***Official Political Discussion Thread***


This aged like fine wine, little face big head!
What a ****ing A**hole!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬

The replies are pretty nuts - saying that that’s not what he said but what he actually said is that the democrats are using this sort of thing to try and enact change - that’s what he meant by using these kids as hostages.

I’m not sure that’s any better? Isn’t that what responsible lawmakers are supposed to do? I have no idea why kids being murdered has become a partisan issue.
As some of my Chicano (and very online) comrades have been saying lately, that’s some powerful vosotros energy right there.
Top 3 candidates for president ladies and gentlemen’s

Demented/Genocide Joe
Illiterate/smelly/felon Trump
And Zion RFK


Don't even compare the two dude! Remember one actually served his country in the military and the other had daddy pay his doctors to fake bone spurs to get out of the draft!
Serious question
U believe just because he served in the military
That makes him better???
I dislike when people use that serving of the country
As an argument for anything
This same country
That treated people of color
Who served just as much if not more
Than the majority in this country
Came home
And got treated like scum
Not to mention
The facade folks be putting on about veterans
And those who served
When if yall REALLY gave 2 *****
They wouldn’t be struggling for benefits
Or Their damn health when they came home
I think I’ve gotten away from my point
Not even sure what it is anymore
Just tired of the hypocrisy
And fake caring America does
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