***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Why is Trump pulling out of VA ninja/Trump slurper?
This dude Donald is a sick ****.

Preying on 10 yr olds and molesting old women :x

This is some serious sexual predator **** :smh:

Yall lames still on that both candidates are equally bad nonsense? :nerd:
May we remember, Hillary was already pulling away from Trump before all these tape leaked because of the first debate.

But Rus, you know better than most.. it all comes down to really certain states and certain specifics within those states

I once saw a scenario where the popular vote could be reasonably within close range just because of how polarizing the candidates are

But still didn't see how trump would close the needed aspects to win certain states, specifically Florida.. which would cause him the election by a decent margin at the electoral college

Now I'm curious to see what the overall vote numbers will be with dude losing support of some of the extreme republicans
Now I see why trump's daughter pulled away when he tried to kiss her, dude be sticking his tongue down his daughters throaths. Ninja loves that white male incest/sexual predator behavior it's erotic too him.
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Now I see why trump's daughter pulled away when he tried to kiss her, dude be sticking his tongue down his daughters throaths. Ninja loves that white male incest/sexual predator behavior it's erotic too him.

He a pats fan?

Trump flying commercial when he had his own airlines in da 80's and his own plane earlier :lol: :smh: ...this straight media colluded scripted television at this point.

Good point ninja

How is that a good point? It's a lie.

so a guy who had da means to buy a entire airlines in da 80's is flying commercial.. :lol:


lets not even talk about da collection of private jets he owned before :lol: :smh:
You do know that proving that he owned private jets does not prove that he wasn't capable of doing the things that he bragged about doing when he thought he was in a private space, right?

...im talking about that NYTs story where he's being directly accused.
Yes, but that isn't the only accusation.

but we're talking this specific one, which NYTs is using to put meat on da bones of what he said on that tape, to give it more plausibility.

You keep bringing this up, but when I wrote facts, you ran away. Trump had his airline from 89-92. NYT article you keep talking about states it happened in 1987 at the latest.... so please show me his private airplanes before his airline....
Yall lames still on that both candidates are equally bad nonsense? :nerd:

Nah, Trump is on something else but it's still **** Hilary

Co-sign this :lol:,it's the big picture that counts now.
Now I see why trump's daughter pulled away when he tried to kiss her, dude be sticking his tongue down his daughters throaths. Ninja loves that white male incest/sexual predator behavior it's erotic too him.

He a pats fan?


Don't make them post it bruh :x :smh:
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My problem isn't with them brining down Trump. He's clearly trash. My problem is the timing of this was clearly carefully planned out so that the GOP had no time to look for another option. That fact alone makes me question the credibility of all this. i wouldn't be surprised at all of its true but I'm not going to just believe everything that comes out.

It's chess, not checkers. I've just come to understand anything that is seen as negative towards Trump, his supporters will say "it's rigged" or some type of conspiracy. He planted that seed a while ago, and here we are.
You keep bringing this up, but when I wrote facts, you ran away. Trump had his airline from 89-92. NYT article you keep talking about states it happened in 1987 at the latest.... so please show me his private airplanes before his airline....

But even still, him owning an airline isn't proof of anything other than he owned an airline..

I'm sure he used it a lot.. but that don't mean it was his exclusive form of air travel

Like any of the other crappy stuff dude puts out or owns.. I'm sure he uses/used them.. well I'm not actually sure of that.. but that don't mean those were the only things he uses/used
It's chess, not checkers. I've just come to understand anything that is seen as negative towards Trump, his supporters will say "it's rigged" or some type of conspiracy. He planted that seed a while ago, and here we are.
exactly... i can't believe people are acting surprised now. we all know who he is 

and you trump supporters that didn't call him on his **** a long time ago have to take the blame for this as well

being an idle republican who gave this man a pass is as much to blame as anyone else. 
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Ninja gonna support Vince McMahon when he runs

No chance that's what you got. (ha ha yeah)
Up against a machine too strong.
Greedy politicians buying souls from us are puppets.
Won't find their place in line.
Now, tie a string around your finger now, boy.
'Casuse its just a matter of time.

'Cause you got No chance, no chance in hell.
You got no chance, no chance in hell.
You got no chance, no chance in hell.
You got no chance, no chance in hell, yeah
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