***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Larry Summers outchea claiming elite liberal manners getting the way of solving the material issues facing the economy...

And the people being overly concern with "wokeness" is...........check notes...........The Federal Reserve :rofl:

Me reading this...

Ok osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh I'll give you this one. Mans took your bars. Straight up Bodak Yellowed your ****
I have been warned privately. When I was warned about saying “yikes” I stopped. Now, other posters say it a bunch—including Meth—which is hilarious, but it is what it is. I don’t report those comments.

But I can ask be asked constantly about pedo support, womens’ privates, called Delk in post after post and then get publicly admonished for positing a CNN politics tweet in a *checks notes* political discussion thread and then commenting terrible if true to a post I was asked about multiple times (that I initially ignored).

I’ll give it to you that you at least addressed the public nature of it, so it isn’t lost on you. It isn’t lost on me either.

You and others are given quite a bit of leeway in here—at least publicly. Someone posted a tweet without comment on this page. But if I do it, it means I don’t want to engage in discussion and it’s only to antagonize.
Man you ain't get warned for saying no yikes lmaoooo. Stop the cappery. Tell the rest of the story :rofl: you musta got checked for defending one of your crushes for saying the derogatory term that sounds like 'yikes'
Larry Summers outchea claiming elite liberal manners getting the way of solving the material issues facing the economy...

And the people being overly concern with "wokeness" is...........check notes...........The Federal Reserve :rofl:

Me reading this...

Ok osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh I'll give you this one. Mans took your bars. Straight up Bodak Yellowed your ****

Larry Summers unwittingly made the point that, for the most part, one’s support for social justice correlates with one’s support for economic justice.

Very noteworthy exceptions exist. Strasserites, NazBols and harrenvolkists are somewhat econ left and very socially right; and we’ve got the rainbow capitalists, being somewhat left socially left and strongly econ right. There’s also the fact that it’s sometimes hard to neatly divide social and economic issues.

Nevertheless, if you want trans people prosecuted for using the restroom that they want, you always side with the cops when they shoot a black person, and you hate the fact that women’s studies exists, there’s a good chance that you want hard money, high unemployment, low wages, and little to no social safety net.

Meanwhile, it’s a pretty safe bet that someone, who vocally supports marginalized groups, is either anti capitalist or supports strong state interventions in the economy in order to provide everyone with a decent, dignified, worthwhile existence.

So thank goodness for our “woke” Fed using its tools to prevent high unemployment and the horrific and unevenly distributed human suffering that it causes.

Larry Summers, sorry that your munis’ real rate of return isn't being pumped up AND there’s not 20% black unemployment. Cope and seeth, you racist, sexist, classist pig.
Summer is clearly letting his inner old white male reactionary tendencies show

All the Fed did was acknowledge how full employment, tight labor markets, and long expansion benefit all workers especially those marginally attached to the worker like black workers. And they will be more mindful of that in the policy decisions. That has been the normie liberal view of Monetary policy for a while now.

Summers whole schtick now is about empowering workers

But somehow, because he is upset about what... asset purchases and rate increases?, he makes up this ******** in his head that the Federal Reserve of all institutions is preoccupied with supposed "wokeness"

And that must be the reason they are...check notes...buying corporate bonds

Like brah, **** off with that nonsense. It makes zero sense to have that grievance
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Rex for once you are spot on :wink: I keed

I also have no idea what Summers is talking about? Is he suggesting a rate increase? Is he commenting on them starting to acknowledge that climate is real and is already starting to have economic implications? Is there a reason he felt the need to speak up now since the FED has been keeping rates low for almost a decade now? Does he not know the head of the FED is a Republican which by definition means anti woke?

Funny how he offers all criticism and no SOLUTION. Wonder what his friend Epstein would recommend.
They got separate bedrooms

This literally did not happen. At no point, in the history of the United States, has a kid marched into their parents' bedroom on October 11th...ahem, excuse me, A parent's bedroom (sorry, didn't realize Ben and his wife are on some 1950s sitcom sleeping arrangement)...was asked this question, and replied "YEP!" I grew up my entire life knowing about Columbus Day, but literally nobody caring about it.

Hell, I saw "Thanksgiving" trending a few days ago, wondered why, and forgot Canadian Thanksgiving is in October. Shocked the GQP didn't attack that, declaring it an American-only holiday.
Larry Summers outchea claiming elite liberal manners getting the way of solving the material issues facing the economy...

And the people being overly concern with "wokeness" is...........check notes...........The Federal Reserve :rofl:

Me reading this...

Ok osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh I'll give you this one. Mans took your bars. Straight up Bodak Yellowed your ****

"a generation of central bankers defining themselves by their wokeness" is pretty funny. :lol:

"excessive wokeness is preventing Larry Summers from materially immiserating the lives of working people."

is pretty much the opposite of what ive been saying.
if that's true id argue for more wokeness at the fed. :lol:
If he wanted to criticize them
"a generation of central bankers defining themselves by their wokeness" is pretty funny. :lol:

"excessive wokeness is preventing Larry Summers from materially immiserating the lives of working people."

is pretty much the opposite of what ive been saying.
if that's true id argue for more wokeness at the fed. :lol:
This post confuses me

Like who claimed who said or claimed you said something the second quote?

Maybe you gotta know what Summer been doing the last couple years for the full content of why I said that:

Summer is big on empowering working people, he agreed with Powell's comments about helping minorities through full employment Monetary policy.

if it just that he disagrees with the Fed's view on rising inflation. And instead of arguing the point on strictly economic terms, he just threw out the wokeness thing for no reason.

Summer thinks he is on the side of working people. That he is the one looking of for them. And the Fed is screwing them over.

So his "I care about working people's material interest, this elite institution is unknowingly doing them wrong because they have been captured by progressive politics" kinda lines up with stuff you say.

Just that, Summer's assertion makes no damn sense
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