***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Because I'm sure everything Obama was pushing through (only using him because he's the current President) was bipartisan based??? 

Brah the GOP fight Obama on everything. Obama literally invites these dudes to the White House for a bipartisan meeting, they reject it, and instead hold a press conference bashing Obama saying he is not willing to work with them. At the same scheduled time the White House meeting would have taken place.

Obama has been willing to comprise, GOP has not

i wish more people in this country understood this...:smh: it is hard for him to get stuff done because the GOP agenda is simply to say no to him. but this was obvious from the getgo, and yet, people want to blame obama. and this was apparent from day one, when he was called a liar on the congressional floor by a congressman...and no1 questioned bush when he gave his argument for going into the iraq after 9-11 :smh:

this past year has been so :x in politics. all one needs to do is read up and get informed. don't expect life to be perfect in 4 yrs or 8 yrs. i only expected obama to put us on the right track...not fix all our problems entirely.

i think many people have a problem with someone of color in a position of power, the highest position of power, in our gov't and regardless if mitt is full of ****, they will vote for him to put the white back in the white house. and btw, if clinton would've been elected, HER life wouldn't be any better than obama's.

...sigh, but what's the point of talking if no1 wants to listen...

check the latest 60 minutes, they did a piece on it.
great timing too, to let people realize that it's not the president's fault.
Because I'm sure everything Obama was pushing through (only using him because he's the current President) was bipartisan based??? 

Brah the GOP fight Obama on everything. Obama literally invites these dudes to the White House for a bipartisan meeting, they reject it, and instead hold a press conference bashing Obama saying he is not willing to work with them. At the same scheduled time the White House meeting would have taken place.

Obama has been willing to comprise, GOP has not

i wish more people in this country understood this...:smh: it is hard for him to get stuff done because the GOP agenda is simply to say no to him. but this was obvious from the getgo, and yet, people want to blame obama. and this was apparent from day one, when he was called a liar on the congressional floor by a congressman...and no1 questioned bush when he gave his argument for going into the iraq after 9-11 :smh:

this past year has been so :x in politics. all one needs to do is read up and get informed. don't expect life to be perfect in 4 yrs or 8 yrs. i only expected obama to put us on the right track...not fix all our problems entirely.

i think many people have a problem with someone of color in a position of power, the highest position of power, in our gov't and regardless if mitt is full of ****, they will vote for him to put the white back in the white house. and btw, if clinton would've been elected, HER life wouldn't be any better than obama's.

...sigh, but what's the point of talking if no1 wants to listen...

Like I said earlier, this is an obstructionist congress. They were biting off their nose to spite their face for the last four years & it looks like it's trending to them losing seats in the senate however it looks like they got a majority in the house (the last time I saw numbers)...
Romney camp conceded Ohio in their campaign's polling, they're finished. Even Fox knows its damn near impossible

I know this my comment is directed at all the people who seem shocked by the west coast like it is a big deal how he suddenly took this huge lead. There was no question that he was going to take that lead given those states are heavily democratic
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