I highly disagree. Not all of them. There is ONE president (from 2008-2016)….who’s seen a decline in popularity. The public sentiment on Barry is low. Especially with OUR people. Lower than it really should be. And so many factors for that. But alas, he was the president of the US that continued its policies…so some is warranted, but he not going to get any credit for any rose colored lenses….and it’s understandable. Maybe like 20 years down the line, when the next gen discovers right wing propaganda and its destruction. No hope at all for this current timeline.
No (R) by his name for Biden. ****, you may need a “TR” (Trump Republican) to get good press. Even Bush’s standing is even worse now, than a few years ago…because he’s now somehow seen as a RINO
Biden did some good, but he really missed on connecting with the public. And part of it is him being old as dirt and clueless….plus the landscape and the public being misinformed, uneducated and against his admin. Even so, he still on a perception basis had an uphill battle.
No more 80 year old white dudes in power.