***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I want to find the good in Mitt but with things like this he makes it impossible.

Dis Dude gives no dambs whatsoever :smh:

Id feel disrespected by his flat out lies if I were voting for him, because HE actually thinks people are dumb enough to buy it! :x

At this point, we've seen enough of Mitt to understand who the real Mitt is. The real Mitt is a guy who feels the American people and most voters are idiots and he can lie and make up whatever he wants and they will believe it and vote for him.
U are aware they're over sampling Democrats right?
And mitt has yet to press obama on da diplomats.

I been out of the loop in regards to this thread...but not in a millin years would I have thought ninja would be rocking with Mitt...

its not that im rockin wit mitt, lets not get it twisted, da bush tax cuts and going to 2 unfunded wars AND expanded

medicare (which i aint really mad at) blew up da budget, and obama had to alot on his hands, but da alot of da kool-aid

drinkers on da far left disgust me AS MUCH as da neo cons in da right

my opinions are based on whats going on, not on no "oh he's black i GOTTA vote for obama"

nah, and i aint gonna lie like alot of ya and gloss over da fact that obama's been doing a splendid job, cuz he hasn't.

if he loses, i aint worried about da country going radically right, because da democrats are holding da senate, good ol'

Harry Reid maintained that he will BLOCK any attempt at paul ryan's crazy *** trying to turn medicare into a voucher system.

or trying to reverse roe VS wade, which is GOOD, cuz GOP on social issues
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CNN is a joke these days. They're no better than the other networks.

Obama could be up 4-5 points and they'll still say it's a dead heat. :lol: :smh:

pragmatism >>

i rather them being right then for them acting like MSNBC and fox and sucking knee caps from da left or right.
its not that im rockin wit mitt, lets not get it twisted, da bush tax cuts and going to 2 unfunded wars AND expanded
medicare (which i aint really mad at) blew up da budget, and obama had to alot on his hands, but da alot of da kool-aid
drinkers on da far left disgust me AS MUCH as da neo cons in da right
my opinions are based on whats going on, not on no "oh he's black i GOTTA vote for obama"
nah, and i aint gonna lie like alot of ya and gloss over da fact that obama's been doing a splendid job, cuz he hasn't.
if he loses, i aint worried about da country going radically right, because da democrats are holding da senate, good ol'
Harry Reid maintained that he will BLOCK any attempt at paul ryan's crazy *** trying to turn medicare into a voucher system.
or trying to reverse roe VS wade, which is GOOD, cuz GOP on social issues
The best way to succeed in this life is to use politics and religion to your advantage. Poor people are stupid, and I mean that in the most respectful way possible. We have people in this thread and in Mississippi who have no business supporting Romney.

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That's the **** that has me scratching my head...but most of those voters only see the skin color of the candidate...but the same could be said for minorities who blindly vote for Obama.
When will the results of the election be determined?

Not on the sixth necessarily, right?

I guess technically it depends on which time zone you reside in, but once the west coast returns are in it can usually be determined who won on the sixth.
alot of the times, a candidate will concede that night if the results arent looking good. Say if Obama wins Florida and Ohio and the west coast poll numbers are showing he wont win any states needed in the west, Romney will pull out. but that wont happen until late night on the east coast. but if we have a 2000 election, it spills weeks after
Romney isn't pulling out of anything.  He's the dude that will try to squeeze every vote out of the electorate, even in the face of imminent defeat.  

If the election is as close as most are predicting and Romney loses, I expect some sort of shenanigans from the Romney camp about recounts, recalls, etc.  This dude REALLY wants to be President, although I haven't figured out exactly why.  
Romney isn't pulling out of anything.  He's the dude that will try to squeeze every vote out of the electorate, even in the face of imminent defeat.  

If the election is as close as most are predicting and Romney loses, I expect some sort of shenanigans from the Romney camp about recounts, recalls, etc.  This dude REALLY wants to be President, although I haven't figured out exactly why.  

Romney wants to be President because his dad wanted to be President. That's only reason why he wants to be President.
this dude has posts so bad he has negative rep
Funny thing is that Ninjahood is right, there are less and less democrats coming out to vote... its been proven even on MSNBC :tongue:

Obama says vote for revenge, Romney says vote for the love of your country... What revenge is Obama out to seek on? No flame, just curious lol.
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Funny thing is that Ninjahood is right, there are less and less democrats coming out to vote... its been proven even on MSNBC :tongue:
Obama says vote for revenge, Romney says vote for the love of your country... What revenge is Obama out to seek on? No flame, just curious lol.

I can't believe you said the economist was an irrelevant production. Just because you vote for Obama doesn't mean you are voting for revenge and voting for Romney surely does not mean you love this country. Quit trollin' with your generalizations.
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Unless there's a rapture between now and Tuesday where only white males are left standing, Obama will likely win.
I guess Sandra was the knockout blow for the Romney camp. Christie will be running in '16. Obama might get another electoral vote from my congressional district for good measure like he did in '08.
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47.9% O - 47.5% R
303 O - 191

281 O - 191 R

47.4 % - 47.3 %
201 O - 191 R

No toss up
290 O - 248 R

67.5% O 32.8% R

Nate Silver
305.3 - 232.7
83.7 % O 16.3 % R

50.6% O 48.4 % R

Probability of Obama re-election: Random Drift 98.0%, Bayesian Prediction 99.8%

281 O 206 R
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