe Manchin.
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