I don't wish that anyone dies, I just wish that dangerous political figures be knocked out of power.
In 2017 and beyond, I hope that Trump has great health and his own Lee Atwater moment. I would love to see Trump have an interview where he makes all sorts of candid statements about how much he played the conservative voter. I wish that he would say that he took what other conservatives said in whisper and he then said those things as a yell.
The demonizing of government, the feti****ing of businessmen as politicians, the hate for minorities, the obsession with machismo, Trump is the apotheosis of those ideas. I wish that at some point, Donald Trump will brag and confess that his followers were thoroughly conned by him. If he says that, there is a chance that maybe, just maybe, some conservatives might be more skeptical of future demagogues and some percentage of Middle America might decide to be part of a multiracial, Socially Democratic coalition and not be swayed by the siren song of shallow appeals to cultural resentment.