***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The right wing judges are sick, sick people

Rotten biblethumping scum back at it again.


Rotten biblethumping scum back at it again.



All you have to do in this country is find a judge who agrees with you and nothing else matters. My company won a lawsuit, and the plaintiff found some 95-year-old judge who was basically the Crypt Keeper to appeal to, and he tossed the jury's decision out. We could have appealed further, but it would have been a waste of time and money.

As an economist, as a liberal, and as a person that has debates, I am embarrassed for Larry Summers here.

Summers are so oblivious as to how out of touch he sounds when Stewart applies a little pressure

If you are gonna defend the Fed's actions, there is one obvious way to do it. You blame Congress

Congress can attack inflation by taxing high earners more. Then use that money to subsidize people that lose their jobs. On the aggregate, it would have a deflationary effect.

And that way the Fed doesn't need to keep interest rates so high for so long

But instead, this dude does with some bizarro combination of defending CEOs and bringing up low-income marginalized groups

I cringed when he brought up Apple and though Stewart wouldn't dare say they should charge less
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Right after Trump got rid of Weisselberg’s lawyer..
If the charges and evidence are what’s already been reported, it does sound like a very tough case to win for the prosecutors.
Trump tried to write off getting oral sex as paying for his guest’s meal during a campaign event.

Clinton had Monica Lewinsky but Trump had to beat the Clinton’s again.
Either way I would suggest people don’t get their hopes up. Regardless of whatever the strength of the case turns out to be, he’s still a rich white man with a cultist following at the end of the day.
Famb, I have zero confidence he faces any real consequences for any of his illegal activity

I just want to see a perp walk happen

I need a new screen saver for my office workstation
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This is the only article I've read about it...not really a breakdown

From what I read there is no detailed breakdown because the original bill is not something ready to be passed

It was just a thrown-together outline for members of the Senate to onto to show they support legislation in the area

So more symbolism than substance. That is why it is so vague

When they is the bill written for a serious floor vote, then we will get more detail a more detailed breakdown
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