***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Nah, his most successful venture has been him branding his name on buildings for just profit sharing without any of the liabilities involved. It's pure ******* genius. All the glory with zero recourse. I mean THAT I give him props on, but the fact that people are that gullible, well, there will always be plenty of those.

One thing I admire about him is his persistence and work ethic, he doesn't just crawl under a rock and die. He keeps going and going. It's kept him afloat and somewhat relevant for this long. He deserves that much credit.

True true. Well given all that's happened when those licensing agreements are up, will be interesting to see the rate of renewal
Trump got Alies and Bannon on deck. Could probably pick off Hannity too. The infrastructure and audience is there for him to start an Alt-right media network.

Fox News is starting to see the writing on the wall.....

The demise of the GOP is possibly on the horizon.

He could just purchase One America News and have broadcasting contracts on deck as well. I mean the options are open and if anything, we see that there is a demand for enough. Enough loonies listen to Rush everyday.
How ironic would it be if all this Trump **** sucking by Fox results in them being supplanted by Trump's own **** sucking network
really ? so why did someone report me? :lol: you want to say no cares about spain, yet in all latin america countries it is a known fact that the whiter you are, the more you are respected.

somehow i feel you also got the denial aspect of ninja :lol:

Please I'm Dominican and I know I'm black and have African roots been said his many times unlike him. And That's in most of the world b the whiter you are the more "beautiful" and accepted you are not just Latin America and I ain't press no report button. Don't do that not gonna start over this
Well I guess 2 things we can thank Trump for pushing the GOP to implode & ushering all the closet racist out of the closet :smokin
[h1]‘Apprentice’ producers have footage of Trump using N-word: claim[/h1]

Updated: Sunday, October 9, 2016, 6:04 PM


Donald Trump is rumored to have used extraordinarily profane language in unaired "The Apprentice" footage, including an instance where he said the N-word.

Producers of "The Apprentice," the reality show Donald Trump hosted for more than 10 years, are sitting on bombshell footage of the GOP nominee using the N-word, an Emmy-award winning producer claimed Sunday.

In a series of tweets Sunday, producer Chris Nee said she's heard such tapes exist of Trump using the obscenity but isn't in possession of the footage herself.

Nee, who didn’t work on “The Apprentice,” also hinted that she, and many others, had signed a contract with Mark Burnett, the lead producer of the show, that would make anyone who leaks such footage liable to pay a $5 million fine.

"I don't have the tapes. I've signed a Burnett contract & know leak fee is 5 mill. Hearing from producer/crew N word is the 'much worse,'" Nee tweeted Sunday.

"If a $5 million 'leak fee' is what stands between truth and total #Trump implosion, sign me up," Brock tweeted.

A GoFundMe page was even started, hours lafter, in hopes of raising the more than $5 million needed.

“This campaign hopes to raise the funds to pay those penalties and reward the whistleblower responsible with whatever remains to assist them forward in their career,” the page, started by Aaron Holman, said.

Nee's tweets referenced comments by Bill Pruitt, a former producer on "The Apprentice," who tweeted Saturday that Trump had been caught on camera saying "far worse" than the outrageously profane comments that emerged Friday in the form of an unedited 2005 conversation between Trump and then-"Access Hollywood" host Billy Bush.

"Grab them by the p---y," Trump told Bush, explaining his not-so-subtle seduction style. "You can do anything."

The bilious businessman later expounded on that unsettling thought: "When you're a star, they let you do it."

The 11-year-old video, obtained by The Washington Post, also showed the thrice-married Trump discussing a failed attempt at seduction — and then dissing the object of his rejected affection. "I moved on her and I failed," says Trump. "I'll admit it. I did try and f--k her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily."

The comments were made on a hot mic and were apparently uncovered by "Access Hollywood" producers and then leaked to The Post.

That leak led to incessant chatter on social media that similar footage exists, particularly from his 10-plus years hosting "The Apprentice."

"As a producer on seasons 1 & 2 of #theapprentice I assure you: when it comes to the #trumptapes there are far worse. #justthebegininng," Pruitt, who was a producer on the first two seasons of the show, tweeted Saturday.

Later Sunday, Fox News Channel’s Geraldo Rivera said he, too, had tapes of “embarrassing” statements that Trump had made.

“I have interviewed Donald Trump many times and been with him many times and I have tapes,” Rivera said on the network’s “The Five” program. “My brother and I have been starting to go through the tapes now and there are statements that, in the context of the current climate, would be embarrassing.”

Rivera — who, incidentally was the runner-up on the seventh season of Trump’s “The Celebrity Apprentice” — did not say whether he would release the tapes.
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Please I'm Dominican and I know I'm black and have African roots been said his many times unlike him. And That's in most of the world b the whiter you are the more "beautiful" and accepted you are not just Latin America and I ain't press no report button. Don't do that not gonna start over this

at least you can admit it. congrats.
The republican party will never recover from their inclusion of Donald Trump. We have had eight years of a Black man as the leader of the free world, and now we have the possibilty of another four years of not having a white male in the lead of the American government. This is quite funny, very funny.
Just heard the audio recordings. All I can say is, that's locker room talk and its normal (ehich you all knowsince NT is mostly men).

Of course, all the camera facing men in the media will state how apalling it is. hahahahahaha.

What bothers me is how Trump got D'Angelo Russelled by his supposed colleagues. I guess if you have that much $$$, there is always a target on your back.
Read a bit more slowly. I said it's exposed the people, specifically friends of how they really feel about things. Also I said the I support the Dems initiatives as well. So it's not just the rhetoric.

