***Official Political Discussion Thread***

41 min ago

Ruling opens door for reconsidering rights to gay marriage and contraception​

From CNN's Tierney Sneed and Ariane de Vogue

The Supreme Court’s opinion on abortion Friday could open the door for courts to overturn same-sex marriage, contraception and other rights.
It’s already set off a debate among justices over whether overturning Roe puts those precedents in danger.
The majority opinion attempted to wall of its holding in Friday’s abortion case from those other rulings, but Justice Clarence Thomas wrote separately to call explicitly for those other rulings to be revisited – a concurrence that the liberals seized upon to argue that those rulings are now at risk.
In their dissent, the liberal justices wrote “no one should be confident that this majority is done with its work.”
“The right Roe and Casey recognized does not stand alone,” they wrote. “To the contrary, the Court has linked it for decades to other settled freedoms involving bodily integrity, familial relationships, and procreation. Most obviously, the right to terminate a pregnancy arose straight out of the right to purchase and use contraception. In turn, those rights led, more recently, to rights of same-sex intimacy and marriage.”
The liberals added: “Either the mass of the majority’s opinion is hypocrisy, or additional constitutional rights are under threat. It is one or the other.”
Justice Samuel Alito, in a new section of the opinion that was not present in the leaked draft, responded to the dissenters’ warnings.
He emphasized a line the majority opinion that said “[n]othing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.”
“We have also explained why that is so: rights regarding contraception and same-sex relationships are inherently different from the right to abortion because the latter (as we have stressed) uniquely involves what Roe and Casey termed ‘potential life,’” Alito said.
Alito’s assertions were undercut by a concurrence by Justice Thomas, who explicitly called for the court to reconsider its rulings striking down state restrictions on contraceptives, state sodomy bans and state prohibitions on same sex marriage.
“Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous,’” Thomas wrote, “we have a duty to ‘correct the error’ established in those precedents.”
The liberal dissenters used Thomas’ concurrence to go after Alito’s assurances that the court was not putting those precedent at risks by overturning Roe.
“The first problem with the majority’s account comes from JUSTICE THOMAS’s concurrence — which makes clear he is not with the program. In saying that nothing in today’s opinion casts doubt on non-abortion precedents, JUSTICE THOMAS explains, he means only that they are not at issue,” the liberals wrote, as they quoted from Thomas’ concurrence.
“So at least one Justice is planning to use the ticket of today’s decision again and again and again,” they said.
This is why the both sides are bad talk is so stupid. Elections have consequences and this is what we get when our side doesn't vote in every election at every level.

It's amazing how many people still on the both sides BS.

One side you don't like what they complain about on twitter and the other side is making the country/your actual life worse with SC decisions and laws passed.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford has always talked about the fragile coalition that is the Democratic Party. I have always agreed and this is why it is hard for us to get consistent turnout because our voters usually aren't single issue voters. With that said, Dems and people that support Dem policies need to wake up. This court and these judges are coming for you if you aren't a rich, straight and white male. We need to vote like our lives depend on it because it does. No more skipping local elections because if abortion is now a state issue, local elections matter now more than Presidential elections.
Greatest country in the world, they say. Riiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes

What an abject failure of a country. Imagine moving backwards in regards to rights and equality, all set in motion by a former President who is on a crash course with indictments for trying to overturn a free/fair election. I’d say it’s un-*******-believable, but sadly I’m not surprised at all.

We (kinda) had a good run, I guess. :smh::smh::smh:
Greatest country in the world, they say. Riiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes

What an abject failure of a country. Imagine moving backwards in regards to rights and equality, all set in motion by a former President who is on a crash course with indictments for trying to overturn a free/fair election. I’d say it’s un-****ing-believable, but sadly I’m not surprised at all.

We (kinda) had a good run, I guess. :smh::smh::smh:

This country has always stood on the backs of marginalized communities to make itself appear to be great. The only way to fight back is through consistent voting and voter registration. Republicans have the built in advantage of knowing that all their voters care about is grievance politics against marginalized people. They don't care if they end up broke so long as people that don't look like them are hurt too. Not to mention the media let's them get a free pass playing the boss sides game. How Clownyanne Clownway or Fat Christie are booked on networks outside of fox when they both tried to overturn a fair election is beyond me. What really grinds my gears is why should my tax dollars have to go to deplorable states in the South? They spend more time not helping their people than they actually do helping them.
If the dems were smart, they could use this overturning of RVW to flip some of these midterm elections. Dems will get clobbered on the issue of the economy. But if they can keep the heat on this social issue they could use that to their advantage.

Was thinking the same. They need to make this Roe vs Wade stuff into political suicide for the GOP. Go on the attack and frame the message to where it reaches and is relatable to those who are generally disinterested in politics.

Off the top of my head I don’t remember the exact specifics. But the Dems tried to pass something to help with gas prices and every person with a R next to their name voted against that. Stuff like that needs to be hammered and replayed over and over again to where it reaches people.

The messaging needs to be aggressive and consistent.

Power. It's about power.

"You can't tell us what to do; we tell you what to do"

It’s demographics (declinging birth rates of white people) which = power.

Very interesting to watch apartheid Elon, hop on this wave too.

We’re doomed. But it has already been set in motion, a long time ago.

Highly suggest watching the first episode of the new season of love, death robots

Was thinking the same. They need to make this Roe vs Wade stuff into political suicide for the GOP. Go on the attack and frame the message to where it reaches and is relatable to those who are generally disinterested in politics.

Off the top of my head I don’t remember the exact specifics. But the Dems tried to pass something to help with gas prices and every person with a R next to their name voted against that. Stuff like that needs to be hammered and replayed over and over again to where it reaches people.

