***Official Political Discussion Thread***

But will it stick is all im wondering, ie will anyone with a positive view of him actually change their mind with this? Granted thats probably impossible for most his followers :lol: but just interested to see how it all shakes out
You're right.

It won't change how his supporters see him. Dudes are still convinced that "Democrats are behind the Trump 'witch hunt'."
gonna need to keep this handy.
Someone tried that BS with me and I asked if Biden was handling official US government business like Ivanka and Jr were. Dude went on a tangent about some audio files of Hunter supposedly involving Joe in his affairs.

I can't with these people...
I don’t talk politics with randoms. Not worth it.

If you ask I’ll tell you who I voted for and why but that’s it. No point in arguing with someone dumber than you.
Not a random; a relative. That's the only reason I even engaged after he brought up the Trump indictment.

Dude has been deep into conspiracy theories since I've known him.
Ron DeSantis should be bathing in champagne right now with his favorite hooker and making deals
Not defending Trump like a dummy, he's easily your biggest obstacle to becoming president :lol:
This indictment ain’t stopping Trump from winning that nomination though. And he’s trying not to alienate the MAGA folks in the event he needs their votes later :lol:
DeSantis should just wait until 2028

He is slipping in the polls already. He is not a skilled politician. He is not naturally charismatic. He has bad political instincts. He depends too much on conservatives spoon-feeding him wins.

He only looks like he has a chance when he dominates the conservative news cycle

That hasn't been happening since the beginning of the year, and it definitely won't happen now

Conservative elites want to get rid of Trump, but they routinely undermine their efforts to manufacture a consensus on the issue
Ron DeSantis should be bathing in champagne right now with his favorite hooker and making deals
Not defending Trump like a dummy, he's easily your biggest obstacle to becoming president :lol:

Privately, he probably is celebrating. But he has to project a public persona that he’s ride or die for Trump.

Obviously running on a platform of “I love the Donald” begs the question, why are YOU running against him then? I think that DeSantis knows this but he’s hoping that Trump gets incarcerated or dies soon so DeSantis can take over the MAGA bloc. I don’t think that’s be possible but DeSantis knows that openly criticizing Trump would cause his chances of ever being a GOP POTUS because he’d be labeled a “RINO” and he’d be a pariah with the people whose votes he may one day need.
It's been so long I legit can't even remember when he was. Maybe when he first left KC I probably thought he was decent at the time

That was a very short stint before the exposure started to unveil itself
Using CVS and locked up Tylenol to deflect from your pops, a former President of the United States, get indicted on 30+ counts is a bold strategy. You think coming from a family of criminals and being one himself that he was familiar with shoplifting but that may be too small time of a crime for them. ******* idiot :smh:
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