***Official Political Discussion Thread***



Yea... go ahead and turn Keeley into a laughing stock. Say what you will, but she sure knew how to wave and shake that random binder and storm off to cry in the corridor with great dignity... and the failing liberal White House press corps never once acknowledged her outfits, that she spent so much time putting together.

Shame on yall
Communism is when you live in a neoliberal, capitalist country whose internal contradictions are starting to affect upper-middle class, white suburbanites’ easy access to treats.

BTW, #emptyshelvesjoe is a real doozy of a hashtag. A beacon for economically illiterate guys with punisher avys.
Have no clue why Dejoy is still there but whatever
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Dems have the majority but one of the Dems was appointed by Trump and he is a Dejoy supporter so there are not enough votes to get rid of him

So usually the partisan lean of the board favors the sitting president but Trump ****** it up by putting a DINO on it

The only way to get rid of him now is the Nuclear option but apparently, Biden doesn't want to do it because some people in the party are warning him that they won't support him appointing a new board if he does. And Dejoy has supporters within the Postal service apparently (don't know who the **** they are though)

Biden needs to ******* pull the damn trigger anyway

The FCC is even worse. Manchin is apparently making some stupid demands, and Biden is dragging his ******* feet. That if he doesn't fill some seats soon the FCC will be controlled by the GOP.

Then Cruz is doing nonsense and ******* up unanimous consent votes, so that is slowing down all the low-level appointments. And Sinema doesn't want to stay in Washington extra time to get them through

It is inaction, compounded by inaction, compounded but pointless pettiness, compounded by general *******
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