***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It's funny how facts are being treated with the utmost importance and feelings somehow don't matter

Could have sworn I heard this same nonsense somewhere else on the Internet

Possibly from somewhere people like to mock

Bruh :lol:
It's funny how facts are being treated with the utmost importance and feelings somehow don't matter

Could have sworn I heard this same nonsense somewhere else on the Internet

Possibly from somewhere people like to mock

You have no argument.

You act like no one should feel that their opinion is better than anyone else’s, yet when progressives (and others) hold the suddenly controversial opinion that “slavery is bad” that sends you into a pique of rage.

You claim that nobody should have the right to decide what other people’s children are taught, and yet that’s the explicit purpose of the proposed bill.

You’re just mad at progressives, but you can’t even articulate why.
You have no argument.

You act like no one should feel that their opinion is better than anyone else’s, yet when progressives (and others) hold the suddenly controversial opinion that “slavery is bad” that sends you into a pique of rage.

You claim that nobody should have the right to decide what other people’s children are taught, and yet that’s the explicit purpose of the proposed bill.

You’re just mad at progressives, but you can’t even articulate why.

Where am I raging over someone saying "slavery is bad"?

You're not jumping to conclusions based on your moral righteousness are you?

I'm not saying no one should decide

Are progressives always right and conservatives always wrong?

I get the impression that some people certainly think so

I can articulate why

"I don't respect your opinion" is a good example

**** anyone that disagrees right?

Let's make things personal when I have done no such thingw
Where am I raging over someone saying "slavery is bad"?

its obviously not the person whos upset that he cant force his morality on other people

teaching morality through the bible = uh uh, church and state
teaching morality through a book HE approves = yeah, that's fine

"give their kids covid", give me a ****ing break, we're all "giving" each other covid in some way, a lot of us just prefer the syringe kind

not surprised to see people echoing this nonsense

When pressed to explain your objection to Ali’s post, you said:
I don't think people should be trying to force their views on morality on others
Yet it’s this proposed bill that would impose harsh restrictions on curricula in schools and speech in private businesses based on the belief that it’s wrong (hint: morality) to cause a White person feel guilty about racism.

It wouldn’t be up to individual schools or communities.
Private schools could continue to offer religious instruction - but not teach students about racism.

If you wanted to be consistent, you’d actually be joining Wajahat Ali in opposition to this bill. Instead, the only thing that’s been consistent is your desire to parrot the phrase “moral righteousness.”

It sounds like you can’t handle disagreement, even when you can’t figure out why you disagree.
When pressed to explain your objection to Ali’s post, you said:

Yet it’s this proposed bill that would impose harsh restrictions on curricula in schools and speech in private businesses based on the belief that it’s wrong (hint: morality) to cause a White person feel guilty about racism.

It wouldn’t be up to individual schools or communities.
Private schools could continue to offer religious instruction - but not teach students about racism.

If you wanted to be consistent, you’d actually be joining Wajahat Ali in opposition to this bill. Instead, the only thing that’s been consistent is your desire to parrot the phrase “moral righteousness.”

It sounds like you can’t handle disagreement, even when you can’t figure out why you disagree.

Let me ask you something

If you can't post evidence of me raging over the phrase "slavery is bad", why would you directly accuse me of it?

Nevermind trying to twist my words to support your made up accusation

Tell me why you would accuse me of it?

It's funny how you're trying to tell me what my argument is and how it's wrong when you can't even understand it

"Parents would rather give kids covid then teach them about racism"

Is he not trying to make the point that conservatives should view giving kids covid as wrong and "teaching" some progressive view about racism as not wrong?

Why would I agree with that?
It's funny, I didn't need to read some book on slavery to know that it happened

But here we go with MORE accusations

This time my denial that it happened

Facts matter, unless they're in regard to progressive accusations

Speaking of accusations:

You said, “Is he not trying to make the point that conservatives should view giving kids covid as wrong and "teaching" some progressive view about racism as not wrong?”

To what view are you referring?
Speaking of accusations:

You said, “Is he not trying to make the point that conservatives should view giving kids covid as wrong and "teaching" some progressive view about racism as not wrong?”

To what view are you referring?

Is this the part where you accuse me of racism because I think parents should have some say in what their kids read and because this involves a book by a black author, you get to twist my words and accuse me of racism?

This couldn't possibly be another accusation could it?
Is this the part where you accuse me of racism because I think parents should have some say in what their kids read and because this involves a book by a black author, you get to twist my words and accuse me of racism?

This couldn't possibly be another accusation could it?
It seems like you really don’t want to answer my question.
I can’t imagine why.

You referred to some “progressive view about racism.”
What view might that be?

In case you’ve forgotten, the bill in question would make it harder for parents to have a say, because it seeks to restrict what can be taught in schools.
It seems like you really don’t want to answer my question.
I can’t imagine why.

You referred to some “progressive view about racism.”
What view might that be?

In case you’ve forgotten, the bill in question would make it harder for parents to have a say, because it seeks to restrict what can be taught in schools.


That makes one question of yours I haven't answered and one question of mine you haven't answered

What's next?

That makes one question of yours I haven't answered and one question of mine you haven't answered

What's next?

It seems like this one is pretty fundamental to whatever point you think you have.

You initially took exception to Wajahat Ali’s post because of your concerns about this “progressive view on racism.”

What is it?

Or do you not even know what you’re upset about?
You’re just deflecting now. You’re afraid to answer. You’re worried about how it will make you appear.

The whole thing about “should parents get decide what books their kids read” is built around a fear of something specific. You’re not asking that question about math, are you? How about the American Revolution?
Those aren’t optional, but learning about racism should be? Why?

What’s this forbidden lesson about racism that’s so threatening as to require prohibition by force of law?
The problem is that you're trying to describe racism as this one universally agreed upon concept that "everyone" agrees upon

Its not, it's complicated, and it gets even more complicated when people start being disingenuous

"youre raging at slavery being wrong"

"You're denying slavery"

What you are saying is that the concept of racism that YOU agree with is what should be taught

Not the concept that I've been talking about with progressives and their racism

When I disagree altogether , you try to paint me as someone that is oblivious to the entire concept of racism
"Now children remember what we talked about in last week's course. Racism is a "fluid" concept

You determine what's racist or not. Not CRT books ok

Fluid, it's like being water. Remember when that Bruce Lee fellow said it in the youtuber vid we watched for Asian Pride day guys?"
I literally asked you what that concept is and you refuse to answer.

I already spoke on this

Progressives that support bernie and equality but somehow think it's ok to refer to African Americans as low information voters

Progressives who want to stand up for gays and think it's ok accuse African Americans of being anti gay

I'm supposed to trust people like these to educate others on racism?

No thank you
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