***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Lebron James wore this hat,

there were lots of people who tho they supported the message,
and supported the person saying the message,
and believed the person was totally sincere in there support for said message.

did not like the stylistic choice of appropriating the maga hat to state this message.

the tax the rich dress is the similar to me,

I support the message, I (mostly) support the person saying the message, and I acknowledge it's probably good politics for her.

the choice to do that at the met makes the whole thing feel fake and performative, (even though I don't think AOC is fake)


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1. it does effect me,
2. im the same way with canadian politics.

you know Joe Manchin has the most difficult senate seat to hold.
you hate him and that's fine, but this reads as mental gymnastics to avoid the reality of the situation.
It doesn't affect you like it does Americans, yet you constantly have takes about how Americans should react to the current state of affairs.

I know Joe Manchin is the most difficult situation to hold. I am aware of this.

But you know that winning West Virginia by itself didn't grant the Dems the Senate. Other work had to be done by other people, and you dismiss that work routinely to make it seems like people Manchin are ******* over should take his ******* in stride because he won WV. I accept the reality of the situation. But right now Joe Manchin is lying in public, using BS economic arguments, all to defend him double-crossing his party, for him going back on his word. Other people are not acting like this. It is completely fair to call this out.

Your whole damn objection to the performative actions of leftist is that they help no one. Especially not black people. It is just for Twitter retweets. And the person you chose to have an issue with, and not give the benefit of the doubt is the person saying let us stick to a party compromise so we can pass a bill to help millions of lower-income people. That's cool

But I take issue with the clown talking nonsense to defend him going back on his word, all over the media, who can't answer simple questions, and that is mental gynastics because, ummm, West Virginia.

And ******* spare me, I can quote some of your mental gymnastics to defend Manchin. Like claiming the Dems should have predicted he would have an objection to a bill he......check notes.....previously co-sponsored. That was one of your defenses for Manchin.

My eyes couldn't have rolled harder at this post

I disagree with AOC a lot but I really don't think any about her is performative.

She campaigns for other leftist candidates, she pickets with people striking and brings them food and water, meets with Pelosi and party leadership to try to progressive policy, and is known to be one of the few Congress people to attend even the smallest subcommittee meetings just so she can get a handle on thing so she can know how to push her agenda. For some reason, I think she is a genuine leftist.

But yeah, let us have an issue because she wore a damn dress to an non political event.

My issue is why was she at the event In the first place. Sure, she’s against the rich elites but has no problem going to their weirdo event just to make a statement? And the argument that just because one is well off, they can still care about the poor/hungry etc, but why in the hell are politicians “rich” in the first place. These people are supposed to be public servants. The whole thing just comes off as a poorly executed idea to me.
Honestly he probably just provides cover for another weak Democrat who would otherwise cower and hold the agenda back anyways (e.g., Sinema).
I used to believe this was his motivation.

But reading more about dude, nah

He likes the clout, he likes the attention. If he was the only one, he would be doing the same thing.

Mans complaining about Bill Clinton pushing the party too left back in the day. His is known for this random ****

It is him. He legit believes sabotaging progressives is for the greater good, and cooperations have his ear.
My issue is why was she at the event In the first place. Sure, she’s against the rich elites but has no problem going to their weirdo event just to make a statement? And the argument that just because one is well off, they can still care about the poor/hungry etc, but why in the hell are politicians “rich” in the first place. These people are supposed to be public servants. The whole thing just comes off as a poorly executed idea to me.
-AOC came into firmly middle class. She was nowhere near rich. Unless a book deal paid her million recently, she still is.
-Most politicians usually come into office with money. We election rich people.
-She is against rich elites gaming the system. Is going the Met Gala furthering inequality in America? I don't think her doing undermines her politics one bit, especially....
-Right now, she is trying to push through a bill that has the potential to make a major dent in poverty. Right now, she is trying to serve the public with one of the biggest middle-class stimuli in decades.

So yeah, I'm not worrying about a damn dress.
-AOC came into firmly middle class. She was nowhere near rich.
-Most politicians usually come into office with money. We election rich people.
-Right now, right now. She is trying to push through a bill that has the potential to make a major dent in poverty. Right now, she is trying to serve the public with one of the biggest middle-class stimuli in decades.

