***Official Political Discussion Thread***

“I immediately thought that someone had chosen to deface the building and attempt to make it appear that it was leftist radicals that had done it by writing BLM and Antifa,” Chip Sharpe, a member of the church, said. “It looked to me like they were trying to say, ‘OK, this was put here by us antifa BLM nuts,’ I don’t think I would have believed that antifa or BLM, whatever that organization is, would have anything to do with it anyway.”

Wok-Up sounds like an overpriced Asian pop-up run by a beanie wearing white guy
In addition, a Unitarian universalist church (the leftmost christian denomination I know of) was hit. They could make it more believable by spray painting a traditional fire and brimstone church.
To be fair they’ve been doing dry runs of forgiveness before. Even if this was the way they were moving don’t give people false hope.
I don't even get what your complaint is to be honest. They tried to make the forgiveness as widespread as possible, they saw a angle that might give conservatives a easy win so they moved to try to close it.

I have no idea what "dry-runs" you are referring to.

If they didn't want to give anyone false hope, the they would do no forgiveness at all.

Because their is still the threat a judge kills this whole thing.
I don't even get what your complaint is to be honest. They tried to make the forgiveness as widespread as possible, they saw a angle that might give conservatives a easy win so they moved to try to close it.

I have no idea what "dry-runs" you are referring to.

If they didn't want to give anyone false hope, the they would do no forgiveness at all.

Because their is still the threat a judge kills this whole thing.

I think the expectation management for the possibility of losing the whole deal has been better. If the Republicans mount a successful legal challenge, then, sure, you come off as impotent, but that’s already your brand; you have an election issue or two (judges are important!) and at least you had good reason to think your attempt would work.

If you’re perceived as walking something back and you blame it on something you could have known the whole time, it just comes off like you were unprepared. You’re the “fun dad” who promises Mickey Mouse on your weekend without researching ticket prices first, “sorry buddy.”

I mean, better to get in front of these things as early as possible: I think the complaint here is that optics/politics wise, they could and should have gotten in front of this earlier.
I mean, better to get in front of these things as early as possible: I think the complaint here is that optics/politics wise, they could and should have gotten in front of this earlier.
I think that’s real. I have lawyer friends reposting and trashing admin. Most people don’t understand what’s going on here
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