And Hillary actually has been pretty thorough on policy I both debates, the fat man is rambling on.

Yes, i read ur post. However you wanna rephrase it, it still sounds divisive to me, which is the intended purpose imo.

I never intended to discuss Mamba MVP's personal voting habits or the goings on of your interpersonal relationships. I was just pointing out how much of a circus this has become, how low brow, how watered down politics is. And i think people should be ashamed and embarrassed for investing so much energy into this garbage. Its a dog and pony show for the proletariat, money wealth and power have an entirely separate conversation going on while everyone else is just be entertained by tv politics.
Just heard the audio recordings. All I can say is, that's locker room talk and its normal (ehich you all knowsince NT is mostly men).

You and your locker room buddies talk about forcefully grabbing women by the *****?

Did you ever play for the Saints?
Just heard the audio recordings. All I can say is, that's locker room talk and its normal (ehich you all knowsince NT is mostly men).
You and your locker room buddies talk about forcefully grabbing women by the *****?

Did you ever play for the Saints?
Better question, why are these guys assuming every locker room or group of guys is out there sexually assaulting women?
Read a bit more slowly. I said it's exposed the people, specifically friends of how they really feel about things. Also I said the I support the Dems initiatives as well. So it's not just the rhetoric.

And Hillary actually has been pretty thorough on policy I both debates, the fat man is rambling on.
Yes, i read ur post. However you wanna rephrase it, it still sounds divisive to me, which is the intended purpose imo.

I never intended to discuss Mamba MVP's personal voting habits or the goings on of your interpersonal relationships. I was just pointing out how much of a circus this has become, how low brow, how watered down politics is. And i think people should be ashamed and embarrassed for investing so much energy into this garbage. Its a dog and pony show for the proletariat, money wealth and power have an entirely separate conversation going on while everyone else is just be entertained by tv politics.
Look, another "Blah-blah-blah, both sides are the same, but I'm gonna keep posting in here anyways" poster. 
Kinda ironic that for all his bigotry and xenophobia that it's white women that might sink him
Just proves white folks don't give a damn about minorities. He's basically been saying ignorant stuff regarding blacks, hispanics, and muslims. The minute he disrespects a white woman he's out. To me that shows lack of empathy for other people other than whites.
Donald should say he ain't going nowhere and run again in 2020 :lol:

Grind the Republicans in to dust.

Have them trying to resurrect the Whig party and Federalists.
Just heard the audio recordings. All I can say is, that's locker room talk and its normal (ehich you all knowsince NT is mostly men).

You and your locker room buddies talk about forcefully grabbing women by the *****?

Did you ever play for the Saints?

Better question, why are these guys assuming every locker room or group of guys is out there sexually assaulting women?

Every time I see it I'm lost :lol: and then to be like "it's a man thing". No man I know is talking like that.

Read a bit more slowly. I said it's exposed the people, specifically friends of how they really feel about things. Also I said the I support the Dems initiatives as well. So it's not just the rhetoric.

And Hillary actually has been pretty thorough on policy I both debates, the fat man is rambling on.

Yes, i read ur post. However you wanna rephrase it, it still sounds divisive to me, which is the intended purpose imo.

I never intended to discuss Mamba MVP's personal voting habits or the goings on of your interpersonal relationships. I was just pointing out how much of a circus this has become, how low brow, how watered down politics is. And i think people should be ashamed and embarrassed for investing so much energy into this garbage. Its a dog and pony show for the proletariat, money wealth and power have an entirely separate conversation going on while everyone else is just be entertained by tv politics.

Look, another "Blah-blah-blah, both sides are the same, but I'm gonna keep posting in here anyways" poster. 

Thread is about political discussion, not choosing a candidate to **** ride until your side wins. Learn to political dissent guy.

And also he ain't eem lyin.

Donald should say he ain't going nowhere and run again in 2020 :lol:

Grind the Republicans in to dust.

Have them trying to resurrect the Whig party and Federalists.

This is a good plan :lol:

Kinda ironic that for all his bigotry and xenophobia that it's white women that might sink him
Just proves white folks don't give a damn about minorities. He's basically been saying ignorant stuff regarding blacks, hispanics, and muslims. The minute he disrespects a white woman he's out. To me that shows lack of empathy for other people other than whites.

stay woke.
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i think we have to be careful to disambiguate the two big issues of this election.

one is the problem with "politics as usual." this happens every election and there is always a sense that the system should be better, that money or special interests shouldn't drive politics, that we're tired of the same faces in DC every time. but while the presidential election is important, it is the midterm elections and the day-to-day proceedings in DC and the right supreme court that are most important for addressing this.

two is the dangerous hatred and ignorance that persists in this country, which not only impedes progress but also normalizes police brutality, sexual abuse, and all those disgusting things we are ashamed of as a progressive society. and, at the top of that ticket, stands Trump. make no mistake about it.

so i understand people's disgust with issue #1, and I urge you to vote every election and write letters to your congressmen and women. but please don't be obtuse about this election. it is clear beyond all doubt now that issue #2 is at the heart of the 2016 election. swallow some pride and do the right thing.
Spot on. I have little to no faith in the federal government and think (know) neither of these people deserve to be where they are.


Trump can't win. End of story.
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Never understood people who's default response to fixing an issue is to 'do nothing'

What does that help fix?

My boy's wife and my cousin said something to the extent 'I'm not voting for either one. They're both bad.' and I had to say 'no, one is significantly worse'
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