***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I truly think the switch to “weird” has been one of the smarter strategies Democrats have utilized when it comes to their messaging.

While true, “existential threat to our democracy” is only gonna resonate with your base and it’s just gonna come off as over-dramatic to those that don’t follow politics closely. “Weird” casts a way wider net of people it appeals to.

He literally repeated "a little bit of a ding dong" three times. Someone has literally written this out as a zinger that they think is going to stick? I suppose some octogenarian watching Fox news on repeat might find that compelling??? Yikes.
She secured $4.2B in commitments from the private sector aimed at improving local job opportunities to reduce migration pressure from Central America.

She secured $16B in funding to go to HBCUs.
And yet the migrants kept coming…. Also, would’ve made a lot more sense to secure billions for HBCUs if Biden’s promise of free public college and free HBCU tuition was fulfilled… Another lie.
Funny that "weird" is hitting. They were genuinely unaware, like when they found out The Boys was making fun of them this whole time.
Haven’t watched all of that show, but they didn’t know homelander wasn’t a good guy? Knew they didn’t get underlying messages from some of the music they choose to campaign with. :rofl: :rofl:

Really can’t help themselves. He should’ve asked what poll has the word ding dong in it. Need hosts to start asking if trump is the smart one here, why did he threaten schools to not release his transcripts and SATs. Why did he want to inject bleach and what did he think ultraviolet light would do for Covid.

Ask the gop do they think because Trump’s uncle taught at mit, does that make him smart somehow. And do we plan to keep our shores safe by nuking hurricanes for the next 4 years.

Man’s an idiot in addition to being racist and sexist.
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And yet the migrants kept coming…. Also, would’ve made a lot more sense to secure billions for HBCUs if Biden’s promise of free public college and free HBCU tuition was fulfilled… Another lie.
No funding, democrat or republican, is ever going to stop migration. It was meant to slow it down. And the Biden/Harris administration was thwarted at many turns because of DINOs Manchin and Sinema.

You’re disingenuous af. Why is the onus always on Dems to provide perfection when Republicans always get a pass? Rusty said it years ago, voters like you don’t want a president, you want Santa Claus.
Being called “weird” hurts their feelings that much?


They hate it because it indicates that we don’t fear them.

They love when liberals are publicly and visibility in distress and talking about them being a threat to democracy is something they love. It makes those people feel powerful. Even if they didn’t win the election, they got to terrify their enemies.

It’s the digital equivalent of dressing like ghosts and riding on horseback around where your political enemies sleep at night.

Somebody from the DNC heard “Not Like Us” and said that’s how we’ll beat them.

And you know what, they were right.

It’s a poetic punishment that they are now the ones now being excluded from mainstream American life.

If you’re searching for ideological consistency in the contemporary Republican Party, the only real constant is its reinforcement of existing hierarchies:


They want us to believe that “pronatalism” is a response to some sort of brewing population crisis despite insisting, when it comes to immigration, that “America is full.”

We desperately need babies, but for some reason those babies can’t belong to immigrants.

And this has nothing to do about racial demography, even though “White genocide” is a hot topic at “NatalCon” and the movement’s “thought leaders” look like Indiana Jones villains:

I will believe this has nothing to do with eugenics or patriarchy when they give all the so-called “welfare queens”, parents of “anchor babies”, and single mothers they’ve spent the past few decades demonizing an apology for their patriotic procreation.

The biggest difference between the 1985 Handmaids’ Tale Book and the show is that in the Book, the reactionary christo-fascists deport all the Black people to the nuclear eradiated no man’s land of what was the Dakotas. Basically, a much larger version of the Gaza Strip.

In the 2017 Show, the regime that emerges in the face of an actual fertility crisis is race neutral.

It changes the whole dynamic and I think that if things got to the point of full, formal fascism, the book version would be more likely to play out.


Vance is so singularly bad at politics that his proposals to strip single people of voting power and their money not only mobilized the opposition, it split the right’s coalition. The most racists parts of the coalition said that it would empower minorities/“welfare queens.” Meanwhile, the libertarian right is sticking to its belief that only rich people should have families and that poor families are subsidized enough already. The only group who likes Vance’s policy ideas is a vanishingly small subset of adult Catholic converts and/or incels who like the idea of having a large family.

I’m really amazed just how badly they blundered this VP pick.
Vance is not even a good speaker, at least Pence carried a segment with him and was a good politician. Vance is a snooze fest ZZZzzZZZ

Trump made the choice under the assumption that Biden would never step down (a reasonable one) and that it wouldn't matter who his pick was. As cunning a politician as Trump is, I think Bidens debate performance surprised even him.
No funding, democrat or republican, is ever going to stop migration. It was meant to slow it down. And the Biden/Harris administration was thwarted at many turns because of DINOs Manchin and Sinema.

You’re disingenuous af. Why is the onus always on Dems to provide perfection when Republicans always get a pass? Rusty said it years ago, voters like you don’t want a president, you want Santa Claus.
Migrants increased significantly even with all that money? Hows that happen? Apparently trump is far from santa clause if you take everything he says personally
Vance is not even a good speaker, at least Pence carried a segment with him and was a good politician. Vance is a snooze fest ZZZzzZZZ

Trump made the choice under the assumption that Biden would never step down (a reasonable one) and that it wouldn't matter who his pick was. As cunning a politician as Trump is, I think Bidens debate performance surprised even him.

Pence was a talk show radio host.
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