***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Oh, the GOP is going to file articles of impeachment against Biden over and over when they take control of the house. All so they can say that Trump wasn't impeached as many times as Biden. Congress will come to a complete halt for the next two years. No legitimate legislation, just impeachment hearings.
Republicans are a death cult on one hand and the equivalent of an American version of the Taliban on the other. However, they scream as loud as they can that they love Christ….

Someone make it make sense

Cuomo bike!? and in the middle Ye' f'ery
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Immediately following the 2016 election, Masha Gessen published their seminal article “Autocracy: Rules for Survival.” Their first three rules were: Believe the autocrat, do not be taken in by small signs of normality, and your institutions will not save you. People who exist in the center and center-left have consistently failed at adhering to the first two: Too many of them still regard Donald Trump and the GOP’s talk of single-party rule as hyperbole aimed at the base, and fail to see Joe Biden’s first two years in office as what they really are—the calm eye of the fascist storm—hoping to see them as proof that normalcy has reasserted itself.

"America is back!" LOL

The worst level of Pollyannaism applies to rule three, however. After states failed to overturn elections in 2020 and the court systems almost universally rejected Trump’s attempts, there has been a feeling that the guardrails of democracy held and that the danger is not imminent. For anyone paying closer attention, those guardrails have continued to weaken and are in the process of failing long before the next aspiring autocrat chooses to test them.

One of the crucial steps in destroying a democracy and reshaping a society is to capture the referees and circumscribe their power. After the attempts to overturn the election failed, rather than learning the lesson that they shouldn’t try to undermine the rule of law, the thieves surmised that they just needed better patsies to rubber-stamp their authoritarian impulses. To rush this along, the GOP has purged almost every elected leader who won’t go along with it. Two-thirds of Republican members of the House voted to overturn the 2020 election, and those who didn’t have been retiring or primaried at a terrifying rate.

We can already see the system cracking and breaking everywhere under the pressure of a corrupted judiciary and institutions packed with unqualified partisan hacks. The most obvious example of this is the criminal investigations into former President Trump. Although Trump was effectively caught red-handed attempting to hold onto top-secret documents, Aileen Cannon, a Trump-appointed district judge, issued a series of bizarre rulings that does everything possible to shield him from prosecution. Similarly, judges in Texas have been refusing to uphold subpoenas from Georgia prosecutors over Trump’s interference in the election there.

In Ohio, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana, Republican legislators have repeatedly submitted gerrymandered maps that courts have found violate state or federal law. The solution they found was not to draw maps that are legal but instead to keep submitting illegal maps and waiting for the courts to rule that it’s too close to the election to do anything about it. The result: Republicans pick up an extra five to seven seats in the House in a cycle where control of Congress will likely come down to just a few seats. If Republicans take the House, they are promising to use it to create a circus of subpoenas and impeachment hearings against Hunter Biden, Merrick Garland, and President Biden, while shutting down federal investigations of President Trump.
This is going to lead to there being a lot of marks for the right and Red Pill dudes to take advantage of

I wish they could some how add to this the number of dudes that thought they were doing it in high school and college and now are on a 10 year dry spell because of their trash political/conspiracy takes.

I have 2 "friends" that are conservatives and complain all the time about dating being impossible and not having been laid in years because of the app algorithm. Not once realizing as soon as a women they date finds their social media and sees all the pro Trump propaganda they ghost you. "I don't get it...we had such a good date" "I dont understand we both like dogs and going for hikes in the woods"
Did you ask her if she worships at the Joe Rogan alter? Or if she is pro-life? oh you didn't...but that's what your social media depicts? Yeah crazy she ghosted you famb
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I am going to scream....

I thought they were joking and laughed before I realized they were serious. I told them it wasn't actual money and they argued it was and that it was from Trump himself. My supervisor came over and tried to tell them the same but they said you could tell it was real gold and it's from the US treasury and that Bank of America would cash it for them. I told them it was a scam and asked if they paid for it, they said yes but got really quiet when I asked how much before they took it and left.

Are these the folks he wants to meet in the middle?
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