***Official Political Discussion Thread***

folks turnout
Folks DON'T turn out.

The participation rate in the US 2020 elections was 50%, and that was record year.

People in the US routinely get elected with 10% of the voting population participating.

In comparison, the participation rate in the latest French presidential election was in the 70%, and that was considered low.

Americans simply don't understand what is required to keep a Democracy, but they understand lying to oneself and are pretty good at blaming others for their own woes.

May we find another MLK quick. History doesn't churn them out like that though.
Folks DON'T turn out.

The participation rate in the US 2020 elections was 50%, and that was record year.

People in the US routinely get elected with 10% of the voting population participating.

In comparison, the participation rate in the latest French presidential election was in the 70%, and that was considered low.

Americans simply don't understand what is required to keep a Democracy, but they understand lying to oneself and are pretty good at blaming others for their own woes.

May we find another MLK quick. History doesn't churn them out like that though.
No, no. Don't outline where the populace falls short. Let them get mad and post hot takes that ignore almost all context and history.

That last part. All of a sudden ebay/Amazon/Facebook have to navigate 50 different policies to sell all over the US.

We've reached a level of integration that is so deep that the only way for red states to do as they please is to break up the union with hard borders between state alliances; that, or taking over the federal government and make red state laws apply to the entire federation.
Folks DON'T turn out.

The participation rate in the US 2020 elections was 50%, and that was record year.

People in the US routinely get elected with 10% of the voting population participating.

In comparison, the participation rate in the latest French presidential election was in the 70%, and that was considered low.

Americans simply don't understand what is required to keep a Democracy, but they understand lying to oneself and are pretty good at blaming others for their own woes.

May we find another MLK quick. History doesn't churn them out like that though.

Like you said, record turnout for US in 2020. Control of the House, Senate, and WH. And yet, nothing. You got to work with what you got, they keep the same old playbook of asking for more votes knowing full well the Electoral College will forever be ****** by flyover rural states that are getting redder by the day and that we’ll probably never see 60 Democratic Senators again in this lifetime. We already know Americans ain’t as engaged as the rest of the world, especially with all the voting deterrents set up in Red states. Republicans been scheming and cheating to get their **** through. Dems were 2 election cycles late to the gerrymander party and even then still got screwed over by a liberal judge in New York. Meanwhile, we look and beg Democratic leadership like this

But they just sit on their hands and say we can’t do anything.
Again, I must ask, that people complaining about the Dem leadership not fighting back or doing something, spell out exactly they could have done to avoid this outcome. With validation they had the votes in Congress to do it.

Because these "do something" rants are not making sense given the situation.

Just seems like a general grievance with the Democratic Party's leadership (which have some truth to them) are being passed off as criticism of the party on this specific issue.

Like I read an article by Perry Bacon Jr. In the Washington Post and it is the same thing.

And at some point I wonder if people are so upset, know there is no easy way back, and are using going off on the Dems as some sort of cope.
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Folks DON'T turn out.

The participation rate in the US 2020 elections was 50%, and that was record year.

People in the US routinely get elected with 10% of the voting population participating.

In comparison, the participation rate in the latest French presidential election was in the 70%, and that was considered low.

Americans simply don't understand what is required to keep a Democracy, but they understand lying to oneself and are pretty good at blaming others for their own woes.

May we find another MLK quick. History doesn't churn them out like that though.
sadly those minority wins is what got GOP scoundrels voted in. this is exactly what the GOP is trying to protect right now by forming laws that would allow them to keep in power. allowing more people to vote would certainly doom their seats and that's why they are now trying to remove the mail-in ballot option and extended voting hours and install gop electors to do the counting and forming more electoral colleges on small red states. sadly, radical right wing supporters are crazy enough to even die for a stupid belief.
Like you said, record turnout for US in 2020.
What I meant to say by that is, for the "greatest democracy in the world," a record high turnout of 50% is ridiculous and laughable.

I feel your frustration. I think we are all frustrated with the state of things.

I also think that complaining about Democrats, in the face of the GOP war on democracy, is extremely counterproductive. Our ire should be directed towards the right. When that's settled, we can talk about ****ty Democrats.

Apparently, Chuck Grassley didn't expect Pence to be there to certify the votes. Why?
What I meant to say by that is, for the "greatest democracy in the world," a record high turnout of 50% is ridiculous and laughable.

I feel your frustration. I think we are all frustrated with the state of things.

I also think that complaining about Democrats, in the face of the GOP war on democracy, is extremely counterproductive. Our ire should be directed towards the right. When that's settled, we can talk about ****ty Democrats.

Apparently, Chuck Grassley didn't expect Pence to be there to certify the votes. Why?

true enough. we got way bigger problems to take care of. the radical GOP should be on the top priority list.
My dad is about to riot. For the past 30 years he’s been engineering stuff to make power plants pollute less.

This is bad but about what we were expecting (which is the new norm for this court)

The EPA has been telling power companies (who were mostly on the EPA's side in this regulation) how to produce power for decades

It's not a killing blow to regulation of CO2 but it does set up a killing blow for a subsequent case. I'm afraid it rules out any regulation of GHGs under the act that will transform the power sector (or other sectors) rapidly
He hasn’t worked in america for years but it’s just trash.

Kill everything as long as it saves you a little money short term. Long term it won’t.
have to ask why this guy is still not under arrest for treason after pleading the 5th considering he was the former National Security Advisor of the United States. I mean in the military, one took the oath of allegiance to the United States without reservations and to plead the 5th rather than to uphold that oath seems to be enough justification to put him under arrest.

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