***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The teachers want in-person instruction to go forward

Their main beefs are: they want the city to do more testing (the city for money from the Federal government for this) and provide them with N95 mask

The city gotfederal money to address most of the demands the teachers have, soooo

they also want mandatory testing right? and metrics on school closures according to the mayor,

you keep school open as long possible and only go virtual when you absolutely have no choice.

I don't think preemptive closures are reasonable in this environment.
NY schools are open despite the city being in the middle of a covid wave.

school closure should be the absolute last resort.
-The teachers are making demands for this situation from happening. You posted tweets chastising people for talking about school like it is daycare. Well when enough teachers are out, that is exactly what it becomes. If people follow your plan and say **** it and let covid rip, then this is the reality you are welcoming

-The teacher didn't force a closure just because Covid spiked

Your stance on this is so weird. I read all these articles about how health experts say "this is how we keep things open and live with covid" the teacher basically are demanding that, and you think they are unreasonable because they are not on some Ron DeSantis **** it let it rip steez.
Let’s take into account how tough it is in this current time to get a sub for classes when a teacher is out sick.

You know what happens pretty often right now? Teachers from other classes have to cover for said teacher in blocks during normal planning hours or break times. That’s if a teacher is lucky to get that or gets a sub. If you’re a specialist teacher of any kind (think art, PE, or computers) your class will likely get cancelled if you’re sick. This is how it is for my girl who teaches in the Seattle area.

Educators in Chicago are likely trying to mitigate that because while they may catch Omarion, at least they can have some sort of instruction instead of that kid missing out entirely or getting patchwork coverage.
they also want mandatory testing right? and metrics on school closures according to the mayor,

How can your committee keep you safe? Your safety committee can:

  • Demand the administration distribute high-quality N95 masks to students and staff and explicitly state how the school will increase testing among students.
  • Demand CPS address poor ventilation and sub par cleaning. Some schools have filed complaints with OSHA and gotten relief.
  • Press administrators to lay out their plans for running the school should staffing levels fall in the wake of COVID illness — and press for unsafe staffing to trigger an operational pause.
  • Help families access testing and vaccinations, like members at Park Manor did this week.
  • Engage in remote-only work until your safety concerns are met, like members at Carnegie did earlier this month after a staff member died from COVID. They won important new safety protocols for the school.

The city was hitting their numbers for testing. And the potential school closing would relate to staff getting too low at the school

None of this seems unreasonable
-The teachers are making demands for this situation from happening. You posted tweets chastising people for talking about school like it is daycare. Well when enough teachers are out, that is exactly what it becomes. If people follow your plan and say **** it and let covid rip, then this is the reality you are welcoming

-The teacher didn't force a closure just because Covid spiked

Your stance on this is so weird. I read all these articles about how health experts say "this is how we keep things open and live with covid" the teacher basically are demanding that, and you think they are unreasonable because they are not on some Ron DeSantis **** it let it rip steez.

conflict is cleary deeper than just masked,
according to the tribune

seems to the conflict over opt in vs opt out testing and metrics for switching to remote seem to be at the heart of it.


new york has opt in testing from what I understand and still open.
I just don't think preemptive closures are necessary to prevent future closures.

and if it isn't absolutely necessary schools should remain open.
i don't think it's that weird of a stance.
Teachers in Vegas are just quitting. In the best of time they don't get paid enough for the *******. Clark County has one of the worse schools districts in the nation

My homeboy's girlfriend didn't go back to her job after winter break

Parents hit up begging she to come back (class sizes are already huge in Vegas, some called her selfish). Her response to the ******* was "are you gonna take care of my daughter if I die?" since we are talking about doing what is best for the children
none of that really sounds reasonable to me tbh in the face of a more mild and more transmissible variant.

you are going to get omicron, you are not going to avoid it,
teachers in chicago are 91% vaccinated, boosters are available.

there is no appetite for the type government action necessary to truly suppress covid,
that ship has sailed.

so this sort of vague gesture at "feeling unsafe" does not sound compelling to me at all.

it's a unions right to strike, but I think this its a bad look.
The bolded is the most important part of that. I imagine Lightfoot and her people feel the same, but they aren’t the ones being put in that environment. Neither are you.

The city was hitting their numbers for testing. And the potential school closing would relate to staff getting too low at the school

None of this seems unreasonable

i think it is unreasonable to preemptively close school over it.
given the massive societal impact of school closures.

im not at all convinced that without meeting their demands,
school will just be closed anyways in the future. for me i think the burden of proof has gotta be pretty high to justify closing school.
it's really bad for children that the third largest school district had to close because of strike.
This is a mischaracterization of what is happening: the CTU voted to take classes online and CPS, with the approval of the mayor, decided to shut them out of their online resources. This is a crisis entirely caused by the city leadership.
This is a mischaracterization of what is happening: the CTU voted to take classes online and CPS, with the approval of the mayor, decided to shut them out of their online resources. This is a crisis entirely caused by the city leadership.
We have more than enough evidence to know that virtual school is not a replacement for in person instruction.

Teachers voting for remote, when the city hasn't decided to go remote isn't a meaningful distinction.

if kids are not in school, it is a crisis,
voting to force kids into virtual learning is voting for a crisis situation.
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i think it is unreasonable to preemptively close school over it.
given the massive societal impact of school closures.

im not at all convinced that without meeting their demands,
school will just be closed anyways in the future. for me i think the burden of proof has gotta be pretty high to justify closing school.
-If it is so important schools remain open, then why didn't isn't any of the blame on this for the city not using the money they got from Biden to meet the teacher's demands. They clearly were behind on testing because their offer to the union is to meet their previously stated goals. It doesn't seem like the move to virtual learning for the first time these issues have been raised

-I am the one that brought up Covid running wild would cause a school closure, because that was clearly something you didn't address with the "**** it you are gonna get it" logic you are pushing. I am pointing out that the game plan for keeping things open with Covid is a lot of the things the teachers are demanding. The CPU's actions were not what you were trying to characterize them as.
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doesn't Chicago have a huge problem with the rich neighborhoods hogging all the public school resources?

that would explain a lot of it.
Teachers in Vegas are just quitting. In the best of time they don't get paid enough for the ****ery. Clark County has one of the worse schools districts in the nation

My homeboy's girlfriend didn't go back to her job after winter break

Parents hit up begging she to come back (class sizes are already huge in Vegas, some called her selfish). Her response to the ******* was "are you gonna take care of my daughter if I die?" since we are talking about doing what is best for the children

My wife is a teacher and for the first time she is questioning whether she wants to keep going. We do well financially because of my Job so she can quit but the Staff shortages due to teachers getting sick is a real issue. Teachers want to teach in person. They hate online teaching because it is much harder but if you don't have the bodies what can you do?
Legit doesn’t matter if he lives in Canada. People getting sick and dying. People shouldn’t have to chance that when measures can be put into place to mitigate the risk and they’re not doing them. It’s like when the bosses told them guys they couldn’t leave work when that tornado was coming a little back.
it reminds me of when everyone called low paid service job people heros.

then 6 months later it was go to work you lazy ****s.
Kind of how we went from cheering and ringing bells for front line workers and first responders to fighting them for not going back to work or injecting people with bleach.
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