***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The shortsightedness of people is what makes politics so dirty. Politicians can get away with whatever because people will always spite a politician who does more for a politician who does less to "teach a lesson", when the "lesson" is they lose their job and now you're stuck with the guy who raped 3 girls in college and thinks your job is a cover for a pedophile ring. Have fun.
I love the smell of shortsightedness in October.

I'll see you in January for the tears of regret.
The republican running for governor's big plan for education is "school choice"

His goal is to destroy the teachers union power, but because Democrats won't commit to spending billions they don't have, they willing to let the chips fall where they may 🤷‍♂️

Even funnier, some of the people in charge of this decision have told other people that they are not that worried because......Dems might hold a chamber in the State Legislature and be able to block any major changes :smh:
I need to see what’s up with the old man, and the Aiiiiinnnnteeeeeffffffuuuuhhh graffiti :lol:


The 2s should have been dead giveaway that it is fake. No way a civilized person would write them like that.
Also that he didn't get the "antifa logo" right. That's an anarchy logo. These people don't even research before they vandalise their own property :lol:
Man I wonder why the Dapper Don is having so much trouble getting a reputable lawyer.

Some real scumbaggery from the other lawyer(s) here too. No sympathy for Bobb though, she's been rambling about how Trump won the election, well before she became one of his lawyers.



Now she's trying to drag down the other lawyers :lol:

But not Trump. I'm sure he really said/meant that they should cooperate with the DOJ. Definitely a true statement.
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