So yeah, I'm not worrying about a damn dress.

I don’t have a problem with the dress, I’m asking, what’s the need or her attending the event in the first place?
How much did it cost for her to attend?
It doesn't affect you like it does Americans, yet you constantly have takes about how Americans should react to the current state of affairs.

I know Joe Manchin is the most difficult situation to hold. I am aware of this.

But you know that winning West Virginia by itself didn't grant the Dems the Senate. Other work had to be done by other people, and you dismiss that work routinely to make it seems like people Manchin are ****ing over should take his ****ery in stride because he won WV. I accept the reality of the situation. But right now Joe Manchin is lying in public, using BS economic arguments, all to defend him double-crossing his party, for him going back on his word. Other people are not acting like this. It is completely fair to call this out.

Your whole damn objection to the performative actions of leftist is that they help no one. Especially not black people. It is just for Twitter retweets. And the person you chose to have an issue with, and not give the benefit of the doubt is the person saying let us stick to a party compromise so we can pass a bill to help millions of lower-income people. That's cool

But I take issue with the clown talking nonsense to defend him going back on his word, all over the media, who can't answer simple questions, and that is mental gynastics because, ummm, West Virginia.

And ****ing spare me, I can quote some of your mental gymnastics to defend Manchin. Like claiming the Dems should have predicted he would have an objection to a bill he......check notes.....previously co-sponsored. That was one of your defenses for Manchin.


I don't think I spend time criticizing how people react to things. react how you want to.

you can recite all the dumb **** joe manchin does chapter and verse.
im aware of it, and I too think that it's dumb and bad. itd be much better if he just voted for whatever Joe Biden says to vote for.

I just don't respond to it in the same way you do, for me it's all worth it to have Joe Manchin in WV.
I don’t have a problem with the dress, I’m asking, what’s the need or her attending the event in the first place?
How much did it cost for her to attend?
Why does this matter? If she isn’t eating dollar menu everyday then she’s somehow “fake poor”?
I don’t have a problem with the dress, I’m asking, what’s the need or her attending the event in the first place?
How much did it cost for her to attend?

It's good politics for her.
and I don't say this as a criticism...

realistically she's a backbencher, so the main way she wields power and influence is through the media.
Stuff like this keeps her name in the news, gets retweets and likes, good press.

so im sure this whole thing has been great for her as a politician.
I guess I just view it as hypocritical.

ehhh AOC does not need to take a vow of poverty,
her votes are more important than what how much she spends on stuff.

she is voting to increase taxes on the rich, and she's in a safe seat
so I don't see why she needs to pretend to be poor.
I don’t have a problem with the dress, I’m asking, what’s the need or her attending the event in the first place?
How much did it cost for her to attend?

she didn’t pay. And Congress are allowed to attend to help manage large scale events in their respective districts. With the Met, all NY Congress are invited. Also the designer who made the dress paid 35k for her spot.
ehhh AOC does not need to take a vow of poverty,
her votes are more important than what how much she spends on stuff.

she is voting to increase taxes on the rich, and she's in a safe seat
so I don't see why she needs to pretend to be poor.

Never said she needed to pretend to be poor. But there’s a difference between middle class and rich. There’s no reason Nancy Pelosi should be worth what she is either.
We are talking about taxing the rich but are defending them too? I’m confused.
Does AOC hate rich people or does she just want them to pay more taxes? I’m confused why her attending that event is an issue :lol:
Naw, she mainly wants rich cooperations to pay their share of taxes. Instead of constant tax exempts.
I think the problem I’m trying to get at is that these politicians who are “fighting” for us, are being paid too much for someone who’s supposed to be a public servant.
The fact that the cost to attend the event is more than what your average American makes after taxes, probably even before, for an entire year of work, is kind of wild.

But go on.
I think the problem I’m trying to get at is that these politicians who are “fighting” for us, are being paid too much for someone who’s supposed to be a public servant.

Nah man, this is a trap a lot of people fall into.

when you pay politicians less, you simply encourage them to use there power and influence to generate income.
id argue it be better if you paid them more.

175k a year to run the most powerful nation on earth is not "too much"
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