The messaging needs to be aggressive and consistent.
Agree with all of this! But my problem is I have no faith in the current Dem leadership. Nancy and Chuck can't be the face of this offensive play. We would need someone like Stacey Abrams to run point.
Replacing Nancy Pelosi will not help the situation at all.

It reads like a cope to think it would

Say you want different leadership, but Pelosi is not getting in the way of anything
It’s demographics (declinging birth rates of white people) which = power.

Very interesting to watch apartheid Elon, hop on this wave too.

We’re doomed. But it has already been set in motion, a long time ago.

Highly suggest watching the first episode of the new season of love, death robots

There is a perfectly reasonable not racist way to address lower birth rates in America.

More immigration

But of course they never stay that

Funny enough, conservatives would welcome European immigrants, but they don't want to come because conservatives are making the country more and more ******.

Like if I lived in Denmark, why would I come to the US? If I lived in Eastern Europe, why try to come to the US when Germany exist. Even racist Europeans like universal healthcare

This demographics thing is just dog whistling.
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If the dems were smart, they could use this overturning of RVW to flip some of these midterm elections. Dems will get clobbered on the issue of the economy. But if they can keep the heat on this social issue they could use that to their advantage.
It might help them in some races, maybe in the PA Senate race. But in the House the are polling 10 points been where they were in 2020. So that is like 15 points behind 2018.

I think some of the loses are baked in, so in some area this will just cause they to lose by a smaller margin.

At this point they need major positive inflation news and for the GOP to expose the lunacy at an epic level right before the election.
So how does Biden go about expanding the Supreme Court? Can he get the House to draft a bill and then have the Senate confirm it? With how much **** Manchin is eating today he might be an easy flip and it gives him a reason to blame the GOP for "lying to him" (even tho we know what time it really is with him). Sinema is a toss up but framing it the right way would make her anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage to vote against a court expansion. Lets see how she handles it when her own lifestyle is threatened.
So how does Biden go about expanding the Supreme Court? Can he get the House to draft a bill and then have the Senate confirm it? With how much **** Manchin is eating today he might be an easy flip and it gives him a reason to blame the GOP for "lying to him" (even tho we know what time it really is with him). Sinema is a toss up but framing it the right way would make her anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage to vote against a court expansion. Lets see how she handles it when her own lifestyle is threatened.
Manchin and Sinema are not gonna go for it

It can pass without a amendment but the Dems would have to drop the filibuster

Manchin even voted against codifying Roe.

It is gonna be a long hard road back for reproductive rights, and if they do comeback, it will probably not happen in our lifetime
Manchin and Sinema are not gonna go for it

It can pass without a amendment but the Dems would have to drop the filibuster

Manchin even voted against codifying Roe.

It is gonna be a long hard road back for reproductive rights, and if they do comeback, it will probably not happen in our lifetime
Oh yeah sorry I skipped over the filibuster, meant to say get the 2 DINOs to vote on dropping that and then getting a bill pushed thru.

Didn't know that about Manchin but it makes sense. Sinema is a dumb bought idiots so I figure she can be bought back.
Agree with all of this! But my problem is I have no faith in the current Dem leadership. Nancy and Chuck can't be the face of this offensive play. We would need someone like Stacey Abrams to run point.

I understand where you are coming from but IMO Nancy and Chuck are doing an amazing job. Nancy is one of the greatest leaders we've ever seen (her vote counting skills are second to none) and Chuck is doing amazing. Here are the realities that we face.

1. Nancy is a very progressive leader and is more AOC than Abby Spanberger but the terrorists that are the modern Republican party have made Nancy's margin of error so slim that she needs the conservative dems in her caucus to get things done. Nancy knows this and any leadership change will still have to deal with this reality.

2. Even if we get things passed in the House we have a Senate problem. Nancy has gotten a ton through the house that relate to voting rights, Healthcare, abortion, gas prices, inflation and the economy. These bills are common sense and are liked by progressive and conservative dems alike.

3. The Senate where Chuck leads is the problem but he's doing a better job than one would think. Chuck has to deal with Clownchin and ClownSEENAMA. Both clowns are egotistical maniacs that love the praises of Republicans that campaign against them than their own party. In the Senate outside of Judges you need 60 votes to get anything done. We don't have 60 seats. We could Nuke the filibuster and get the bills Nancy and crew passed but Clownchin and ClownSEENAMA don't want to do that no matter what the cause. Some have said that Chuck should strip Clownchin and ClownSEENAMA of their committee seats to punish them but that's stupid. If either Clownchin or ClownSEENAMA caucus with the Republicans Chuck is no longer Majority leader and then Joey B doesn't get to fill the open judicial positions to try to rebalance the court.

IMO the key is less about leadership and more about the candidates that Senate and House Leadership support in local elections. From what I'm seeing Nancy and Chuck are supporting some excellent candidates at the local level. We have a greater than 50% shot to retain the Senate just off of the candidates alone. Fetterman in PA is a homerun pick IMO and there are others.
It is gonna be a long hard road back for reproductive rights, and if they do comeback, it will probably not happen in our lifetime

"vote for us democrats. we care about abortion rights"

yeah but you havent done a damn thing to protect people.
there is no such thing as voting harder . replublicans are mosnters, but the democratic party is an abysmal failure. complicit, even
got pelosi asking for money this morning to fight this decision. like come on man

so now this becomes yet another bargaining chip for democrats on things they can't or haven't really delivered on despite their campaigning and pr. vote for us we mean well
If the dems were smart, they could use this overturning of RVW to flip some of these midterm elections. Dems will get clobbered on the issue of the economy. But if they can keep the heat on this social issue they could use that to their advantage.
almost half of the population are stupid. so it wouldn't matter what issues there are. they would still vote for the devil they know.
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