***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Hold on tight… the Court may be on the verge of giving state legislatures the right to override your Constitutional rights to set elections to work however they see fit. North Carolina is in the eye of this storm

Reublicans trying to get:


Ol Palpatine *** ******
slap you emoticon.gif
Welp, this case might legit end what little is left of democracy in America...

This mid term election is do or die for democracy. We may never recover in our lifetime if the dems lose seats.
A damn shame that people truly don't care or understand how important this nov election is.
Back in March when Alito dissented from the decision not to overturn the NC Supreme Court on a whim without argument he began his dissent with:

"This case presents an exceptionally important and recurring question of constitutional law, namely, the extent of a
state court’s authority to reject rules adopted by a state legislature for use in conducting federal elections."

So exceptionally important and recurring that it has never been litigated or seriously applied in the history of the Republic

Until a modest concurrence in Bush v Gore, nobody had ever seriously questioned the power of state courts to interpret state law in the context of election administration

But, you see, it's exceptionally important and recurring
used to view the courts and especially the supreme court as the last line of defense, a non-partisan safety mechanism to protect this democracy.

well that's done with.

The first Court in any of our lifetimes where "anything goes"

For all of Alito's talk about the need for explicit textual reference to rights, he sure does love him some state sovereign immunity, which is nowhere mentioned in the constitution except in a provision that limits it more narrowly than the Justices have applied it

It's the unenumerated power that has swallowed everything
2016 was more impactful because it locked in undemocratic conservative power into place, but 2014 set it up.

If 2014 goes good, maybe you can avoid the fall out of 2016. 2014 we t horrible so it help the stars align for conservatives.

I’m interested to see how 2022 goes.
Weak *** Democratic Party lead by them old farts who make all these promises but all they do is hold hands, sing and read poetry while they reminisce about bipartisan yesteryears and line their own pockets. That **** ended the moment Obama was elected 14 years ago. Yet, same old playbook. Keep begging for votes, folks turnout and don’t do ****. Meanwhile, GOP plotting and executing all these year. Biden’s sloth *** won’t even call out Manchin or Sinema for their ****ty conduct. Just label them Republicans and be done with it so the average person not hip into politics can see it ain’t a 50-50 Senate. Don’t know why I keep voting for these bums.
Even if this Court was constituted without hijinks (let's not even touch Ginni Thomas), it has clearly lost its legitimacy. Its opinions are so extreme and so dismissive of precedent, there is simply no way to justify its exercise of veto power over democratically elected laws

The entire premise of judicial independence and review is that judges aren't political actors, are insulated from political pressure, and what they do is apply the law in an even-handed fashion. To use Roberts' old and well worn analogy, judges "call balls and strikes"

Well, if judges demonstrate over time that they have no interest whatsoever in respecting the decisions of those who came before them, then they aren't "calling balls and strikes" at all

The Roberts Court pre-Trump could fairly be characterized as "calling balls and strikes" like umpire Eric Gregg, who insisted he should be permitted to apply "his" strike zone

The Trump Court doesn't even have that legitimacy. It's transparently aimed at achieving a single outcome, with no deference or attention paid to established rules or norms
2000 was a very consequential election but in regards to the make up of the current court it didn't mean that much. Bush did not get to appoint anyone during his first term. So the Dems could have made up for it in 2004. However the incumbency advantage did help Bush a lot.

To be honest the left has been catching Ls when it comes to Supreme Court appointments for a while. It was just after 14 and 16, the reactionary right finally made the left pay big time for their missteps
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